Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 213 - Stirring up waves

Fang Jinyu pursed his lips tightly. The development of the situation was much more serious than he had expected before arriving.

He had been in contact with Qing Zhixun, and he knew that Qing Zhixun went to Yuanri to track down these robots.

The instrumentation trend in Yuanri is getting more and more intense, so the alliance sent him to guard it and investigate what stage they have developed. It seems that the previous news is lagging behind.

This robot was successfully developed more than ten years ago. When the exchange ship goes out, its consciousness is uploaded to the body of the bionic robot, allowing it to sail with Wei Lanshan and the others.

The biggest purpose was to get news about the exchange ship. However, the original people may have misjudged the significance of this voyage. The robot's position on the exchange ship was not conspicuous.

Although he can't get the core secret.

However, it should have transferred the technology of the Xianri Alliance back to its hometown of the Jingsu Alliance.

The people behind it knew the difference between the Xianri Alliance and the Jingsu Alliance, so they intercepted it several times in the Star Territory, trying to get the data in Wei Lanshan's hands.

Fang Jinyu thought that several of the alliance's robots were no different from real people.

If these robots are deliberately invaded and successfully loaded into the other party's consciousness, one can imagine what kind of disaster will happen to the alliance.

Fang Jinyu immediately blocked the news. The central intelligence brain had received his investigation report. At the same time, Fang Jinyu controlled all the robots to prevent them from leaving human sight. They could observe anything strange at any time.

As long as he takes care of the remaining people, he needs to return to Gaia to deal with the follow-up matters.

Fang Jinyu's investigation results soon appeared in Qing Zhixun's hands.

The central intelligence brain left the matter to him to handle, and asked Fang Jinyu to take the body of the bionic robot back to Gaia and hand it over to the alliance's equipment team for research.

Fang Jinyu’s investigative report caused a stir in the center of Gaia.

Not long after Fang Jinyu's report was delivered to the Council of Elders, Wei Lanshan also received this short one-page report forwarded by the Council of Elders.

Wei Lanshan's heart sank. Her previous suspicions and the news about Long Xingxue were all confirmed.

This meant that the alliance was about to cause a bloody storm that she could not even estimate.

The Alliance has used a large number of bionic robots in recent years, and the number of robots has reached half of the Alliance's population.

There are also combat robots.

If these are successfully uploaded to the other party's consciousness, what kind of disaster will it be.

The only good news now is probably that there is no data showing that one person's consciousness can be uploaded into the bodies of several robots.

The consciousness that the other party can obtain is actually limited. No matter how long he prepares, he will not have too much human consciousness on his hands.

Therefore, it should not become a large-scale attack within three years. After three years, the alliance should be able to find a clue and launch an encirclement and suppression campaign.

Wei Lanshan told Long Xingxue her thoughts, and Long Xingxue also thought for a long time: "Can the central brain of these robots be controlled?"

Wei Lanshan shook her head: "Once a robot is uploaded with human consciousness, the robot's program will be modified by human consciousness, and it will have its own thinking. The consciousness and the robot's program will be integrated."

Ming Wei's face was full of disbelief. "how did you do that!"

"The original idea was to use human consciousness to control the main program of the robot, and then merge the two into one, so that people can have a hard body. After the body is damaged, it can be resurrected on another machine to achieve the goal of immortality." Wei Lanshan's explanation only made Ming Weiman even more confused!

"How do you combine the two into one?" Ming Wei asked shamelessly.

"This involves professional knowledge in various aspects such as equipment, medicine, biology, intelligence, etc." Wei Lanshan gave Ming Wei a glance, which means that you don't understand even if you tell me!

Well, Ming Weiman is worried about his IQ. Although various black technologies have emerged in the league in recent years, he really doesn't understand how these people's brains grow!

It’s fun to delve into these where you can make money.

He should still be the richest man in the Ming Dynasty galaxy!

These brain-burning knowledge allow smart people with active brains to think, and they earn star coins!

Wei Lanshan had not read the original file. She only saw a few words in the database of the central intelligence brain about this matter after her level rose to first level.

She actually didn't know exactly how to operate it.

Long Xingxue saw her frown and understood her worries: "Senior sister, can't the central intelligence brain quickly filter out the list of people who have come into contact with this file?"

"It's already being done." It seems that when they return to the alliance, they will be calm on the surface, but secretly they have a lot of work to do.

No wonder Liuyao couldn't trace the contact signal with the outside world.

Its program should always share status in real time, or rather, it can be smart to only share location.

Moreover, it is a new port that is different from the Alliance Star Network. Everything is different from the Alliance's central brain.

It can be so thoroughly disguised that no one accompanying it noticed anything unusual about it, which proves that this consciousness has had experience in this area before.

It's just that it could have been disguised so that Fang Jinyu and the others wouldn't be able to detect anyone strange, but it was still exposed in the end.

The report showed that the body of the bionic robot was severely damaged. It seemed that it had reached the end of its lifespan and had to be forced to go offline.

And will this offline consciousness invade the bodies of the surrounding robots at that time?

Keep living?

It depends on Fang Jinyu, but I think he should have controlled all the robots and sent them back to Gaia.

The central intelligent brain has urgently upgraded the programs of all robots and encrypted them. The other party should not be able to crack their programs in a short time and successfully upload consciousness into the robot bodies of the alliance.

The worst result will not happen for the time being.

It is hard to say when the other party breaks through the defense line.

This report also makes the Elders Council wary, which is not a good thing for the alliance.

The harm to the alliance that can make the highest commander Li Zhengfeng conduct the experiment of the ninth-level sealing method must be uncontrollable.

Otherwise, with his ability, even if there are loopholes, he should be able to reverse it.

Since his attitude is to completely seal, the two projects of immortal robots and biological manufacturing are both difficult for him.

The appearance will break the order of the alliance and will also cause the alliance to fall.

They asked themselves that they did not have the strong strength of Li Zhengfeng to deal with the consequences of these two projects.

More than 50 people from the Elders' Council all arrived and held an emergency meeting to discuss how to deal with this matter and minimize the damage.

They are also waiting for Wei Lanshan to come back, and her opinion is also very important.

It's really a mixed bag.

The communication ship brought back amazing technology, but also bad news that caught people off guard.

Let's make a deal. If the recommended votes exceed 1,000 and the monthly votes are added, I will owe you one chapter first. I haven't been writing well recently, and I will make up for it when my work and rest are normal. This year, I hope all book friends are safe, go out less, and pay attention to protection!

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