Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 170 - The storm subsides

After reading this technical post, the students realized that they were being led around by the nose.

After a while, Gan Mufu's terminal was occupied by messages, all asking him to explain.

Gan Mufu didn't expect that someone would pick this out, so he directly contacted the other end.

"How can I explain these loopholes? It was you who said there must be no problem at first, but now the hole is getting bigger and bigger, and I can't fix it anymore." Gan Mufu wanted to throw the blame directly.

The message was lost, and no one on the other end responded.

When Gan Mufu checked the information again, he found that there was no data about this person at all.

He was tricked.

Even if he told the school that someone was behind it, no one would believe him because he couldn't find the person behind it.

Not a single trace.

The dry shepherd was panicked.

He took the initiative to find Master Jian.

He told Master Jian the whole story.

It depends on whether Master Jian is willing to believe it.

Drunk Shepherd's attitude towards Master Jian was completely different from the aggressiveness in his post.

"Master Jian, I am obsessed. Someone contacted me through the terminal and said that as long as Xue Fanhui's reputation is ruined, you will definitely give up Xue Fanhui and accept another disciple. When the time comes, he will recommend me and I will become your closed disciple. , and gave me the data, so I took the risk." Gan Mufu lowered his head, looking like he was waiting for the elder's criticism.

"Classmate Qian Mufu, you shouldn't come to me about this matter. You should go to my disciple Xue Fanhui. The person you should apologize to most is the person you maliciously slandered."

Master Jian already knew that the problem could not be found. The data in his laboratory had been manipulated and there was no way to find the person behind it for the time being.

But this also shows that this matter is man-made.

Xue Fanhui's character would not do such a self-destructive thing. Instead, he was a shepherd who was too utilitarian.

Master Jian didn't want to talk to such a thoughtful junior anymore.

He doesn't have the time to teach others to improve. As for the fate of Dr. Gan, Master Jian believes that the school will make a fair decision.

The matter settled down just like that.

In the end, the school except Gan Mufu's student status, and the whole process of this incident was recorded in the files.

The dry herdsman was very unwilling.

He vowed to find the person behind it.

At the same time, I feel chilled by the school’s actions.

The school was willing to give up his talent, a rare rising star like him.

But he didn't even think about it. He had already violated the bottom line of being a human being by agreeing to set up a trap for others to do this because of his own interests.

How can I say that the school's punishment is too harsh when my thoughts are not right? If Xue Fanhui is found to be plagiarized, what awaits her will be disaster.

Xue Fanhui's life was ruined.

Before doing this, the person who contacted him promised that there would be no problems. He only agreed after reading the other party's analysis.

He thought that with Xue Fanhui's identity, no one would help her except Master Jian, but he didn't expect that he would be kicked out of trouble.

The dry herdsman who left Gaia thought bitterly in his heart: given time, he will definitely grow into the best weapon master and slap these people in the face.

Although the matter is not completely clear, Xue Fanhui can take a breath.

Xixiu felt that this person really wanted to destroy Xue Fanhui, but what he didn't expect might be that they could actually find a master and catch the clues left in the star network and turn around.

Otherwise, with their background in the nursery, no background and no backing, even if Master Jian is willing to believe in his disciples, it will be of no avail.

Xue Fanhui will definitely be doomed once this happens.

They are sure.

Xue Fanhui also couldn't figure out how he was hindering others.

If you are blocking the way of others because you have become Master Jian's closed disciple, you can openly challenge and compete. The alliance does not allow it.

She has participated in more than ten league equipment competitions over the years, and her results are obvious to all.

If you don't accept it, fight.

This is a rule, and the alliance also allows friendly open challenges within a certain range.

There is no stake in winning or losing.

However, it is impossible for anyone to tolerate Gan Mufu's practice of deliberately slandering a person for invisible benefits.

This incident attracted the school's attention because the person behind the incident was not found.

The school compiled the entire incident into data and reported the case to the central intelligence brain. The central intelligence brain will issue verification orders for subsequent events.

Wu Jingyang has been following the whereabouts of the person behind the scenes, and found that this person, or this group of people, is very cunning and has not left any traces.

They perfectly avoid the central brain.

Even he couldn't hold it.

Wu Jingyang took this matter seriously.

He decided to dig deeper and find out the answer.

Xue Fanhui was depressed for a week after the incident. Xixiu couldn't see her like this, so he asked her to go to the forest hotel to play together.

Damian followed, worried about his partner.

Xixiu's favorability towards Damian gradually increased.

Xue Fanhui's roommate is so considerate. I think Xue Fanhui disliked him so much at first, but when something happened, Damian was the first to support and believe in Xue Fanhui.

It is the so-called friend in need is a friend indeed.

Xixiu and A-Xian are a regular couple.

Tarasha and the others followed suit invariably.

When the three hovercars ascended to the aerial track, they met Xiao Wenjiu who was also out.

Through the window of the floating car, Xixiu squinted at the young man with a smile on his face. He also honked the horn to greet Xixiu and the others.

For some reason, Xiao Wenjiu always gave Xixiu a creepy feeling. His smile was so fake that it looked fake.

Others might not think deeply about his intention of laughing like this, but Xixiu was wary of him, so she always thought about it more deeply.

Xue Fanhui immediately turned cold when she saw Xiao Wenjiu, and held her hands so tightly that her newly cut nails could dig into her palms.

Damian was helpless when he saw her like this.

Xiao Wenjiu is the key suspect, but no evidence can be found.

"Queen Xue, you have to hold back, one day the bad guys will reveal their true nature." Xiao Wenjiu can pretend, but his life is long, and there will always be times when he can't pretend anymore.

And in the future, he will serve in the Alliance Equipment Research Department. There are many talents there, and such underhanded methods are the last thing to be seen. Someone will take off Xiao Wenjiu's mask.

Damian believed it was only a matter of time.

"Don't fall for his tricks. When you see him in the future, just stay the same as before. Don't let him know that you have doubts about him."

Xixiu agreed with Damian's words, so he withdrew his gaze from Xiao Wenjiu.

He turned to Xue Fanhui and said, "Fanhui, Damian is right. Don't let him know that you doubt him, so that he can reveal his flaws faster."

"Yeah. I know." Xue Fanhui took a deep breath and adjusted her mentality.

She forced herself to look at Xiao Wenjiu as before. Xue Fanhui had grown up a lot after this incident, and there was no emotion in her eyes.

Xiao Wenjiu smiled at Xue Fanhui, nodded, and drove the hover car to the west.

Today the children's exams are over, and another year is about to pass. I wish all book friends a happy reading~

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