Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 235 - The arrival of Beauty Zhen

The schedule arranged by the school is not too tight.

They came here to communicate this time, mainly to learn the education methods and management of Gaia's lower schools.

Zhen and the others will graduate in one year. By then, she will go to teach in a lower school, and the location will be uniformly allocated by the brain. It is not yet clear where she will go.

However, she submitted an application to the Central Intelligent Brain to return to Ningkui Star, and she didn't know if the Central Intelligent Brain would allow it.

Zhen's work is no different from what Vivian and the others did before, but she should go to school instead of a nursery.

The content of education is the same, and the tasks to be done are similar, including managing students and coordinating various emergencies.

In wartime, capable teachers are also responsible for the safety of their students.

That's why Xixiu has been urging Zhen to practice martial arts and spiritual power over the years.

"Zhen, do you have any scenic spots you particularly want to visit?" After greeting the teacher, Zhen and Xixiu went to the central area of ​​Gaia and found a quiet fruit drink shop to sit down.

"We have prepared a strategy before we come here. When we are free to move around, we want to go to the Treehouse Hotel. I heard the scenery there is beautiful." Zhen briefly told Xixiu and the others about his strategy.

This was something she and Nie Xien had decided before, and Nie Xien was also very interested in the tree house.

After that, I should go to Sitinghai in Gaia. The waves there are said to be particularly beautiful, and you can hear the beautiful sound of the sea from the shore.

"Okay, after you complete the exchange, we will rent an airship." Xue Fanhui was very proud.

In the past few years, she has been designing equipment and equipment, and has accumulated a lot of wealth. She is not worried about money at all. The remuneration given by Anweil ​​is really generous.

She didn't touch the money.

As for her tuition fees in the past few years, when she serves in the military, the Central Intelligence Brain will naturally deduct these years' fees from her salary.


A few people were talking and laughing, and Nie Xien quickly blended in with them.

Ah Xian listened quietly and rarely spoke, maintaining the mystery of the Anweil ​​people.

Zhen had a smile on her face after seeing Xixiu. She saw that Xixiu had grown even better, and she was very happy for her.

She knew from the beginning that Xixiu was a person who could take responsibility for herself. She liked to stick to her because Xixiu always gave her a sense of security.

The little girl who fought with others and saved her at the age of six will always be a hero in her heart no matter how time changes.

Zhen told Xixiu and Xue Fanhui about her grades in the past few years. She has always been in the top three in grade. Ignoring other factors, she should go to a better galaxy to teach.

Both Xixiu and Xue Fanhui are proud of their family. They have different paths in life, but they reach the same goal.

For the first time, Nie Xien discovered that his roommate was also a talkative person.

She is a beautiful girl who studies hard all the time. She is oblivious to what is going on outside the window. She is calm and independent. In addition to cultural courses, she also goes to the training room to sweat. Chatting with her childhood friends, she is not only full of witty remarks, but also has a sense of being ignorant of the world. Innocence.

Xi Xiu and Xue Fanhui were both happy for Zhen as they listened to her describe her past years.

Because their crybaby Zhen has grown up so well, is brave and strong, and will no longer panic when things happen.

Zhen already has the ability to face all the hardships in life on her own, so they can worry a lot less.

In the future, Xue Fanhui will visit Zhen when he has time, but Xixiu can only wait for the Tonghe holiday to have time. It will be up to him whether we can get together by then.

After getting together with Zhen Xiao for a while, Xixiu sent them back to the exchange team, agreeing to wait ten days for Zhen and their exchange activities to end before picking them up to play.

Nie Xien and Zhen returned to the hotel they had designated to stay at this time, which is Gaia's cultural exchange reception place.

The interior design is simple and looks comfortable and clean. Robots are responsible for various daily tasks, and there are defense robots patrolling around the hotel.

"Zhen, were your sisters your playmates in the nursery?" Because Zhen rarely talked about her past, Nie Xien only knew that she lost her parents and grew up in a nursery.

"Yes. We are not playmates, we are each other's family." Zhen recalled every detail of her life with Xixiu and the others. The happiness in the past was simple and pure. The days when Xixiu supervised and trained were actually very happy.

Nie Xien was surprised.

Because everyone in the alliance understands the meaning of "family". Family is people who protect each other.

Zhen's expression also told Nie Xien that this was her true inner thought.

"How about them?"

Zhen looked at Nie Xi'en, and the smile on her lips looked very happy: "It was Xixiu and Fan Hui who first protected me as a family member. It was me who forced my way into their lives. I was protected by them in the past, and I will also be protected by them in the future. I will do what I can for them.”

Nie Xien knew the gap between them, the civilian staff who would be working in the rear, and the military students. All they could do was try not to hold them back.

Zhen has been training diligently over the years. It is estimated that her martial arts skills and strength can rank first in the school. Although she cannot compare with her two family members, she is already considered strong among ordinary people.

It has to be said that she is not as enlightened as Zhen: "You have also worked very hard these years."

Zhen shook her head: "Compared with Xiu Xiu and the others, my hard work is nothing."

With Xixiu's hard work, Zhen knew that she only slept five or six hours a day, and spent the rest of her time studying and training.

Zhen didn't ask about her current strength, but Ah Xian's expression was so proud, which was enough to show how amazing the results of Xi Xiu's efforts were.

"Yeah, let's work hard together!" Nie Xien felt that he should train more to be like Zhen.

"Okay, let's take a look at the issues in the exchange itinerary." The two of them have stayed in the room since they came back, waiting for arrangements for tomorrow.

The purpose of their trip is to familiarize themselves with the future working environment in advance.

The schools in the alliance are similar. They are dedicated to the education of children. The school's resources are always the best, and they are also designed to cultivate good talents for the alliance at the first level.

The ten days of communication passed quickly.

Xi Xiu, Xue Fanhui and A Xian came to pick up Zhen at the appointed time.

As expected, Xue Fanhui rented a small airship. It looked very cool and could carry about ten people.

Xixiu's regular followers Su Jinbao and Enwit were among them, and there was also a Damian.

This is also the first time Zhen has seen Xixiu's teammates. The Aura star is indeed strong.

He looked like a big man with strong muscles and a height of 2.4 meters. Zhen took a look at his height and looked at the sky speechlessly. It is estimated that the Aola star can lift him up in a short time!

Xixiu introduced Zhen, and Su Jinbao became acquainted with him. After a while, he started chatting with Zhen and Nie Xien.

Zhen knew from Su Jinbao how hard they worked on their embroidery.

Hearing this, Zhen felt sour and proud in her heart.

Her two family members have excellent quotas!

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