Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 253 - Virtual network running-in (additional update)

You know he exists, but you can't see him.

"Jingya went to Huwei. The Qin family of Huwei was one of the families who originally proposed this idea. Their head was a good friend of Li Xianfeng, and the two of them were comrades in arms. Later, he was in charge of the experiment of creating living creatures. He is a Biomedical Genius.”

Xixiu thought deeply and was familiar with many secrets of the alliance, and also knew the secrets of Anweil: "Is he familiar with Anweil?"

"To be precise, he once pursued a nobleman from Anvil at all costs in order to give birth to an outstanding heir."

Xixiu was surprised. Isn't the alliance a matching marriage?

Ah Xian knew Xi Xiu's doubts: "If the match fails three times, the central brain will no longer care about the partner and can pursue it freely."

Although this is the case, there are only a few like this. Most alliance members will either stay unmarried for life after three failed matches, or they will get married once they are satisfied with the match.

"Then he targeted the Anvilians?"

"Yes. He is a genius. He always wants to combine with the Anweir people to get better offspring. He does it for research, not sincerely."

In this case, they must have been rejected in the end, and although the Anvilians protect humans, they rarely fall in love with humans.

It stems from differences in concepts and treatment of life.

"Did the Anweil ​​noble he pursued later return to the Land of Origin?"

A Xian shook his head. She didn't know this clearly. She had to ask Jing Xi to find out.

This is a piece of history that has been dusty for a long time and is rarely mentioned by Anweil ​​people.

"It's not so crazy."

Xixiu felt that Ah Xian had overestimated this kind of genius and human beings' persistence in a certain thing.

"Sister Ah Xian, since this person is good friends with Li Xianfeng, what kind of person is he in terms of character? Is there any record?"

"I haven't asked. It's been so many years. Let's wait for Jingya to come back and see what news she brings back. We should be able to meet again before we go to serve."

A Xian didn't think about it anymore, but Xi Xiu took it to heart.

She always feels uneasy.

Such a genius sometimes goes astray and becomes even crazier.

Because he will believe that he is right and is determined that he is doing good things.

And what remains of history is likely to be somewhat biased.

When Xixiu and A-Xian returned to school, they entered the virtual network. When they entered, the others were already ready.

The school has already arranged their team composition and sent it to each student's terminal.

Everyone enters the virtual network and finds their respective teams according to their IDs.

Each group has 1,200 members, including weapons, logistics, medical, star mapping, and every department is involved.

The combat department is special, as it is a major that requires learning all subjects in the military academy.

While other majors study their own main subjects, other majors can take electives.

However, what everyone chooses is basically martial arts and mental strength, and they will not cover everything.

Xixiu and Axian entered the virtual network. The battleship was ready. The star map they chose was a vast star field on the border of Gaia.

The environment here is very complex, much more complex than when they first assessed the battleship.

There is an unknown area not far away.

It doesn't look like a newborn nebula.

According to the latest data, it looks like a small star field with strong gravity.

The comrades in charge of the star map have been looking at the data, and finally summarized the data and sent it to everyone's terminals.

This is the third time their group has simulated a battle in the virtual network. From the chaos of the first time to the orderliness of the third time, everyone quickly adapted to the rhythm on the battleship.

The division of labor was orderly. After the rush, the cause was immediately found and adjustments were made on the spot.

Since Xixiu and his colleagues were involved in all subjects of the combat department, during the first exercise, Xixiu led the team and stood at the front, responsible for commanding the entire team.

In the third exercise, Hai Sumiao changed the team. The quality of the military cadets was very high, and no one would find fault.

The strength of the combat department is the strongest among all majors. They are capable of both literary and military skills, and their force values ​​are all off the charts. They also know all other majors.

Therefore, other professional teammates must obey orders absolutely and will not find fault easily.

After seeing Xixiu lead his team for the first time and accurately avoid the meteorite turbulence in the chaos, everyone gave up their intention to stir up trouble.

With such a team leader, as long as they do their job well, they will probably have no problem winning first place during the performance.

Xixiu stared at the virtual screen: "This position is based on the axis of the Gaia galaxy. If we turn 0.3° towards the axis, we can pass by this small star field without being caught. Its gravity pulls."

Hai Sumiao was also watching. After the calculation, the comrade in charge of the data calculation found that it was exactly as Xixiu said.

I really don’t understand why she can tell it just by looking at it. What’s the trick?

"Will there be an ambush on the right side of the star field?" Yi Mingda considered further.

"I'm afraid not."

The others didn't understand what Xixiu said, but Ah Xian understood it: "It's best to have an ambush. Our angle is just enough to escape the gravity of the star field. We are not afraid of death and choose this time to ambush. If we are pulled, wouldn't our victory be in vain?" ”

If you are pulled by the star field, it is not that easy to escape quickly.

When they are far away, they can fight as much as they want.

Everyone was thoughtful.

They fell into a circle, thinking only about not being ambushed and winning as long as they were hit in fewer places than the other side, without thinking about other factors.

It seems that a little more thought is needed in observing and considering things.

"That's it, let's move forward full steam ahead."

Hai Sumiao issued the order.

Xixiu kept staring at the star map. The virtual and reality were restored one to one. Unexpectedly, this sea of ​​​​stars was quite beautiful.

After the console changed the angle of navigation according to Xixiu's idea, there was indeed a fool waiting there to pick up ready points.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the opponent, the control team did not panic. When it approached the star field, it suddenly accelerated and jumped out of the star field's capture range.

And the battleship that planned to attack them without any effort was really pulled by the star field.

Xixiu and the others got full marks in this round.

Because the opponent's warship was held back for twenty minutes, and it stayed there for Xixiu and the others to fight.

They were able to fight back, but they couldn't avoid the attacks from Xixiu and his team, and the shells they fired were all intercepted by Xixiu and his team.

The other party's commander scolded the person who came up with this idea, and even greeted people from five generations up and down.

I was overjoyed when I saw a warship entering the encirclement, but it turned out that I fell into someone else's trap.

I feel extremely unhappy, but I still can't accuse the other party of being cunning.

Because they totally asked for it.

Everyone else knows how to calculate the traction force to calculate the optimal angle, distance and speed, avoiding this range.

But they rushed over at once!

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