Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 160 -Jing Huixing’s trip

The end of the semester has arrived as scheduled.

Flora sent Xixiu prediction questions, and Xixiu worked all night, stuffing all the questions and possible drawings into his head.

Although she doesn't know so many stars, her memory is incredible!

After finishing the exam, Xixiu felt relieved.

However, the 626 group collectively lamented in their internal group...

Tarasha: Why is the question so difficult this time?

Flora: Yes, waterfall〒_〒

Su Jinbao: There are several that I haven’t drawn yet

Enwit: Guess how many I can draw?

Collectively asked: How much? You won’t be able to draw all of them, right?

Enwit: A long series of tears...and six more that I don't remember...

Wu Jingxian: I also have two more that I haven’t painted yet

Hong Xixiu:......

The group asked: Why is Mr. Hong an ellipsis?

Hong Xixiu: Because I painted them all!


Hong Xixiu: Well, I took the test from a book that was not on the star map bookshelf. Ahem, it was an ancient book... Then, I just happened to memorize it, so...

It’s unreasonable!

Wu Jingxian: You, what do you want us to say?

Xixiu spread her hands, she didn't know.

She just happened to have memorized all the books on star chart drawing possible.

Su Jinbao: Mr. Hong, next time you have this kind of question, please be sure to send it to us for sharing.

Hong Xixiu: Great!

The other five people continued to cry for a while, praying not to fail the exam. Failure would be too, too, too embarrassing for 626.

When everyone saw the results on the third day, their expressions were indescribable.

Because Xixiu got straight A's.

Even star chart drawing, which she is not good at, is excellent.

Su Jinbao firmly believed that Xixiu was cheating.

Enwit thought that his roommate was already so good, but Tarasha and the others were not surprised.

Xixiu stayed up all night for almost a week before the exam, and with her usual hard work, she expected to get this result.

After the results came out, some were happy and some were sad.

All members of 626 passed and there was no need to retake the exam. Enwit returned to Aola, Su Jinbao and Tarasha stayed to train, and Axian quietly returned to Anweil.

Everyone agreed to meet again in a month, and then we would check whether there was any deterioration in martial arts.

Xixiu and Xue Fanhui boarded the starship to Jinghuixing. Xue Fanhui rarely had a holiday.

After she followed Master Jian, this was the only vacation she got.

After twelve hours of sailing, Xue Fanhui and Xixiu arrived at the third star port in Jinghuixing, where Zhen had been waiting early.

The two of them had calculated the time before coming, so it was evening in Jing Huixing's evening.

Starport was brightly lit and many people were passing by in a hurry.

Everyone is a stranger.

Xixiu and Xue Fanhui stood at the exit of Star Port.

My first impression of this galaxy is that it is very sentimental. Even the architecture of the star port is different from other galaxies in the alliance.

The buildings here look very artistic.

The facilities are also convenient, and the application of technology is outrageous.

For example, when they got off the starship, a robot gave them a means of transportation, which was a mini energy vehicle.

Standing on it, pressing the switch and entering the destination, people and objects can be sent there as long as it is within the range of this star port.

"Xiuxiu, Fanhui, I'm here." Zhen waved to the crowd.

Xi Xiu and Xue Fanhui had already seen the beautiful Zhen Meiren standing not far away, jumping and waving with joy.

Zhen ran over happily and hugged Xixiu and Xue Fanhui. Her tone was a little excited and a little squeamish, "You guys miss me so much."

The three of them have been separated for two years. This is the first time that the three of them have met after leaving Ningkui Star to study in other galaxies.

"We miss you too. Have you been bullied by anyone?" Xue Fanhui hugged Zhen tightly.

"No, I have met a lot of people here. Generally speaking, they are not as belligerent as those in your school. We are all civilized people who can use words and never use force."

Xue Fanhui really wanted to give Zhen a hard time.

When you are happy, you will not think about danger, do you understand?

"Okay, Fan Hui, you don't know Zhen's temperament yet, so you won't suffer a loss." Xixiu stretched out his hand, holding Zhen with his left hand, and Xue Fanhui with his right hand. The three friends got along like they did when they were children, and left happily. The star port.

Zhen took Xixiu and the others to a hotel next to the school. After registering the information with the robot, the ingredients Zhen had ordered before arrived.

"Now, this is what I'm telling you. Jing Huixing's specialty is pretty good. Although it's not as good as Xixiu's craftsmanship, it's better than nothing. Hurry up and eat them all."

Xixiu looked at the portion for at least six people in front of her and said, "Zhen, do you have any misunderstanding about our food intake!"

Xue Fanhui was also shocked, "We usually use nutritional supplements to keep us full, but this is obviously enough for two days!"

"Hey, I, I'm afraid you'll be hungry. Eat. If you've eaten tonight, we won't be able to go out for a walk tomorrow."

Xixiu had no choice but to pick up the box and start eating.

Xue Fanhui followed.

Zhen looked on with a happy face.

"Why don't you eat?" Xue Fan said in a fog.

"I don't feel hungry anymore when I see you eating." Xixiu was speechless, "Are we your nutrition?"

Zhen shook her head vigorously, fully agreeing with Xixiu's words, "Hurry, or Fan Hui and I won't be able to finish the food without bursting our bellies."

"Okay." Zhen shared it with Xixiu and Xiu while eating, "This is delicious, and this..."

The three girls ate happily.

Xue Fanhui and Xixiu were really exhausted.

Xixiu and Xue Fanhui looked at each other's bulging bellies and couldn't help laughing.

The laughter as clear as a bell echoed in the hotel room. Youthful years are so beautiful.

The three girls, who were too full to move, lay directly on their backs on the bed.

Outside the hotel, the night quietly covered up the light of the stars. The two satellites of Jinghuixing had risen, and the ground was covered with silver light.

Zhen reported to the two sisters about her school life in the past two years. Generally speaking, it was smooth, with no dangers or twists and turns.

Xue Fanhui briefly described her and Xixiu's life in Gaia, but Zhen could still hear the hardship involved.

"You must pay attention to safety when you go out for training in the future. I can't help you, but I can pray for you." I pray that you can come back safely every time.

"Don't worry. It's really dangerous. We will run away. The training students participate in is not the kind of mission that requires death. If we can't defeat it, we can retreat." Xue Fanhui did not finish the rest of his words.

If it is a real battlefield, the mission received is that sacrifice must be completed.

All for the alliance.

"Zhen, it's not as dangerous as you think. Moreover, Fan Hui and I have improved a lot in strength in the past two years and are no longer the same."

Xue Fanhui has become more and more proficient in weapon design. He has also received excellent grades in the combat department and has not slacked off for a moment in the past two years.

They have all grown up a lot.

The same goes for Zhen. She remembers Xixiu's words firmly. In the past two years at Jinghuixing, she has excelled in studies, has no difficulties in life, and has not forgotten her training.

The ten years of living with Xixiu and the others taught her a lot.

The three of them had a good night's rest in the hotel, lying side by side on the bed, dreaming of the beautiful days of their youth.

Book friends, do you have any wonderful moments of youth that you can share? hey-hey

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