Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 25 - Feihua Star Thieves Group

Ming Weiman decided to follow Long Xingxue's words and go to see the senior sister honestly.

In order to increase the favor of the senior sister, he specially dressed up and looked suave. He was dressed in formal clothes, drove a showy starship, and rushed to the administrative star.

When he slowly arrived at the place where Wei Lanshan stayed, there was no one there. The chief senior sister was not there, and neither was his lovely nephew!

Mingwei looked confused. The speed at which the senior sister ran away was too, too fast.

Is it because of this that she can become the leader of the alliance?

So he can only be the richest man in the Mingyi Galaxy, right!

It should be like this, Ming Weiman sighed in his heart as he watched people go to the empty building. The master is right, he can only be a rich man.

Ming Weiman just passed by his senior sister like this, and was later talked about by Long Xingxue for a while.

When Ming Weiman rushed over from Ming Zhi Star and planned to meet Wei Lanshan, Wei Lanshan, who had been hiding in the narrow underground of Ming Zhi Star for a long time, heard a piece of news that interested her.

Feihua, an interstellar pirate known for his chivalry in the Alliance, suddenly appeared in the Mingzhen galaxy and abducted all the famous doctors from various administrative stars in Mingxing.

So Wei Lanshan bribed the leaders of the underground black market and asked them to take her to meet Suo Feihua, the leader of the Feihua Star Thief Group.

Wei Lanshan and Jiujiu finally boarded Feihua's starship after going through many twists and turns.

After looking at this starship that was several times larger than the one in Xiwei for a long time, he already had a calm expression on his face.

She felt that she would encounter more surprising things in her future life, so she had to keep her heartbeat steady to avoid the heartbeat becoming too frequent and the load too heavy, which would be bad.

The defense here is very strict, and the quality of the defense seems to be very high.

When Wei Lanshan and the others entered the starship, they entered a square box at the door and stayed inside for five minutes before coming out.

No one explained, but it was long guessed that they were searched to see if they were carrying large thermal weapons.

After traveling on the starship for a full five minutes, Jiujiu and Wei Lanshan finally saw Shuo Feihua.

Shuo Feihua was currently standing at the viewing area of ​​the starship bridge, looking at the endless dark starry sky outside. There was not much expression on her face, and she did not turn around when she heard the noise behind her.

She thought about what the doctors had just said to her. The doctors in the Mingzhen Galaxy said that there was no way to save her sister. They were not capable enough and asked her to hire another expert or send her to the Yuanri Galaxy.

Because fully mechanized surgery can be done there, my sister Fei Yue's life can be saved.

But that also means that from now on, her sister can only rely on equipment to live.

This was the sixth time she had heard this advice.

Is it true that no one in the entire Jingsu Alliance can save Fei Yue?

Shuo Feihua felt very painful. Fei Yue was her only remaining relative in the world. Over the years, the two sisters had struggled together in the sea of ​​​​stars to build this foundation.

She and Fei Yue were planning to leave these things to their subordinates. They found a planet with good scenery and rich products to have a good rest, but something like this happened. It was her carelessness that caused Fei Yue to be injured. She felt more self-blame than The sea is deep.

Wei Lanshan did not announce her home right away. She and Jiujiu stood quietly, looking into the depths of the starry sky with Suo Feihua.

"Are you a doctor?" Suo Feihua calmed down his thoughts and turned around to look at the two women in front of him, one older and one younger.

Wei Lanshan restored her original appearance, but it was not the same for a long time.

Since their escape, no one has seen Jiujiu's true appearance.

Wei Lanshan said nothing, but she showed Soo Feihua something, which was her logo in the alliance.

Shuo Feihua was ecstatic in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face: "Please take a step to speak."

She led Wei Lanshan and Jiujiu into her space, and asked people to bring toys, snacks and drinks to Jiujiu. Seeing how meticulous Wei Lanshan was, she knew she was not a bad person.

"Tell me the situation and let me see the person. I can give you an answer immediately after the diagnosis." Wei Lanshan looked at Suo Feihua, and she said this very sincerely.

Although the Feihua Star Thieves Group has "robbers" in their name, they are not engaged in banditry. Instead, they are a team that hunts down gangsters from all walks of life in the alliance who truly make a living by stealing.

To capture these gangsters and obtain commissions, they sometimes go to further galaxies. Therefore, Shuttle Flower himself enjoys a good reputation in the alliance.

They are thieves among thieves, guarding the peace of the Mingzhen Galaxy.

"Okay, come with me." Suo Feihua took Wei Lanshan to her sister Fei Yue's room.

Suo Feiyue was seriously injured in a battle and injured his spine.

The alliance's technology can replace organs, but the spine has never been conquered unless instrumented surgery is performed, but in that case, Fei Yue will not be willing to see it when he wakes up.

Alliance law stipulates that after being instrumented, they are not allowed to live permanently in other galaxies. They can only live within the scope of the Yuanri galaxy.

Because the body strength after instrumentation is five times that of ordinary people, for the safety of other people, the alliance stipulates that after instrumentation surgery, one can only live in the Yuanri Galaxy, unless there are special circumstances.

That is, it is subject to constant monitoring by the central intelligence brain and a control program is installed.

Once an armed fight occurs, the installed monitoring system will immediately send information to the central intelligence brain, which will determine the severity and then take forced downgrades, destroy some of their equipment, and balance the power of the two parties.

Citizens of the Jingsu Alliance would not take this road unless they had no choice, because doing so would mean losing the freedom to walk in the sea of ​​stars.

The universe is so vast, and a life of more than two hundred years can only be trapped in one galaxy, which is no different from a prison.

Therefore, Suo Feihua would not choose this path no matter what, and neither would her sister Suo Feiyue.

After Wei Lanshan saw the situation of Shuttle Feiyue, she suggested that Shuttle Feiyue stop at the Sulaina Galaxy.

There is a very good sanatorium there with high-end precision equipment. She needs to do tests to give the final answer.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away." Wei Lanshan's words made Soo Feihua's face regain its vitality.

It takes three star days to travel from the Mingzhen galaxy to Sulena. Shuo Feihua ordered the starship to open the space channel as quickly as possible, and then conduct a super-light migration.

Wei Lanshan confessed her request to Suo Feihua, and Suo Feihua agreed to her conditions without hesitation.

Wei Lanshan's request is easy for Feihua Tuan to fulfill, and her sister's health is the most important thing.

After this battle, Suo Feihua actually wanted to quit. She sighed in her heart, thinking that she would make a decision after her sister woke up and discussed it with her.

After listening quietly to them discussing various conditions for a long time, Wei Lanshan was impressed once again.

In the future, she will be like Wei Lanshan, capable and calm in times of trouble. When she settles down, she will have to work harder.

When Wei Lanshan waved to Jiujiu to let her pass, Jiujiu smiled sweetly at the two beauties, her eyes were bright, and she was full of energy.

Shuofeihua seemed to have seen her younger sister when she was a child. He would always pester her playfully, and when he succeeded, he would grin at her. The smile was cheerful and warm, so Shuofeihua had a particularly good impression of Jiujiu.

I gave her a lot of snacks again. It was foggy for a long time. Does this leader of Feihua treat people just by stuffing her with snacks?

She liked this very much, so she sweetly thanked the shuttlecock: "Thank you, beautiful sister, I'll give you some. I can't finish all the food."

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