Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 248 - A very good reputation

Lu Shouyi finally decided that all the resources of the military academy in the last half year would be tilted towards these two teams.

Moreover, all the top ten teams in the general academy were thrown away from the special training room.

In half a year, I hope I can make up for the fact that outstanding students were not focused on training due to his negligence.

The competition between Xixiu and Yukila was not made public, but some well-informed people still knew about the competition.

Everyone tried their best to find out the results. Su Jinbao, Liang Jingxiannan and Jia were surprisingly united this time and did not go online to say anything about the reasons and results of this competition.

Misia and the others won’t even talk about it.

Because after the competition, they were thrown into cruel training by Luo Yunzhong and Xue Zixian.

In half a year, everyone's strength will reach a higher level, otherwise the position of head of the grade group will really not be held by any of the five people.

After Yokila competed with Xixiu, she stayed alone in the dormitory for two days without seeing anyone.

She sent a message to Ye Zhenwei, telling her the results of the competition and her doubts.

Strength and talent should be equal.

Ye Zhenwei's current strength and talent are equal. They have fought against each other before, and Yuqi La knows from her feelings that Ye Zhenwei's strength is not as good as Hong Xixiu's.

This is so weird.

Hong Xixiu was obviously only a 3S talent, but her strength was higher than that of the fish-man Hai Sumiao and the Anvilian Wu Jingxian.

The strength of these two races is unmatched by most people, and their talents are innate.

However, Hong Xixiu went against this common sense. Even if he was as talented as Ye Zhenwei, he would still find it difficult to face Wu Jingxian and Hai Sumiao.

But looking at the expressions of Hai Sumiao and Wu Jingxian, it was obvious that both of them felt that they were not as good as Hong Xixiu.

This is worth pondering.

Yokila's doubt caught Ye Zhenwei's attention.

When she first questioned Hong Xixiu's spiritual power, Wu Jingxian said that she had taught Hong Xixiu the secret technique of Anweil. At that time, she had no doubts.

What Yoqila said this time was that Hong Xixiu was stronger than Wu Jingxian and Hai Sumiao.

She didn't know why Yokila could come to this conclusion, but to be cautious, she told Yuan Chuhong about the matter.

Yuan Chuhong was also surprised. When he contacted Xue Zixian, he did not get a positive answer from Xue Zixian.

How does Jokila judge?

Xue Zixian approached Yokila, but Yokila only said her intuition, because she could see deep-felt admiration in the expressions of Hai Sumiao and Wu Jingxian.

To Hong Xixiu.

Xue Zixian decided to slowly observe Hong Xixiu until he found out about Yokila's suspicions.

But he didn't pay much attention to it. Ye Zhenwei's reputation in Tianwei was very good now, and they had managed her business well.

As long as she keeps working hard, after a few more small battles, she should be able to get promoted again.

No matter how talented you are, you won't go very far if you don't have someone behind you.

Moreover, by the time these freshmen join the army, Ye Zhenwei will already be a guard general.

There are just a few differences in level.

However, for the sake of caution, Xue Zixian still sent all the information he knew to Yuan Chuhong.

After receiving this information, Yuan Chuhong will naturally arrange for someone to do it.

This is outside his jurisdiction.

626 and 828 still have half a year of special training, and the top ten teams in the grade have also entered extremely cruel training.

Everyone complained, but they didn't expect to be tortured like this.

The teachers in the special training are very unkind and must meet their requirements. If you are lazy or fail to meet the requirements, you will have to train non-stop until you meet the standards.

He Yinlei is one of them.

After she became familiar with Xixiu, she would occasionally chat with Xixiu.

She took advantage of the few minutes before going to bed to complain that she was too tired and had been living an inhuman life since entering the special training state.

Xixiu gave He Yinlei a tiger's touch, telling her to get used to it and just hold on.

He Yinlei burst into tears.

The members of Qiu Shaorong's team were also forced to vent their anger everywhere due to such training.

But there is no other way. You still have to train vigorously the next day. If your mental outlook is not good, you will be punished!

Xixiu's focus has been specifically on the training of mecha group cooperative battles, mecha individual combat and battleship groups, and individual battleships.

Time is very tight, there is not much time left before the graduation performance.

Students in every major have entered a state of emergency. Everyone wants to seize the last study time to make a surprise attack and consolidate the areas they usually neglect.

Su Jinbao and Liang Jingxian worked day and night. They were in the training room during the day and went to the virtual network at night. Anyway, they did not miss a minute or a second.

Miraculously, there was no more gossip on the school intranet, and the juniors and juniors also felt the tension of the seniors.

The campus was also quiet, and only cleaning robots could be seen cleaning weeds, fertilizing, and disturbing hygiene.

The graduation performance every year is a top priority and every graduate must take it seriously.

Because this result is related to their final service location.

Everyone wants to go to a good place to serve, but it is best not to serve on a battleship because it is too difficult.

In fact, many people are a little afraid of the deep sky without daylight.

Although they had to fly through deep space to come to Gaia, it was different. They knew their final destination.

Serving in the stars is different. There is no way back and you will be wandering around the universe until the service is over.

The psychological pressure will be great.

Few people like the never-ending night as much as Damian.

The days of graduates are in dire straits.

Li Shuqi and Xi Daiyu practiced so hard that they almost couldn't sleep.

Every day, not only are you physically tired, but you also have to endure greater psychological pressure.

A Xian and Xi Xiu had a rare moment of free time. They lay on the bed in Xi Xiu's dormitory, sighing in each other's hearts.

"I never knew that military school was so tiring." Ah Xian recalled the time when he went to the Second Military Academy in Anweil ​​to do soy sauce. There were so many courses at that time.

For the people of Anvil, mechas and battleships are nothing, and their mental strength is something they are born with without training.

"I didn't even think about it. I was thinking about going to the logistics department after graduation, and then finding a way to spend the past ten years safely." Xixiu remembered his original thoughts.

I don’t understand how I can still be so naive despite my age!

In this situation, it is impossible to go to the logistics department, and it is very likely to go to the most dangerous place. She has really tricked herself, and she does not blame anyone.

"Ah, I remembered. At that time, you still believed that you could go to the logistics department to make a living. What, do you still hold this idea now?"

"Sister Axian, please stop talking. I didn't expect it. I have no final say in the variables."

"It's okay, I'll accompany you!"

"Yes. Thank you, sister A-Xian."

"You're welcome. We're family."

"Well. Rest and continue tomorrow."

Two shallow breathing sounds came from the room.

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