Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 258 -Su Jinbao’s debut

Hai Sumiao dropped the information of the captains of these ten battleships from the system. They were the ones who always wanted to challenge Xixiu and A-Xian.

Nan Hejia was responsible for recording the names of these people, and planned to take good care of them after the performance was over.

Since these people want to challenge so much, let's fight. Nan and Jia will be the first to go.

"Captain, there are a lot of debris ahead, and the battleship may not be able to pass through it smoothly using the regular mode array."

The team member in charge of the star map pointed to the position 0.1 light-year ahead, and Xixiu looked over: "Enlarge the image and calculate the distance between each fragment."

The team members who processed the data immediately began to analyze: "The maximum distance is only one-half of the width of the battleship, and our battleship cannot pass smoothly."

Xixiu looked at the screen and calculated the position with his own terminal: "Sister Su Miao, explode these pieces."

It is unrealistic to take a detour. If they do not arrive at the battlefield within the stipulated time, their action points will be deducted.

Weapons are sufficient, but the accuracy and success rate must be high.

The teammates on the star map and data have been busy, Huang Chuanhu is also calculating, and Xixiu has been staring at Huang Chuanhu's data.

The ten battleships in front each have three light cannons, which are enough to deal with these fragments. I hope the weapons team members have a higher accuracy.

The data and star map gave the coordinates, but Xixiu found that there was still a slight deviation from the ideal position. She pointed at Huang Chuanhu's light screen: "Here, it is 0.1 more angles toward the axis."

Huang Chuanhu calculated it again based on Xixiu's position and found that the angle was perfect: "I will combine it with the data they gave and confirm it in two seconds."

"Okay, send it directly to the weapon control, ask them to enter the coordinates, and launch the weapon in two minutes."

After the weapons control got the coordinates, because they had learned from the experience of the previous ten warships changing their navigation modes without permission, they did not dare to be independent anymore. They directly entered the coordinates and fired the light cannon when the time was up.

After a burst of fire in the distance, the fragments turned into powder and scattered. By the time Xixiu's fleet arrived at the original location of the fragments, the powder had already drifted elsewhere.

Their fleet passed smoothly and arrived at the star field where the performance was held at the designated time.

The red fleet appeared on the display screen. It was densely packed and looked quite spectacular, but also a bit scary.

This is just a show. There are 30,000 small warships on the blue side and 30,000 on the red side. A total of 60,000 warships are arranged in the starry sky.

Just looking at the 30,000 battleships on the display screen, Xixiu already felt a lot of pressure in his heart.

In a real star war, the fleet will be thousands of times larger than now, and they will all be large and medium-sized battleships, as well as motherships.

After arriving at the battlefield, Xixiu and the blue team followed the previously determined battle plan, and the warships were arranged neatly. As soon as the order was given, they would change their formation and set off.

Xixiu glanced at his terminal. Su Jinbao and Yi Mingda led a thousand stealth warships and appeared at the designated location not far away.

Yokila on the red side saw everyone on the blue side hovering outside the shooting range. Xing Zongfan, Yun Naqin and Misia all wanted to regain the game.

This time, the five of them brought five battleships, all at the most critical positions.

Their array did not use a conventional one, but a wild goose pattern, with Zhang Jixing leading the group at the front.

The communication channels of all the captains of the red team are open, and there are people inside who are determined to give the blue team a fatal blow so that they can get points for the first attack.

He was pushed back.

"You think the blue side are all fools, just standing there and letting you fight. Where have all the professional knowledge gone?"

"Isn't it enough to contain them?"

"How to contain it?"

"We didn't make a plan before. We were divided into three waves of troops. If one wave of troops attacked, their array would definitely be in chaos."

"Then the original plan."

Yokila was speechless when she heard the others' words. She was trying to figure out Xixiu's psychology.

Judging from the battle, Hong Xixiu is a meticulous person, and he can count three steps after one step.

Even if there is a critical situation, her rescue ability is quite strong. Coupled with Hai Sumiao and Wu Jingxian, it is actually a bit difficult to disrupt their formation.

The previous plan was agreed upon by all the captains, but her words actually didn't have much effect.

"Jiuxing, you should always pay attention to the movements ahead and cooperate with the surrounding warships."

After a pause, Yokila added: "Hong Xixiu will not be fooled easily. Even if she is fooled, it may be superficial or intentional. She has a backup plan in every battle, so pay attention."

"Yes, I know." Zhang Jixing has observed Hong Xixiu and his two teams at least in the past few years, and he has some understanding of the styles of these twelve people.

After Xixiu and the others were ready, the battleship moved forward neatly.

After the red team saw the blue team advancing, they fired as soon as the blue team entered the shooting range as planned.

It was no surprise that they were all intercepted by the blue team. Being within the shooting range also meant that they were within the interception range. This was just a test.

The opponent was able to block them all without missing a beat, without any errors. After Yokila saw it, she asked her teammates who were observing the data: "Who is directing their interception operations?"

"It seems to be Nan Hejia and Su Jinbao."

Are these two people's judgments so accurate? Not a single thing was missed.

The cannonballs they fired were perfectly intercepted by the other side. The cannonballs from the two sides met in the air, exploding into brilliant flames.

"Su Jinbao performed superbly this time!" Ah Xian gave Su Jinbao and Nan Hejia a look of approval.

Su Jinbao was not proud: "Just wait and see my performance later. I will definitely not disappoint our classmate Hong."

Nan Hejia also made an OK gesture.

The two of them were responsible for communicating with the interception team, cross-summarizing the data, and only had a few seconds to make a judgment. I have to say that this time it was really perfect.

Xixiu is very happy. Everyone has made a lot of progress, and she must work harder!

"We keep moving forward in formation. Even if we are disrupted, please don't panic and go straight at the set speed. Please reply when you receive it."

After all the captains responded, Xixiu and the others prepared to disperse the team and outflank them.

Yokila looked at the blue team's formation on the screen. Was he going to outflank them?

"The wild geese disperse. The second plan is to separate the blue team and defeat them one by one."

When the blue side moves, the red side also moves.

After the red team dispersed, Xixiu and Hai Sumiao smiled.

The old god Ah Xian was sitting aside looking at the screen, planning to watch a show.

Her task is to control heavy weapons. When the red team is completely dispersed, it is the turn of the group she controls to perform.

She posted in the group: "Everyone is here. Wait for my order and we will beat them to pieces."

These chapters are so difficult to write, so please just read them

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