Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 227 - To break off the engagement

Ye Zhenwei told Yuan Chuhong that she and her parents went to find Wei Lanshan.

After hearing this, Yuan Chuhong said calmly: "For people like Wei Lanshan who have their eyes set high above their heads, there is no need to ask her. As long as you control your emotions, there will be no big problem. Don't worry, just believe in your own talent."

Ye Zhen nodded slightly.

She was always inexplicably convinced by Yuan Chuhong's words. Probably because Yuan Chuhong was the first strong person to show kindness to her.

"Also, as long as your strength reaches its peak, the most important position in the alliance will always fall to you. This is something Wei Lanshan cannot compare to in any case." Based on past experience, Yuan Chuhong said this to Ye with certainty. Zhenwei said.

If Wei Lanshan fights to the death, she will be the leader of a certain profession in the alliance. From now on, Ye Zhenwei will be superior to Wei Lanshan.

That's why Yuanchu Hongcai advised Ye Zhenwei not to fight for the day but to take a long-term view.

"Yes, Teacher Yuan, thank you and everyone." Ye Zhen bowed slightly.

After what happened at Hai'an Fortress, she almost became a street rat. It was really difficult for her during that time.

After returning to Gaia, the Council of Elders planned to invite some martial arts masters for her and let her learn from scratch, but these martial arts masters all refused.

They knew that her talent was amazing, but they all used her bad moral character as an excuse to refuse to teach her martial arts.

In Ye Zhenwei's view, these people thought she was not useful.

This was a huge blow to her who had always had a high self-esteem.

Ye Zhenwei was moved after Yuan Chuhong accepted the request of the Elder Council and rushed over from the Foxtail Galaxy.

She thinks Yuan Chuhong has vision, and she will not betray Yuan Chuhong's trust.

After Yuan Chuhong started training her, she worked very hard. Not only did she reach her expected strength in just one year, but she also completed all the homework she had missed in the military academy. Made it up.

The Elders saw her achievements and asked her to return to the First Military Academy and receive various special trainings in battleship and mecha tactics together with Yukila, Zhang Jixing and five other people.

Luo Yunzhong led the six of them to practice alone. Ye Zhenwei only appeared in the mecha and battleship courses, and practiced alone the rest of the time.

Because of this, Ye Zhenwei learned more about Xixiu and A-Xian, and Yokila and Ye Zhenwei became friends.

"Zhenwei, don't worry. In two years' time, you will be the most powerful warrior in the Jingsu Alliance." Yuan Chuhong was very confident in his apprentice.

Her talent is there. She didn't focus on training before, but now she knows that after going all out, her strength improves at an astonishing speed, six times the speed of ordinary people.

Ye Zhenwei knew that Yuanchu Hong never told lies, and as for her loss to Hong Xixiu in the previous competition, she believed it was just a coincidence because she did not have enough training.

She believed that as long as she didn't say anything about this, Hong Xixiu would not go out to "show off".

She will train day and night in the next two years, and she, Ye Zhenwei, will surely secure her position as the number one in the Jingsu Alliance.

If anyone dares to interfere with her, don't blame her for killing gods and demons.

Ye Zhen lowered her eyes slightly. Yuan Chuhong didn't see her expression, but Yuan Chuhong guessed what she was thinking.

"Don't worry, what should be yours, the Elders Association will definitely hand it over to you." Yuan Chuhong's words were extremely meaningful.

After hearing this, Ye Zhenwei's joy grew infinitely. She knew what Yuan Chuhong meant.

"Yes, Master."

After a few brief words with Ye Zhenwei, Yuan Chuhong left.

Ye Zhenwei returned to the training room and started all kinds of boring and hard training.

Yuan Chuhong opened the video and contacted several other people. After he became Ye Zhenwei's martial arts teacher, he tried his best to set up a think tank for Ye Zhenwei.

These six people specialize in managing Ye Zhenwei's public image and will become her right-hand men in the future.

"Lao Yuan, the exchange ship successfully returned to the alliance, but what do you think of the attacks encountered on the way?" Guo Qiyan, one of the six, asked.

"These forces have a strong purpose, but the alliance has not announced the people behind these forces, and my sources show that these people used decommissioned warships when they attacked. Obviously they don't want to leave clues to the alliance."

Yuan Chuhong's words couldn't be more obvious. The people behind the scenes are very familiar with the working styles of the Alliance and the Elder Council, and they also know how to avoid the central intelligence brain's pursuit.

"Is there any other news?" Guo Qiyan asked.

"The Elders Association has blocked the news with unprecedented intensity this time, so I can't find out for the time being." Yuanchu Hong lowered his eyebrows in thought.

The six people on the video side exchanged information they knew about each other, and Xue Zixian asked a question: "I heard that the Boyuan family has the intention to break off the engagement."

There was a faint smile on Yuan Chuhong's lips: "Are you sure?"

Xue Zixian nodded.

This news came from the Boyuan family. He and Chris's cousin are very good friends. They chatted a few days ago on the Star Network. From Chris's cousin's words, Xue Zixian heard what he meant. .

"That couldn't be better." Yuan Chuhong said this with great joy.

He knew exactly what the Boyuan family had planned, but they regarded Ye Zhenwei as a tool, a fertility tool.

They just want highly talented offspring. If they have this idea but fail to protect Ye Zhenwei well, how can they be considered a good partner and family.

Furthermore, although Chris is somewhat happy with Ye Zhenwei, he is far from being a partner who can support Ye Zhenwei behind her back.

The Boyuan family has greater ambitions.

Only when Ye Zhenwei has no relationship with the Boyuan family can she go further.

As for Qing Shihao, whom Ye Zhenwei chased in the past, it was just a dream.

This year, he had already seen that Ye Zhenwei had taken this matter lightly, took the initiative to take blockers, and devoted all his energy to training and study.

In addition, Qing Shihao was already married to Li Wangshu of the Li family. With Ye Zhenwei's talent, she would never give up to a man who had a partner.

Moreover, the current Ye Zhenwei cannot reach that level of strength of the Qing family.

Qing's family will not accept Ye Zhenwei.

Their family is a bit stubborn.

As long as Ye Zhenwei reaches the strength recognized by the central brain before the age of 30, she can choose anyone in the entire alliance to be her partner, as long as she likes it.

The other six people also agreed with Yuan Chuhong's view and believed that Chris would not support the path Ye Zhenwei would take in the future.

In the past, Ye Zhen's neglect of training was what the Boyuan family liked best.

However, she didn't care about Chris, and she repeatedly insulted the Boyuan family, which made the Boyuan family extremely unhappy.

"You guys discuss the countermeasures. If the Boyuan family strikes first, we will fight back. This time we will change Ye Zhenwei's reputation."

Xue Zixian and Guo Qiyan nodded. Yuan Chuhong hung up the video call. With the abilities of Xue Zixian and Guo Qiyan, Ye Zhenwei would break off their engagement this time. With the six of them behind the scenes, they believed it would bring a good situation to Ye Zhenwei.

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