Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 273 - Graduation Ceremony

Hai Sumiao left Gaia quietly like this, and Yi Mingda and the others finally chose a gift within their ability.

With the blessings of his teammates, Hai Sumiao boarded the starship returning to Miao Runxing alone.

Those who came to pick her up were her fourteenth brother Hai Qingbo and ninth sister Hai Suhui.

Seeing Gaia turn into tiny stars behind him, Hai Sumiao retracted his thoughts and asked about Miao Runxing's current situation.

Hai Qingbo's words were concise and concise: "The situation is not good. Many border creatures want to break through Miao Runxing's defense line and come to the desert sea around us to survive."

"These creatures this time are different from the ones at the Star Domain gate defended by Anweil. They are the ones who chose to leave Miao Runxing a long time ago." Hai Suhui added.

The place where Hai Sumiao returned to station was the deserted sea, so this would be her challenge.

"Why would they want to come back?"

What is the mentality of these fleeing Miao Runxing race who want to return?

"The news we heard is that there is a problem in the place where they live. All the waters are polluted."

Although they can live on land, they still need to replenish the sea water in Miao Runxing from time to time.

The waters are polluted and this problem can endanger their lives.

So these people want to return to Miao Runxing, whom they once despised?

Where is the truth?

"What do the rest of the family mean?"

"Throw back the armistice agreement they threw at us and give it back to them." Hai Qingbo said it lightly.

However, Hai Sumiao could imagine that this time he would really be relieved.

"Then from now on, we'll fight as soon as we come?"

"Well, what else can we do?"

When they wanted to leave Miao Runxing, they said harsh words. They swore an oath in the sea where their ancestors slept, and they would never return after leaving.

"Okay, then I know how to control the situation." Hai Sumiao didn't think about it anymore. It was nothing more than fighting. This was her greatest significance as a warrior.

"By the way, where are the weapons and personnel? Are they sufficient?" This is the most important.

"Everything is ready. Your tenth sister was stationed there before. You take over her position and other equipment is available."

Miao Runxing has a vast territory but relatively few warriors, so every member of the royal family spent their childhood in training.

Only by strengthening yourself can you shoulder the responsibility of protecting Miao Runxing.

But now, she has the biggest support.

It was given to her by that beautiful girl.

On the contrary, the gifts she gave out were a bit insignificant.

When she gets back to Miao Runxing, she will send some to them. Xixiu likes to eat seafood. She will ask her elder brother to catch more for her when she has time, and give them all to Xixiu.

"Well, I understand."

"Your wedding to Yan Lanxi will be held as scheduled in about a year." Hai Suhui said cautiously.

Hai Sumiao looked at his sister: "I know, you don't have to worry about me regretting my marriage anymore. It doesn't make much difference to who I end up with."

Moreover, from another perspective, Yan Lanxi's conditions are ranked high in Miao Runxing.

She and him were actually a good match.

Now, her strength is incomparable. From now on, she will be stationed with Yan Lanxi. I believe that together, they can guard the deserted sea.

Hearing her words, Hai Suhui and Hai Qingbo breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking of the situation when she went back to Miao Runxing to break off the engagement a few years ago, she really didn't want to experience it again.

Hai Sumiao who started the fire was terrifying.

It was their parents who came forward and joined forces to suppress Hai Sumiao.

Hai Sumiao returned to Miao Runxing, not knowing that he was about to start a new era of Miaorun.

After Hai Sumiao left, Xixiu's graduation farewell party was held as scheduled.

The remaining members of 626 and 828 appeared on time in the largest square of the school.

The square was decorated very festively, and robots were responsible for serving drinks. Hundreds of thousands of graduates of this class will leave within a week after the farewell party and go to their own residences.

Xixiu and A-Xian sat together, while Su Jinbao and Enwit sat behind Xixiu, divided into two rows.

828 is sitting next to him.

Because there were so many people, the farewell speech was viewed through a projection screen above the square. Students could sit in the square, drink some drinks, eat snacks, and chat.

This is probably the school's preferential treatment for graduates, allowing them to enjoy a pleasant party before starting their military careers.

The content of the farewell party is similar every year. Representatives from the Elders Association will come to deliver speeches, and the principal will deliver a speech. After that, there will be an award ceremony for the chief graduate team and the outstanding team.

Only one team from each major can get the title of Chief Graduate. In addition, there are twenty outstanding teams from each major, all of which are comprehensively evaluated based on their usual performance.

While eating snacks, Flora chatted with Xixiu and the others and complained: "I haven't changed the words of this farewell speech in hundreds of years."

"Yes, every year starts like this." Nan Hejia turned to discuss with Flora.

"It should be a little new to boost morale. This way we can all recite it." Flora's voice was very low, but they all heard it.

"This has probably become a tradition, so it's not easy to change." Yi Mingda said to Nan Hejia.

This passage is actually very inspiring. Many generals who graduated from the First Military Academy used this passage to urge themselves to move forward.

Don’t forget your original intention.

Be brave and keep moving forward until you complete your mission.

Xixiu thought the content was pretty good, and it reminded her of her student days.

I was still young at that time and my mentality was different from now.

After all, although her body grew from scratch, her experience was not that of starting over again.

When she gave a speech at the graduation ceremony as an outstanding student in the past, she was so passionate, all of them were ideals, and she had too many words of encouragement.

In the end she did it.

Including promises to benefactors.

Although she only lived for less than thirty years, she had already earned more than four hundred years of this new life.

Lu Shouyi's figure appeared on the projection screen above the square, and his words stopped in the hearts of every soldier who was about to rush to the front line.

"Students, this moment every year is the moment I least want to face. Because it means that soldiers have to go to dangerous places to contribute their strength to the garrison alliance.

We sent many, many outstanding warriors to the front line, but in the end, not all of them came back alive. Some warriors are sleeping deep in the sea of ​​​​stars, and we can only remember them. "

These words reminded Xixiu of the league's funeral live broadcast many years ago.

That was the shock that was engraved in her heart.

Since then, her training time has been lengthened and she has become harder.

"It's not that the soldiers are not strong enough, but that the enemy always wants to invade our Jingsu Alliance. The soldiers sacrificed to protect the alliance. They are the supreme glory of Jingsu and are forever engraved in the central intelligence database. There, every name.”

There was silence in the square.

"I hope you will set off with a smile and come back with a smile.

If you are lucky enough, I hope you will apply to return to serve in the First Military Academy after you retire, and pass on your valuable experience to more soldiers.

Let new blood inherit your position and take over the important tasks in your hands. "

These words were most touching to Xixiu.

A Xian also understood that Lu Shouyi wanted the soldiers to have a goal to strive for.

“You must always remember that on the battlefield, whether on land or in the stars, teamwork can make you more likely to win.

There should be no personal interests on the battlefield, let alone jealousy and comparison. Remember, only by working together as a team can we overcome every difficulty in the future.

The most important point is to make the final judgment based on everyone's opinions. Even in the most critical moments, we must work hard to filter out the dangers that will arise before making a decision. "

Lu Shouyi's kind words reached the ears of every soldier in real time through the terminal.

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