Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 28 - The heart is not steel

Ye Zhenwei is naturally beautiful, delicate in appearance but strong in strength. This contrasting cuteness made her gain many fans on Star Network overnight.

However, because of this, Ye Zhenwei attracted the attention of various forces, with the major star thief groups in the alliance bearing the brunt.

This time, the high profile of the Ye family and the Alliance family brought a lot of trouble to Ye Zhenwei, which Tang Yongyu and Ye Yunhan did not expect in advance.

After all, the Ye family of Tianning Star has no foundation in Gaia. Although Ye Zhenwei's talent has been recorded in the central intelligence brain, the central intelligence brain will track her whereabouts at any time to ensure her safety before she grows up.

But there are still many secret forces who want to get Ye Zhenwei's 3S talent. Obtaining it means having a powerful weapon.

After receiving the news that Ye Zhenwei might be in danger, Chris took the initiative to serve as Ye Zhenwei's bodyguard.

Russell and Fernando also joined, and the Fang family sent a daughter who was about the same age as Ye Zhenwei to go to Ye Zhenwei's school for personal protection.

The Ye family was so high-profile as soon as they arrived in Gaia, which also made a small number of people unhappy. Having high physical and mental strength does not mean that you will be strong as an adult.

In this world, all strength requires sweat and hardship.

For things like strength, physical and mental strength must be exercised to become more stable. If you don't exercise or train, your body will easily get tired during a battle.

Although high-level mental power can be used as a weapon to attack directly, humans are not machines, and the body's energy will soon be exhausted.

If mental power is not used together with martial arts, and one relies solely on mental power to fight, mental power will even dry up.

This has precedent in the alliance. The Ye family does not want to improve Ye Zhenwei's strength first, but instead takes their daughter to show off everywhere. They should not make too much of a joke then.

3S's talent is indeed amazing and enviable, provided it can grow up.

When the Ye family was prosperous in the capital, Wei Lanshan and Jiujiu got mixed up with Shuo Feihua's fleet and successfully arrived at the Sulaina system with their new legal identities.

Shuofeihua took people directly to Sulena's nursing home.

This sanatorium is provided by the Sulaina system for retired soldiers. It is used for post-war comfort and treatment. The equipment and instruments are very advanced.

Shuofeihua went to the dean and explained her purpose of coming. She would pay for the use of the operating room and some instruments.

The dean agreed after knowing her identity. The Sulaina galaxy is adjacent to Mingzhen, and Shuofeihua has a small starship that will dock here from time to time to be responsible for Sulaina's safety.

He also heard that it was Soo Feihua's sister who needed surgery, and she asked with concern if he needed to apply for a medical doctorate from the alliance.

After Suo Feihua refused, she arranged for Wei Lanshan to join the team escorting Suo Feiyue and go directly to the laboratory.

After that, people were under martial law and no one was allowed to come even half a step closer to this place within seven days. This was the first time that Shuo Feihua used coercive measures.

After Wei Lanshan conducted a comprehensive examination of Suo Feiyue, she spent a day deciding on the plan, preparing the required medicines and other things, and then started the operation.

Fortunately, the surgical assistant robot equipped in the sanatorium is very high-end, otherwise Wei Lanshan might not be able to complete this operation by herself.

Six hours later, Wei Lanshan walked out of the laboratory. Seeing her expression, the joy on Suo Feihua's face instantly magnified, and a light flickered in the corner of her eyes.

After staying obediently next to Shuofeihua for a long time, when she saw Wei Lanshan walking out of the laboratory with a tired look on her face, she felt respect for this woman for the first time in her heart.

Regardless of her own origins, Wei Lanshan is indeed skilled in medicine, has a rigorous attitude, and will do her best to save people.

Shuo Feihua stepped forward and thanked: "Thank you, Dr. Wei."

"Captain Feihua, you're welcome. This is a deal between you and me. You relieve me of my worries, and I also resolve a major issue for you. We are clear." Wei Lanshan's tone was calm and indifferent.

