Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 268 - Origin of Mechanical Star

That area is said to be the forbidden area of ​​the Yuanri Galaxy. Before the Yuanri Galaxy became a mechanical galaxy, it was no different from other galaxies.

It is inhabited by humans and intelligent creatures.

The environment there is very good and the resources are abundant.

It is a paradise that many people yearn for.

But later, a large-scale war broke out in the peaceful Yuanri galaxy, and Yuanri was attacked in the Musar system next door to them.

The residents of Yuanri had lived a happy and peaceful life before and had not experienced a war for a long time, so they did not gain any initiative in this war.

Even the weaker side.

This war consumed Yuan Ri's manpower, combat power, and people's hearts.

The war lasted for nearly a year, and the Alliance was at a loss as four galaxies united to attack the Alliance from different directions.

Therefore, in that war, the Yuanri Galaxy suffered heavy casualties and the population plummeted. At the same time, due to the use of a large number of new radiation weapons, the birth rate of babies also dropped to the lowest level in history.

No new warriors grow.

There are no new human beings born to fill the vacancies.

The medical scientists of the Yuanri Galaxy tried their best and after many experiments, finally found a way to get the best of both worlds.

That is to equip people and other creatures who lost their limbs in the war with mechanical limbs.

Some of the injured were so seriously injured that their bodies, legs and feet were all mechanical devices.

At that time, alliance medicine could not achieve regeneration, so mechanization was the best solution that medical scientists could think of.

These people returned to their posts after being equipped with mechanical limbs, and even re-entered the station and assumed important positions.

These people are no different from ordinary people. They are even better at fighting than ordinary citizens. They have a greater load-bearing capacity and the efficiency of the work they complete is much greater than before.

After seeing such efficiency, everyone in Yuanri Galaxy was very excited.

They even ditched the robots.

This situation also quickly gained popularity among ordinary residents of the Yuanri Galaxy.

Because people and other species equipped with mechanical limbs are much stronger than ordinary people not only in terms of speed and explosive power.

Also because of the high work efficiency, one person can complete the work of two people.

The citizens of the Yuanri galaxy who were frustrated during the war gained power from the machine and healed their post-war wounds in an instant.

The heavy casualties in this war made them realize that only with great strength can they defend their homeland.

They want to be strong too much.

Desire to completely expel the Musar Galaxy.

After their mechanical army successfully defeated the Musar system and reduced their number by half, more and more citizens chose to mechanize.

Then it got out of hand.

In the Yuanri Galaxy, there was a "craze" of people installing mechanical limbs. At first, the alliance did not stop it because the Yuanri Galaxy was unprecedentedly prosperous during this period.

Consistent externally and well-organized internally.

In a sneak attack by Musar, Yuanri Galaxy killed all the team that came to attack Musar.

In this way, the citizens of the Yuanri Galaxy began to worship this power obtained from the outside.

Only after more and more humans and other intelligent life chose to settle in Yuanri and choose to mechanize their healthy bodies did the Alliance realize the seriousness of this matter.

What's more serious is that after their mechanized team grew in size, they began to worship power, thinking that they were extremely powerful and omnipotent.

These mechanized warriors began to cause trouble and provocation in various galaxies, and people in many galaxies in the alliance were seriously injured.

For this reason, a year-long alliance turmoil broke out because the Yuanri Galaxy wanted to mechanize the entire Jingsu Alliance.

They believe that mechanization is the way out for the future of mankind and various creatures in the Alliance.

In this way, even if they face foreign enemies, they will no longer be afraid, because the power is strong enough.

It was the top leader of the alliance at that time who led his men to defeat all the leaders of the mechanical corps that initiated the unrest, and finally silenced the Jingsu Alliance.

The price this time was not heavy.

After the Jingsu Alliance returned to calm, the alliance elders discussed behind closed doors for three full days.

Finally the decision to impose sanctions was made.

The Alliance has introduced a new bill specifically targeting mechanized citizens.

The central intelligence brain also designed compulsory programs.

The Act of Union stipulates that mechanization is possible, but mechanical control procedures must be installed.

The alliance used the harshest means to implement this bill, and initially encountered strong opposition from all citizens of the Yuanri Galaxy.

There was even another unrest.

Finally, the turmoil subsided, and the alliance sent a professional team to the citizens of Yuanri who had previously been equipped with machines, and loaded them with programs specially developed for mechanization by the central intelligence brain.

This program sets a critical value. As long as during the competition, it is found that the mechanized side's opponent is the righteous side and is weaker than the mechanized side, this critical value will be exceeded.

After that, all the mechanical parts will stop functioning, and in severe cases, they will explode directly.

These were the extremely dark years of Yuanri. During that time, it was difficult for the entire Jingsu Alliance.

The history of mechanization in the Yuanri Galaxy has gone through thousands of years like this.

Today's Yuanri Galaxy still pursues the power of machinery and deeply worships it.

Only people from the Yuanri Galaxy have entered the black area of ​​the Yuanri Galaxy. All outsiders who try to enter and explore will be intercepted.

So for so many years, no one found out what was going on inside.

Speaking of the Yuanri Galaxy, Xixiu remembered that when she was in the Feihua Group, Suo Feihua did not want Suo Feiyue to go to the Yuanri Galaxy for mechanical surgery because that would result in the loss of freedom.

Most people would not choose this path when there is still a chance of a cure, except for the local citizens of the Yuanri Galaxy.

This is the history of the Yuanri Galaxy.

Xixiu once looked at it carefully.

Because her world, mechanized limbs are completely different from the Yuanri Galaxy.

If her world also had such technology, that person should be able to pursue freedom like ordinary people.

Xixiu stopped thinking about the past: "Have there been many mechanized humans and other intelligent life forms recently?" Xixiu looked at Yuan Ri's latest report.

"Yes. Qing Zhixun is already investigating. It is estimated that there will be results by the time we get to Yuanri."

Xixiu rubbed his brows, Yuanri's game of chess was really difficult to play.

In the past, they had to perform various tasks first, and the investigation and tracking would probably be done by novices like them.

"Why can't we trace the origin of these people?" A Xian muttered.

"It may be that like my ID, their ID is someone else's. They live under someone else's name."

Just like her, she also lives under the name of Hong Xixiu, although now she is Hong Xixiu.

"It's not impossible. But will there be so many death IDs in the alliance every year?" Xixiu didn't understand Ah Xian's question.

She was in Kino Star at the time, and she didn't have many IDs in the black market, just a few.

"When we get to the place, we will check it out, but maybe we will have the results there before we get there."

Ah Xian decided to put this matter aside for the time being. The biggest headache was still the matter investigated by Wu Jingya.

After all these years, despite the speed with which the people of Anweil ​​handled things, there was still no result. Ah Xian knew that this matter must have been hidden too deeply.

This matter has been going on quietly in an area unknown to them.

"By the way, Hai Sumiao will leave Gaia in a few days. Let's go say goodbye."


Xixiu thought about whether there was anything suitable as a gift in Newli, his own space.

In the end, she realized that the only thing she had most was the diamond that Damian had given her before.

So Xixiu decided to make a pendant.

With the lake blue diamond, Hai Sumiao will look very beautiful wearing it, because her pupils are also blue.

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