Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 180 -Training Base

Gan Fule and Chen Junwu left after their comments, and the two groups decided to go back and rest first.

After a good rest, everyone met again on the virtual network in the evening and simulated the comments of the two teachers again.

The two teams returned to the dormitory happily.

The sixth-grade seniors who were hit in the active zone got off the simulated battleship in frustration and received a foot-wrapped comment from their battleship teacher.

Underestimating the enemy was the most important reason for their failure.

This alone is fatal.

Two hundred lives are not enough to underestimate the enemy on the battlefield, let alone they only have one life.

The sixth-grade students humbly accepted the teacher's criticism. The teacher's usual teaching is not to be careless and underestimate the enemy. Once you have such a mentality, you will be very likely to lose.

They didn't believe it before.

After all, they have studied for several years more than these juniors. They have experience in starry sky combat. Although they are not rich, they cannot be defeated by a few fledgling calves.

As a result, it really failed.

Finally, the sixth-grade students were asked by their battleship teacher to simulate today's battle twenty times on the virtual network.

The sixth grader who received the punishment had no complaints.

Today they have lost all their dignity and respect. They had previously promised to demonstrate to the junior students to open their eyes.

The result was the other way around, they were taught a lesson by the new students...

When I get back, I have to accept the ridicule from other students.

The sixth-grade student, who was hopeless, slowly moved back to his dormitory, for fear of meeting other people on the way.

The sixth grader who hid in his dormitory rested for a while and then went to the virtual network to complete the task twenty times.

Xixiu and the others were already lying on the bed to rest.

The battle just now was very tiring and mentally focused. Now that I have relaxed, I feel my hands are a little sore.

Xixiu and A-Xian pinched each other's arms to relax, "Sister A-Xian, for the practical training in three days, do we want to open up and play?"

"Eight points of strength should be enough, don't worry, your sister Su Miao will fight tooth and nail to let her get ahead." Old God A Xian said.

She would not let Xixiu be in the center of the target. She, Wu Jingxian, wanted to protect Xixiu tightly.

Before the issue of Xi Xiu's life experience is resolved, she will not let anyone hurt Xi Xiu.

Hai Sumiao does work hard, and she takes practical training absolutely seriously.

This is her responsibility as the royal family of the Miao Run Galaxy.

Wu Jingxian is the kind of person whose family supports them. It has always been their responsibility to protect the alliance and they have always been protecting it. Now her task is to learn from Xixiu.

After relaxing all over, A-Xian lay directly on Xixiu's bed. "I'm exhausted. Xi-Xiu hurry up and recharge your batteries. We're going to sweep across the starry sky in three days." After saying this, A-Xian fell asleep in a second.

Xixiu looked at the blond hair exposed outside the thin blanket, and there was the sound of gentle breathing in the room. She shook her head, walked to the bed, and lay down on the other side.

Close your eyes, meditate silently and fall into a deep sleep.

After 626 and 828 had a good rest, they went to the virtual network to train three more times. Each time, they adjusted the simulation environment and tried to achieve a 100% restoration of the destination this time.

The effect is still good, and everyone's cooperation is becoming more and more tacit.

They successfully chose a route to avoid Nebula's position, and planned to follow this front when the time came.

They cannot be led by the opponent, they must control the situation of the battle.

During the break, Liang Jingxian shared the information about the members of Guo Guangqing’s team with others.

The two groups adjusted their plans based on the information from Guo Guangqing's team members, and the rest was to adapt to circumstances.

They decided that Guo Guangqing was weird, and they were even weirder than him. They would definitely make the opponent completely confused, and then they would definitely win.

On the day of departure, Xixiu and the others got up early. Together with other students, 12 people went to the largest square in the school to gather and waited at the designated location for the arrival of the leading teacher.

The scene was quite quiet, no one was making any noise, everyone was whispering.

Yoqila and Guo Guangqing led the team and stood less than ten meters away from Xixiu and the others.

"Yoqila, Hong Xixiu's strength shouldn't be something to be afraid of. Her assessment results can only be considered above average. What matters in the battle is strategy." Guo Guangqing did not think Hong Xixiu was a threat.

But Yokila saw a classmate with no power background as an opponent, and was a little nervous.

"Although I think what you said is reasonable, don't forget that Wu Jingxian is from Anweil, and Hai Sumiao is from the Miao Run Galaxy. These two are not low in strength." Jokila turned her attention to Keep track of their location.

"The people of Anvil are mentally strong. As for the Miaorun Galaxy, our battle this time is in the starry sky, not in the water." Guo Guangqing inquired about the strength of these two people, and he was confident that he could defeat them.

"Don't be careless." Yokila lowered her eyes.

Over the past year, she has restrained herself a lot and trained harder, just to one day become a rival with Hong Xixiu and defeat Hong Xixiu.

Gu Jinyan has been training her and Zhang Jixing on the virtual network. It can be said that her martial arts skills have improved by leaps and bounds this year.

She spent all her time training, and she didn't believe that Hong Xixiu could beat her this time.

Ten minutes later, the teacher leading the team sent the terminal information, and Xixiu and the others followed the terminal information and went to the boarding port.

This time they took the school's starship and went directly to their destination without having to make any stops along the way.

The numbers that Xixiu and the others received were red, and the stars on this starship were all teams with red numbers.

Xixiu also saw an acquaintance, He Yinlei, who had come to Gaia from Ningkui star with her.

"Hong Xixiu, long time no see." He Yinlei hugged Xixiu happily, "Yeah, classmate He, long time no see. I didn't expect you also had a red number." Xixiu responded to He Yinlei's enthusiasm with a smile.

"Who is your opponent?" He Yinlei and Xixiu said as they walked, "It's Yokila who is number one in our grade."

"Tsk, tsk, but your grades are not bad, third in grade." We are both from the combat department, so we may not know each other, but everyone knows the ranking.

"It's okay, not too bad." Xixiu was not too modest. Their last result was indeed ranked third.

"What about you?" Xixiu asked back.

"Unfortunately, we faced the second best player, Qiu Shaorong." He Yinlei looked a little depressed.

"It doesn't matter, training is just to gain experience. Winning or losing is not important. What is important is what you learned in this training. Come on!" Xixiu patted He Yinlei on the shoulder.

"I know, Hong Xixiu, please come on too." He Yinlei raised his arm and made a gesture of cheering for everyone.

Afterwards, He Yinlei went to join his teammates.

Xixiu also followed the team into the cabin.

Everyone has already taken their seats, turned on the light screen in the cabin, and is waiting for the teacher to explain the training rules this time.

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