She has experienced many such operations and has restored many people to health. This is her duty.

After arranging some precautions, Wei Lanshan took Jiujiu back to Shuo Feihua's starship, planning to take a good rest.

"Jiujiu, after leaving Sulena, we will go to Kino Star first and find you a legal ID there."

When the people in the alliance are still in the embryonic stage, the central brain will issue an ID based on the basic situation of the parents.

It will be implanted in the wrist after the child is born. After the age of five, he will use this ID to apply for a terminal, shop, go to the Star Network, travel to school when he grows up, and walk around the league.

Jiujiu is not a child born under a normal marriage, so he will not have an alliance ID.

Wei Lanshan has already planned to travel to the galaxy Muye. There is an ID trading market there, and Jiujiu's identity will be resolved there.

"Okay, Aunt Lan, please take a good rest first. I'll stay here and won't go anywhere. Don't worry." Jiujiu brought water and nutritional supplements to Wei Lanshan. After putting them down, he closed the door of the lounge for Wei Lanshan. .

I was sitting quietly by the window of my room, looking at the boundless black outside the window. At this moment, in the quiet space, I felt confused for the first time in a long time.

In fact, she would also be fragile. She hugged her knees for a long time, thinking about everything that had happened since she came here.

She endured the pain of the experiment, survived tenaciously, and escaped with Wei Lanshan. Although she was safe now, the future was a greater unknown.

This world is very gorgeous and big, with many legends, but also many dangers. The confusion in her heart at this moment made her let her thoughts wander for the first time since she came here.

When Wei Lanshan woke up, she used her mental power to detect a trace of sadness remaining in the space, and she sighed in her heart.

Wei Lanshan walked to Jiujiu's side, bent down and hugged Jiujiu.

"What's wrong, are you so sad at such a young age?" Wei Lanshan looked at Jiujiu's eyes and found that they were moist.

"Aunt Lan, we are born lonely, right?" The person in front of me was wise enough, and I thought for a long time that maybe I could find the answer from her.

"Yes." Wei Lanshan didn't expect that Jiujiu would ask her such a question. At her age, after all, this was a question that adults rarely considered.

"The world is so big, I'm actually afraid." Jiujiu buried his head on Wei Lanshan's shoulder, his voice a little depressed.

Wei Lanshan was actually not used to being so close to others, but Jiujiu's soft little body made her feel warm.

"Fear is normal, so you have to become strong and make yourself fearless enough to face all wind and rain."

Wei Lanshan knew that there was a mature soul in this small body, so she spent this period of time getting along with Jiujiu in an adult way.

Wei Lanshan told Jiujiu a lot about the alliance, hoping that she could face it alone from now on. There were too many ups and downs in this star field.

She had understood this truth for a long time in her previous life, but she had to experience the hardship of walking alone again, and her heart was not made of steel.

After staying quietly in Wei Lanshan's arms for a few minutes, she let out a long sigh in her heart and put away all her worries and sadness.

It's just that she is walking the path of her previous life all over again, but this time because of her talent, it will be much easier and much more difficult, because in this world, she is a complete baby.

After thinking about this, Jiujiu decided to indulge his weakness only this time, and he would never do this again in the future.

"Thank you, Aunt Lan, thank you for everything you have done for me." He thanked her for a long time, his voice was still a little low, but it had obviously recovered.

Wei Lanshan also breathed a sigh of relief. She will recover quickly after a long time. She knows that with her character, the difficulties in the road ahead will not faze her. She may be confused, just like she was just now, but she will eventually choose to move forward instead of Back off.

She gently rubbed Jiujiu's back, and decided to take her to Kino Star to play, so that she could see more beauty, relax, and feel better.

After they stayed on Suo Feihua's starship for seven days, Suo Feihua's sister Suo Feiyue woke up and recovered well.

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