Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 183 - Argument

At the same time, Yokila and Guo Guangqing, who were on the other side of the base, led their team members and boarded the training battleship.

When Yokila was on the battleship, she learned from Guo Guangqing's team that he was belittling 626 and 828 in the group.

Zhang Jixing gave the chat records sent to him by others to Yokila. Yokila despised Guo Guangqing after reading them.

Although Guo Guangqing has some talent in strategy, it is easy for him to talk without practicing.

The second place last time may have been a fluke, and it was not a much higher ranking than 626 and 828. To actually say that I want to beat someone else is really overestimating my ability.

Guo Guangqing, who was following Yokila's team, was talking to his team members. Yokiela noticed that Guo Guangqing was beaming and confident.

Moreover, there was much contempt for Hong Xixiu and Wu Jingxian in his words, and even Haisu Miao and Guo Guangqing looked down upon them.

He felt that Wu Jingxian and Hai Sumiao might have their own "backgrounds", and this time he would let them see what tactics were.

Yokila silently sent a message to Zhang Jixing: Let our team pay attention to cooperation, pay attention to details, and pay more attention to the opposite red team, so be more careful yourself.

Guo Guangqing is so arrogant.

If Guo Guangqin changes his strategy midway, their entire team will probably be dragged down by him.

After receiving it, Zhang Jixing understood Yokila's concerns, so he told the other four members of his team about Yokila's decision. Their team must cooperate with each other tacitly and cannot make mistakes.

At half past eleven, Xixiu's training started on time.

Xixiu and Axian were at the operating positions, and Nanhejia and Enwit were in charge of the weapons. Huang Chuanhu was transferred to be in charge of the star map with Flora. He needed to be familiar with this area and have environmental advantages.

The remaining positions remain unchanged.

After entering the position, the communication frequency was adjusted, and the battleship was started with the assistance of artificial intelligence.

The accompanying teachers from the training base sat on the viewing platform on the second floor of the battleship, from where they could see Xixiu and their every move.

The training started the moment the battleship took off. Not only did they have scores for the battle, but they also had bonus points given by the teacher after observing them.

Xixiu's battleship took off smoothly, and the turbulence only occurred for a few seconds. The two observation teachers looked at each other and nodded.

In less than thirty minutes, Xixiu and the others arrived at the designated location on the star map.

The BLU ship appears on the display.

Hai Sumiao's voice sounded first: "Be careful ahead and take cover."

Xixiu and Axian operated very quickly, and their warships immediately hid behind the meteorite belt and interstellar dust.

"Yimingda, how far away is the blue team from us?" Hai Sumiao looked at the display and asked the data.

"Two hundred thousand units, one kilometer." Iminda quickly gave the distance.

"Very good, follow the previous strategy and move." As soon as Hai Sumiao finished speaking, their warship left the meteorite belt and planned to show up for Lan Fang to see.

"Enable level three protection."

"Weapons are in place."

"The star map begins to be drawn."

"Data proofreading completed."

After a while, Yokila and the others saw the red battleship moving quickly towards them, "Prepare weapons, aim, and launch at maximum speed."

Guo Guangqing spoke first before the captain Yuqi La could say anything. Yoqi La glanced at Guo Guangqing and found that Guo Guangqing was enjoying himself.

Guo Guangqing believes that to deal with the red side, you can win without even using strategy.

Wherever someone will appear directly in the opponent's field of vision, this is not looking for a fight.

But the weapon that was originally thought to be able to hit the opponent 200%, actually missed.

It passed by the red side's warship, and it was only at an angle.

Guo Guangqing opened his eyes wide, how could this be possible.

But it did happen.

When the weapons they fired approached the red side's battleship, the red side turned an extremely weird angle to avoid their attack.

And when they turned around, red weapons flew towards them from six directions.

Zhang Jixing saw the weapons flying everywhere on the light screen. He used his hand speed to the best level, but he was still hit by one of the training rounds.

Although it did not hit the active area, the red side also got points.

Tan Qingquan stared at the star map on the light screen, "The red party has entered the interstellar dust. We have two launch opportunities. Should we move?"

"Nonsense. When the weapon is launched, it will definitely hit this time." Guo Guangqing was furious at the mistake he just made.

He didn't believe that the red side would have such dexterity. What happened just now was definitely a coincidence.

Guo Guangqing planned to make a trap after launching to lure the red side's warship into the capture area.

Yokila kept staring at the screen, "Lu Mingyue, is the data out?"

"Captain, it will take another two minutes to make a clear comparison." Lu Mingyue looked at the data and saw that the opponent's movement trajectory was so weird that it turned out to be an irregular curve.

Guo Guangqing gave up the battle plan they had made, "Yoqila, intercept them directly from eight directions. I don't believe they can escape attacks from eight directions."

Guo Guangqing, who was eager to win, did not consider any other environmental factors. He wanted a quick victory.

"You attack directly without calculation and comparison. It is a waste of weapons at a critical moment. We are not trying to win a quick victory, but to score points." Yokila's tone was a bit high. At this moment, she He was dissatisfied with Guo Guangqing.

I didn't expect Guo Guangqing to be so angry.

Ignore the entire team.

"By the time you compare the data, the red side will have disappeared long ago." Guo Guangqing looked at Yokila with disdain in his eyes.

"Yes, what our captain said is not unreasonable." Guo Guangqing's team members spoke up, supporting their captain's decision.

"That's not what we said when we discussed and decided tactics. We have to advance and retreat. We have to observe the opponent's movements and find the best point, so that we can hit the target with one hit." said Lan Shengwu, who is in charge of the star map of the Yokila team. One sentence.

"The plan can't keep up with the changes." The contempt on Guo Guangqing's lips made Yokila and the others extremely unhappy.

Yokila decided not to pay attention to Guo Guangqing.

Her team has people in every important position, and if they work well together, they should still be able to score points.

The accompanying teacher watched the debate between the two teams and did not give them any extra points.

Yokila obviously doesn't want to convince her teammates anymore, and she plans to lead her own team alone.

This is commendable in some aspects, but this kind of behavior is taboo on a battleship and on a starry battlefield.

While they were arguing, their battleships were getting closer and closer.

Guo Guangqing went to the weapon console in a few steps, pressed the weapon launch button, hit Xixiu's battleship, and got points.

However, they did not hit key positions, so the score was still not as high as theirs.

Xixiu and his warship retreated around the corner as planned, and Guo Guangqing boldly pursued them.

He was so overwhelmed by the joy that he just felt that he didn't even think about whether it might be a trap set by the other party...

But Yokila took over the control: "Classmate Guo, please put the overall situation first."

"Women are just timid. Why should you join the combat department if you are so scared? Huh." The contempt on Guo Guangqing's face was clearly visible to several women present.

Including the female base teacher on the viewing stand.

The author is stuck every day and has a bald head.

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