Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 256 - Furious Axian

Xixiu and all the captains had a breath.

The thoughts and opinions of 626 and 828 were highlighted. Whether they can listen to them or not is their own business.

The others saw Xi Xiufa's summary and took note of every detail.

They never thought too deeply about it, they just thought that winning the show would be enough.

No matter what method you use, just win.

And Hong Xixiu, whom they had always regarded as their opponent, set his sights further afield.

To win a team battle, you also need to win beautifully and score high points, and cooperation is definitely indispensable.

They are a whole. Even if a single fleet performs very well, it is in vain if the whole fleet is not outstanding.

"Is what Hong Xixiu said necessarily correct?" Some people questioned Xixiu's judgment.

"What she said makes sense. This is a team battle, and I believe you all know the importance of cooperation. Moreover, the Council of Elders must also look at a fleet's ability to obey."

After all, they will be soldiers in the future, and it is their bounden duty to obey orders.

"Besides, don't forget that their grades, which are number one in their grade, don't have any merit at all."

"Could it be that the Anvilians are too powerful?"

"Can one person's strength mean that the entire team is strong?" Get rid of it and think about it!

"She was just lucky enough to be accepted by Jiuxing." Some people were still unconvinced.

"You guys are really stubborn. Jiuxing has always only looked at character and talent. If you can't achieve it yourself, what's the use of acid."

It is really impossible to know what these people have in their heads all day long. Is it interesting to fight?

Maybe we will serve in the same station again in the future. If we look up but don't look down, the relationship will be so tense right now. How embarrassing will it be in the future!

Everyone is here to protect the alliance.

The opinions and suggestions given by Hong Xixiu were so pertinent that no one else would be too lazy to say them.

Because even if he loses this performance, he still won’t be ranked first in grade 626.

Moreover, the graduating chief of their combat department this year will definitely be their team.

Yokila and the others have lost too many times in previous assessments. Even if they can come back this time, the outcome is already doomed, unless the school insists on giving them the position of chief.

The rest of the team didn't say anything more, but they had their own plans in mind.

The teachers leading the team are only responsible for monitoring, and the tactics and all preparations will be completed by the students themselves.

Because when they arrive at the place of service, they will no longer train alone. What they will face in the future is the real battlefield.

All training items have been completed in school. You will not learn these additional items when you go to the station. From now on, you will rely on yourself to accumulate experience on the battlefield.

Whether each station will have additional training is up to the station, but there should be some cross-over performances.

There are only three days of preparation. During these three days, they not only have to process a large amount of data, but also determine the location of each warship.

The captain has already arranged the personnel positions of each battleship, and the group will ultimately follow the commands of 626 and 828 by default.

Ah Xian looked at these children and felt helpless in his heart.

In Anweil, strength has always been respected.

Anvilians below level 14 will absolutely surrender to the powerful level 15 and 16 warriors, without so many whys and whys.

When faced with danger, a strong person will not and will not allow those with lower strength to rush to the front, except for the death squads.

The strong will protect these followers.

In Anweil, after death, life will start again in another way. Even if this is the case, why can't humans do this and have awe of the strong?

If Anvil hadn't been able to attack humans, she would have wanted to drag them out and give them a good beating.

Xi Xiu knew what A Xian was thinking.

But human beings are such creatures. They have awe of nature and the strong, but it does not mean that everyone is like this.

She never thought about becoming a strong person here, all these efforts were just to survive.

However, she seemed to work a little too hard, and the reality exceeded expectations.

"Sister Axian, you have to believe that they can still take care of the overall situation."

In the face of real disasters, they can still distinguish the serious from the serious.

"Axian, there are so many battleships. It's impossible for us to make everyone obey orders. First, we are not their superiors; second, they are still too young and have an urge to not give up until they hit the wall. They always think that they are the only ones who can do it." is correct."

There was a dangerous aura about the Anvilian who pursed her lips tightly. When Xixiu saw this, he was afraid that she would run away, so he hurriedly held her hand: "Sister Axian, if that doesn't work, we will use a roundabout tactic, it will only take longer. "

A Xian calmed down his emotions after a while.

Su Jinbao and Enwit said silently in their hearts, "I'll be a good boy." Their aura was unparalleled. It was really powerful.

Hai Sumiao and Xixiu began to arrange the position of each battleship, coordinating with the captain of each battleship, and finally used a conventional battle formation, which would be more flexible.

In addition, the small battleships of Tarasha and Iminda will follow invisibly and attack the opponent.

Xixiu's original idea was to organize about two thousand warships for a raid, but looking at this, this idea could not be realized.

These people still have the idea of ​​​​working on their own, and they are very picky about everyone's position.

The same goes for the red side.

Although Yokila and the others are the key talents to be cultivated and are among the top five in terms of strength, other teams should still be dissatisfied.

They weren't much better than Xixiu and the others, even though they accepted Yokila and Zhang Jixing as the team leaders.

Yun Naqin and the others also restrained themselves a little, waiting for the end of the performance to decide who was better, but it was different for others.

The teachers looked at these students and sighed in their hearts.

Will such soldiers obey orders when they go to the battlefield?

They have been fed to dogs for seven years in the military academy.

Those eye-catching big words in the school, these children have never taken a serious look at them, do they take them to heart?

Seeing that there were more and more opinions in the group, Xi Xiu posted the words standing at the school gate, which she had taken when she was free, to the group.

The group was quiet instantly.

Obedience, responsibility, glory, alliance.

The first priority of these eight words is obedience, obeying orders, and obeying arrangements.

After calming down, Xi Xiu felt that her mind was much clearer.

Ah Xian's anger had calmed down.

"Two assault ships are obviously not enough. Let Su Jinbao and Liang Jingxian coordinate with the other captains." At least one thousand ships are needed.

"I've asked Su Jinbao and Liang Jingxian to find someone. Sister Xian, don't worry."

They don't need to hold out for too long. As long as they obey orders for these ten hours, they can do whatever they want in these ten hours.

Hai Suimiao also agreed with her idea.

The reason why the conventional battle formation is determined to be the most useful arrangement must have its advantages.

As long as their defense and offense are well coordinated, it should not be difficult to win this show.

She discussed with Xi Xiu again, arranged the positions of all the warships using the intelligent system, and sent it to the captains of all the warships.

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