Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 260 - Involved in the Alien Star Realm

A power suddenly erupted in the center of the black area, as if something was inspired.

This situation occurred so suddenly that no one expected it, and this situation is also the most dangerous.

The gravity of the black area suddenly increased, and the red fleet was unable to escape in time.

This situation made the red side dumbfounded.

Yokila was also dumbfounded.

Because this is considered a serious mistake by the decision-maker, most of their team's points will be deducted.

"Star map control team, what's going on in this star field, and how long will it take to get the data?" Only when Yokila saw this situation did she realize that she had ventured in.

"Just now we wanted to remind you that this black area is a bit weird, and its attraction has been slowly increasing." said the captain in charge of the star map.

Yokila remembered the captain's mouth shape just now, and really wanted to make her stop and pursue in a different direction.

The fear in Yokila's heart was instantly amplified, but saving people was more important now.

Xixiu and the others found that the other party did not catch up again, and were still a little confused. Only when they looked at the display screen did they realize that the other party was in a serious situation.

Most of the red side's warships were swallowed up by the black area. The red side's warships were in a mess. They had to rescue them in this situation.

"Sister Su Miao, I will take the battleship to rescue people. You wait in the distance. When the time comes, you use your maximum speed to pull us out."

Xixiu and Axian looked at each other and made a decision.

"Hurry, this situation is too dangerous. The teachers should come, but it will take time." A Xian said solemnly.

"Well, let each battleship extend its connection bay. We will connect one to another, and the battleship outside will be responsible for pulling."

This is the only way to save it. Entering a single warship is tantamount to death, and there will only be no return.

The success rate of one ship after another will be higher, but there is no guarantee that the rescue will be successful.

You can only try it first.

Then wait for the school's large warships to come to the rescue. The combined speed of their tens of thousands of warships can probably get rid of the gravity of the black area.

Just a rough idea, not sure.

Because no calculation has been done, no one can get an accurate answer.

There are too many surprises in the starry sky.

The situation in this area is unclear now. "How soon can we get specific data on the star map?" Xixiu asked.

"After reaching the border, it will take ten minutes at the fastest, and we need the engulfed battleship to provide basic data inside." The captain in charge of the star map replied.

They could only go to the black area and ask Yokila for data, but it was still unknown whether the signal they sent could be received inside.

"Connect all the battleships together. Remember not to stall the battleships. They must be able to reach maximum speed at any time." This way the entire army will not be annihilated.

When Xixiu and Axian arrived with the fleet, Yokila was commanding his fleet to carry out rescue.

She looked at the sign of the approaching battleship, which was the blue battleship. While she was relieved, she felt a little uncomfortable.

She always felt uncomfortable when her opponents helped her on the performance battlefield, probably because of her hateful pride.

Xixiu connected to Yokila's battleship. Yokila hesitated for a while before pressing the answer button: "The blue side, Hong Xixiu, brought the battleship to the rescue. If the red side needs help, we will fully cooperate." ”

Yokila looked at Hong Xixiu's expression in the video, and she unexpectedly saw worry in her black eyes.

"There is no way to know the situation inside, the signal is blocked." At this point, Yokila felt very powerless.

It stands to reason that as long as the receiving equipment is intact, they can initiate emergency communications when communications are blocked.

Emergency communications can use radiation in the stars as a communication medium to obtain the desired information.

This is a technology that the Alliance has mastered from Xianri, and has already been used on a large scale.

When they were in class, the teacher also specifically broke down the steps for using this new communication method in detail.

"It is estimated that it will take some time for the emergency equipment to be activated."

There is no need to rush at this time.

The people inside were probably even more frightened.

Xixiu had been counting the time, from the time the emergency device was turned on to the time the signal was sent, it was fast, and it would only take a few seconds for them to receive it.

From the time they were engulfed to the time she brought the fleet over, it was more than twenty minutes at least. How could there be no signal from inside?

The teacher on the ground was also very anxious when he saw this situation: "Why did the red team get closer when they saw the unknown area?"

The star map will obviously be displayed.

"Emergency rescue." Luo Yunzhong and Xu Enchi took the initiative to request rescue.

The teachers who followed the fleet for this performance, Chen Junwu and Gan Fuer, rushed to the scene immediately.

Chen Junwu and Gan Fuer asked Xixiu and the others to anchor the battleship behind them and connect it to the bridge, making it easier to get to the other side's battleship.

After Chen Junwu and Gan Ful arrived, there was still no communication signal coming from inside. This was the worst case scenario.

"Teacher Chen, Wu Jingxian and I go inside. You use the traction lock to hold us." Xixiu clicked on Chen Junwu's video.

"No, it's too dangerous. Wait another five minutes." Chen Junwu refused without thinking.

The communication was always open, and Yokila heard Xixiu's request.

"Teacher, I am the team leader. I am going. These are my team members. It was my mistake that allowed this dangerous situation to happen. I..."

Chen Junwu interrupted Yokila: "Your current mentality will make it worse if you go in."

Yokila's mentality is too unstable.

The Red Fleet could have avoided passing through this star field, but her carelessness caused this crisis.

In the battle in the starry sky, every place and detail must be carefully considered before the leader can make a decision.

When the Star Map Group wanted to give a hint, Yokila not only did not listen to their opinions, but also did not give the Star Map Group a chance to speak.

Based on this, the school will re-evaluate her leadership ability.

Now is not the time to blame anyone, everyone should work together to rescue.

Yokila also knew that she was a little flustered now, and she might not be able to help if she went in, and she would be stuck in it and unable to get out.

She felt very guilty.

Zhang Jixing was also trapped in it.

At this moment, she was powerless.

Five minutes later, there was still no signal from inside, and Chen Junwu had to consider Xi Xiu's method.

In the end, Chen Junwu decided to go in with Xi Xiu and let Gan Fuer wait for rescue outside.

After making arrangements, Chen Junwu led Xi Xiu and A Xian into the black area in a warship.

The intelligent system of Xi Xiu's warship was controlled by the Five Elements, so it could communicate with the outside world at first. They sent all the data to Gan Fuer.

After receiving the data, Gan Fuer asked the star map and data to analyze it quickly.

Five minutes after Xi Xiu entered, the signal was also cut off.

Su Jinbao tried to start the emergency communication system and found that the system could be used, but the signal inside could not be sent out.

Because there was no medium, all the star radiation in the black area had been circulating in the black area without any leakage.

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