Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 162 - Dungeon

After Zhen swiped her ID, a transparent ball transmission device popped up. The three of them stood on it and went underground in an instant.

This place is a little different from the underground city Xixiu visited many years ago.

There are not so many various shops here, and the streets look neat, orderly and clean.

There is no difference between it and the ground. The air circulation system is so designed that you can't even feel that it is underground.

There are actually many other species here, not just humans.

Different from the Tianning satellite that Xixiu arrived at when he first left Huangxing Q68, the shops here simply hung a sign and did not use various tricks such as smart phones and voice images to attract customers.

"I didn't expect that the underground would be more prosperous than the ground." Xue Fanhui was also attracted by the dazzling array of products here.

Everything is for sale.

Some products are still from a long time ago, including electronics, smart phones, food packaging, clothes, everything.

I didn’t expect that Jing Huixing has so many features!

Xixiu watched intently. Many items here could tell the history of the alliance's changes.

Even the alliance from a thousand years ago was much more technologically advanced than her hometown.

"Is there anything in particular you want to buy back? The price is quite cheap and you can collect it." Zhen is very familiar with this place. She and her roommates come here almost every month.

There is a lot to learn here.

She and her roommate Nie Xien also worked here for a semester, mainly to learn some of the history of the alliance from these daily necessities and increase their knowledge reserves.

Xixiu thought that if she bought them back, she would put them in the space. In fact, they didn't have a place to settle down yet, so she decided to forget it, so she shook her head, "Let's wait until they retire and settle down."

Xue Fanhui did buy a few weapon models. The shape of a first-generation mecha attracted her. It looked very interesting. Maybe she could improve it and turn it into a new shape, so she bought it.

The sellers and packagers are basically robots, and payment is made directly to the shop owner's terminal, which is convenient and fast.

There are only a few shops where the shopkeepers sell goods in person. There is no forced buying or selling. It is very casual and free.

In the underground city, the three of them walked from the shops in the east to the amusement area in the west, and also had a good time in the amusement area.

The atmosphere of life in the underground city is very strong, and it is worthy of being an educational galaxy.

There are traces of education everywhere.

But it doesn't feel oppressive.

On the contrary, it feels like taking a breath of spring breeze and wandering in the ocean of knowledge.

Tired of shopping, the three of them entered a store selling drinks and ordered Jing Huixing's specialty drinks from the robot.

Then I sat in the store and looked at the scenery outside. The store was very quiet and there were not many customers. Most of the people in the alliance were quality people and rarely made loud noises in public.

Zhen whispered to Xixiu: "Xiuxiu, you must have had a lot of training."

"Well, I probably spend ten hours a day in the training room." They have many courses, all of which require hands-on training.

Xixiu briefly talked about their courses. These are no secrets in the alliance.

It can also be found on the Star Network, and in addition to the First Military Academy here in Gaia, the Alliance also has a Second Military Academy in Anvil, and there are also Third to Seventh Military Academy in Liuzhao.

The emphasis is different, but the courses studied are generally not much different.

Only the courses at the First Military Academy are very demanding. You must get 14 excellent grades in fifteen courses before you can graduate successfully.

"When I grow up a bit, I will go to Gaia to see you, but I may not be able to do that until I graduate."

Their school will organize a group activity to go to Gaia on the eve of graduation. If they go with the school, they should be reassured about her safety.

"Okay, then we can still see each other before I go to serve, but we will only see each other holographically."

Xue Fanhui will definitely serve in the weapons design department in the future. He probably won't have to go to the border fortress. He may only go out on occasional missions.

The rest of the time should be spent in the laboratory.

After finishing their drinks, the three of them continued shopping.

Walking on the street in the basement, Xixiu looked at Jing Huixing's introduction in the central square of the underground city, as if in a dream.

The eighteen years since I came to the league have passed by like nothing.

The hard work involved cannot be appreciated by outsiders.

Her state of mind also changed several times, and growing into what she is today was something she had never imagined before.

Xue Fanhui had the same emotion as Xixiu, but more importantly, she was one step closer to her goal.

Unknowingly, they reached the noisiest part of the underground city, where many people gathered.

The three people looked outside for a while and found that someone was fighting.

Unexpectedly, there are also militants among education stars.

Originally the three of them had no intention of watching, but when they were about to leave, someone called Xue Fanhui's name.

Xue Fanhui thought for a while and remembered that Master Jian's other disciple Xiao Wenjiu was from Jinghuixing, so he turned to look at the source of the sound.

"Hello, Senior Xiao Wenjiu."

"I didn't expect to meet Xue Mei here. You and your friends are here to play, why don't you tell me in advance so that I can be your host." Xiao Wenjiu's eyes fell on Xi Xiu inadvertently.

This surprised Xixiu.

She thought about her performance in school, and it would be wise for Xiao Wenjiu not to pay attention to her.

After all, they are not in the same major.

She confirmed that she had never met Xiao Wenjiu before.

Xue Fanhui also noticed, "Why bother senior? I'm just here to see my friends."

What does Xiao Wenjiu mean? Why is staring at Xixiu so uncomfortable?

As a close disciple of Master Jian, Xue Fanhui is much more talented than Xiao Wenjiu.

The two of them studied with Master Jian, they didn't have much contact with each other in private, and they worked on their own projects.

Xiao Wenjiu knew that the weapons made by Xue Fanhui were for Hong Xixiu, so he was curious about Hong Xixiu and paid special attention to the strength ranking of the combat department.

So I discovered a very interesting phenomenon.

Hong Xixiu's official data when she entered the school were obviously different from the strength she showed.

He was exploring how Hong Xixiu did it, or whether she hid her true strength.

How did you avoid the detection equipment?

If he solves this mystery, he should get a big surprise.

A child who comes out of a nursery has no background and has not been classified as within anyone's sphere of influence. It should be easy to deal with.

As for the Anweil ​​people, it was impossible to follow her all the time. Hong Xixiu would always be alone.

"I'll invite you to the amusement park." Xiao Wenjiu said flatteringly.

Xixiu instinctively dislikes this person and is a bit pretentious.

Xue Fanhui knew that Xixiu never liked to approach people, and she didn't like this senior brother very much. "No, thank you, senior. We just came over there and want to go back and rest."

"I'll send you wherever you live. I'm familiar with this place." After saying this, Xiao Wenjiu used the terminal to call the teleportation device.

Don't give Xue Fanhui and the others a chance to refuse.

Xixiu lowered his head and thought.

This person is difficult to deal with.

How to pass the time?

Xue Fanhui looked at Xiao Wenjiu and entered the transmission device first, followed by Xixiu and Zhen.

After a while, they arrived at the ground. The three of them said nothing on the way. Xiao Wenjiu sent the three of them to the hotel, stayed there for a while and then left.

"Xixiu, have you met Xiao Wenjiu before?" Xue Fanhui stood by the window, watching Xiao Wenjiu's leaving figure. He actually waved in the direction of their room, behind his back.

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