Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 172 - Amazing strength (more updates with monthly tickets)

After Wu Jingxian said that, he used his mental power.

The use of mental power in the virtual network is the same as in reality. Ah Xian dispersed the mental power into hundreds of parts, which was probably as thin as silk as Xixiu described to her before.

Threads formed by spiritual power surrounded Hanhai people from all directions.

Xixiu also used this skill.

After a while, the mental power of the two people cut open the body of the Hanhai man who was surrounded by mental power.

Seeing this, the others quickly cut off the Hanhai man's head before he could recover.

After ten minutes passed, the number of attacking Hanhai people had been reduced by two-thirds.

They finally got a chance to breathe.

Damian had been marveling after temporarily ending the fight, because his roommate's family member Hong Xixiu's move just now was so handsome.

I admire him so much, he is even more handsome than the moment when the weapon kills the enemy!

There are also Anweir people who are equally powerful. This kind of control of mental power is amazing. He really wants to learn it!

So Damian came close to Xixiu and sent a voice message to Xixiu: "Sister, how do you practice this move just now? I'll pay the tuition. Are the stone bumps like a mountain enough?"

"Ahem, Damian, don't be so exaggerated. When you and Fan Hui are free, let's make an appointment to learn together." She really didn't do it for the sake of those beautiful stones!

"Okay! It's a deal." He, Damian, must learn this trick. It's so cool, especially suitable for someone as cool as him.

They took a five-minute break.

After that, the central intelligence brain prompted another map battle, this time facing Hanhai people who were carrying weapons and equipment and fully armed.

Tarasha and Flora looked a little confused at the sudden appearance of this vast sea of ​​people.

Can they handle so many people with their strength?

This is not the Hanhai people fighting alone. This time Hanhai's weapons and equipment are comparable to theirs.

Everyone's voices started to garbled, and Su Jinbao was dumbfounded, "What should we do, resist?"

Enwit: "Otherwise? If you admit defeat, you will be forced to log out, and your points will be reset to zero! The virtual star coins that can be redeemed will fly away."

Tarasha: "Cooperate in fighting and use weapons. We have weapon masters."

Hong Xixiu: "Yes, Fan Hui, it's up to you and Damian, give us the opportunity to kill all the people in Hanhai."

Xue Fanhui: "Don't worry, comrades, leave it to us." After Xue Fanhui finished speaking, he and Damian mobilized all the weapons on the mecha.

He was also distracted by instructing others on the loading of weapons. In two minutes, all the firepower was ready. "Are you ready? I'll kill first..." Wu Jingxian led Su Jinbao directly into the center of the Hanhai people. district.

Xixiu and Enwit followed closely behind.

Among the others, Xue Fanhui and Damian attacked from a distance, while Tarasha and Flora acted on the move.

The shapes of the Hanhai people's mechas are somewhat different from those of the Alliance. They are all in the shape of animals, including birds.

Xixiu had a headache looking at the mechas of various shapes in front of her, and wondered if the weaknesses of these mechas were the same as those of the animals they imitated!

If it's the same, just cut it.

No longer distracted, Xixiu transformed the mecha's right arm into a long knife, planning to fight with the long knife.

Even on the mecha, her figure was very light. She quickly reached the middle of the Hanhai people and stood on the right side of A Xian.

The pain in the virtual network is no different from reality, so the eight people are very careful.

The Hanhai people's mechas are also very fast.

Xixiu had no choice but to use all his combat power to find the Hanhai people's weaknesses and found that the abdomen of their mecha was in a strange position. It turned out to be the active area.

So Xixiu used the mecha's long knife to slash directly there, and actually cut the Hanhai man's mecha in half.

Xixiu conveyed the discovery to his teammates, and found that they didn't like team fighting, so he sent voice messages to others to cooperate. This was the most labor-saving way.

This is a battle where the environment and combat power are unequal for them.

It was a fierce battle.

The number of Hanhai people was more than ten times greater than theirs. Looking around, there were more than a hundred people in total.

In the virtual network, intelligent computing is optimized, so the strength of Hanhai people is twice as strong as their real strength.

None of the eight people dared to take it lightly anymore.

He used all his strength.

The same goes for A Xian and Xixiu.

This is the first time that others see Xixiu and Ah Xian, 100% of their strength.

They could barely see the speed of Xixiu and Ah Xian's mechas. The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, divided the Hanhai people's mechas into two teams. Wherever they passed, there were only fragments of the Hanhai people's mechas.

Xue Fanhui said in his heart: "I'm a good boy. When did you stop Xiu? He's so powerful."

She just left Ning Kui Star a year before her. Could it be that she had been training every day without sleeping during this year?

It's terrible!

Wu Jingxian was too, and Damian was also stunned.

This is the real person without showing his face.

The same goes for Enwit and Su Jinbao.

They knew that in the previous training sessions, classmates Hong and Wu had hidden their strengths, so they were not surprised to see them this time.

However, this made their blood boil even more.

If their teammates are so good, they will catch up and stand shoulder to shoulder with their teammates in the depths of the starry sky.

In the future, they will achieve their own legends.

Su Jinbao seemed to be fighting hard, becoming more and more courageous as he fought, setting his best result since he entered the virtual network competition.

Su Jinbao killed ten Hanhai people and destroyed ten Hanhai people's mechas.

Although it is a virtual network, this scene will record data so that players who come in later can check it and break the record.

Enwit is not behind, with five more than Su Jinbao. Tarasha and Flora were equally outstanding. The two of them jointly killed twenty Hanhai people, and the mecha was completely destroyed.

The eight people finally used all their strength to kill all the people in Hanhai, and then exited the virtual network, intending to take a rest.

When Xue Fanhui and Damian came out, they were still surprised by the fighting power of Xixiu and Ah Xian just now.

"Queen Xue, is Hong Xixiu so powerful?"

"In the past, I only knew that she hid part of her strength, but I didn't expect that she would be such a heaven-defying existence." Xue Fanhui mused.

If Xixiu is so strong, then her energy level must not be the one tested.

She had an intuition that Xixiu's mental power would exceed everyone's expectations, including her, Xue Fanhui.

"She must have trained very hard." Xue Fanhui told Damian about Xixiu's glorious past, and Damian was a little shocked after hearing it.

They are not much different in age from Hong Xixiu, but in terms of patience, perseverance, hard work and diligence, they are far inferior to Hong Xixiu.

"Hong Xixiu will definitely shine in this starry sky in the future." Damian had an intuition.

"Oh, her goal is to become the chief nutritionist and develop nutritional supplements in the future." Xue Fanhui's words only made Damian raise his eyebrows. Damian did not believe that this would be Hong Xixiu's final destination.

Such strength and endurance will make her shine on the battlefield in the future.

Thank you book friend Falling Leaves and Falling Snow for your monthly ticket and extra updates.

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