Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 221 - The new atmosphere of the alliance

Wei Lanshan and Fu Chen went to the designated location, where they waited for Fang Jinyu to return to Gaia.

It would take about two days for Fang Jinyu to bring the body of the immortal robot back to Gaia and hand it over to the alliance.

She and Fu Chen also had to undergo identity verification. After the process was completed, she would start to be busy again.

This time, the Elders Council should use some of the technologies of the Immortal Sun Alliance to temporarily cover up the panic caused by the immortal robot.

Fu Chen stayed quietly. Wei Lanshan knew that he must have many questions, but it was inconvenient to ask.

She didn't think about explaining.

This was her private matter, and Fu Chen just had to do his job well.

If there was no problem with his identity verification, she would do her best to lead him to do projects in the next few years in Gaia.

With his efforts, he should be able to achieve good results in biomedicine in the future.

Liu Yao was awakened after Wei Lanshan arrived at the designated residence. Wei Lanshan gave it an order to circle out all the activities of the robot brought back by Fang Jinyu on the communication ship, as well as the people who were very close to it.

Its transmission channel is obviously different from that of the alliance, and it was not noticed by any of them.

Wei Lanshan estimated that it used an encrypted channel, or the way it transmitted information was very special.

In its position, it obviously could not access core secrets, and could only get useful information through contact with others.

Could it be that it is an information transmission channel itself?

Wei Lanshan guessed.

She also asked Liu Yao to check Xihe, who had always been against her in the past, because she found that the style of the fleet that attacked them this time was too similar to Xihe.

Although she was sure that Xihe had been reduced to ashes from the last image sent back by Wu Yuan.

But the appearance of the immortal robot this time made Wei Lanshan unsure whether Xihe was really dead.

The body can be reduced to ashes, but if he uploaded consciousness, or had contact with these people.

In this regard, Wei Lanshan did not deny that Xihe had a wide range of ways.

It is also possible that the other party is collecting various consciousnesses and will reach an agreement with Xihe.

Otherwise, how to explain the existence of two people who are so similar.

If Xihe was still alive in the past ten years, and in a different way, given his personality, he should be very active and complacent.

Then it would be easy for Liuyao to find clues, once it can be confirmed that Xihe is still alive, or living in the body of a robot.

Following the clues, she may find the most useful information for the alliance.

Liuyao received the order and started working.

While Wei Lanshan and Fu Chen were waiting for Fang Jinyu, the Elders had already decided how to deal with this matter.

It was the same as Wei Lanshan guessed.

The Elders announced some very positive technologies that Wei Lanshan brought back, such as a breakthrough in lifespan, and some weapon concepts.

As for the attack on the communication ship, it was overwhelmed by the joy of the breakthrough in lifespan.

Then the Elders announced the recovery of all robots, which did not stir up too many waves.

Citizens are speculating on how many years this breakthrough in lifespan can reach, whether it can increase by decades or hundreds of years.

Whether it will be limited by the level of mental power, there are discussions about this everywhere on the Star Network.

As for the replacement of robots, there were only a few questioning posts on the Star Network, which did not attract attention and then fell into oblivion.

Wei Lanshan's return caused a few ripples in the alliance, which originally seemed to be as calm as dead water.

After the replacement of robots was temporarily resolved, the Elders' Council convened elites from various industries overnight and held an emergency meeting to hand over the data brought back by Wei Lanshan and others to the leaders of their respective fields.

These are citizens who have passed various background checks and have been selected by the Central Intelligence Brain.

Although there may still be some who slip through the net, in general, these are all useful talents.

Many of them are the pillars of various industries in the alliance.

This time, the Elders' Council was very cautious and personally verified the identities of these people, collected their genetic information, confirmed their natural person identities, and then gave them the data.

Because the exchange ship returned to the Jingsu Alliance, there was a lot of noise, and with the technology brought back by Wei Lanshan and others, the matter of the Xianri Alliance was already known to everyone in the alliance.

Everyone was discussing it on the Star Network, and they became more and more curious about the Xianri Alliance.

Finally, the elders asked Wei Lanshan and the others who returned to do a special topic on the Xianri Alliance and put it on the Star Network.

Fu Chen summarized the experiences of the members of the communication ship in the Xianri Alliance over the years and made an explanation film in the form of pictures and texts.

From different perspectives, everyone's views on the Xianri Alliance were roughly described.

After seeing this, the citizens of various galaxies started a heated discussion on the Star Network, because the Xianri Alliance seemed obviously different from the Jingsu Alliance.

From this graphic description, it can be seen that their technology is superior to Jingsu, and urban construction is more convenient.

Their means of transportation are airships flying in the air, which are very fast, but the probability of traffic accidents in airships is very small, so small that it can be ignored.

This shows the powerful computing power of their intelligent control system.

The central intelligent brain of the Jingsu Alliance can also keep the airborne hovercraft unobstructed. Because of the difference in transportation, the Xianri Alliance seems to be more advanced.

While sighing, everyone also developed a competitive mentality and decided to work hard to make their own contributions to the development of the Jingsu Alliance.

At the same time, Wei Lanshan led Fu Chen and several other biomedical scholars in the alliance to begin further research on biomedicine.

The leaders in each field received the information in each field brought back by Wei Lanshan and signed five confidentiality certificates.

If this information is leaked before the results are released, the entire team's contribution points will be deducted and they will be sent to Desolate Star. They will have to transform Desolate Star for ten years before returning to the alliance.

It is no small matter to be sent to transform Huangxing.

The conditions in Desolate Star are difficult, and the Alliance will not provide convenient conditions for those who are being punished.

They have to transform according to the most primitive methods, and they may not be able to return to the Alliance for the rest of their lives.

This punishment is not too severe.

Therefore, these scholars who received the research assignment carefully signed the confidentiality agreement and uploaded the agreement to the Central Intelligence Brain for filing.

At the same time, news of Wei Lanshan's safe return also spread.

Five star systems including Hanhai and Inquilla jointly dispatched Xizuo, but they were stopped by the soldiers stationed in various fortresses before they were on the front line.

The five galaxies who were unwilling to do so racked their brains and planned to find other ways to sneak into the alliance.

At this time, the intelligent terminals at the top of Hanhai's five galaxies all received a cooperation agreement from nowhere.

Listed above are the resources that the five galaxies can obtain, as well as the benefits that can be obtained at that time.

The price is just to send troops to attack the Jingsu Alliance when the other party needs it.

Now let them stand still.

He will help them get the technology they want within three years.

Five galaxies are doubtful.

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