Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 284 - Ming Mars Pirates

This sentence made Xixiu feel satisfied.

Her teammates recognized her efforts, which to a large extent made her happy.

The sincere smiles on the faces of our partners make the world wider, and they will have a place in the starry sky in the future.

"Then, no matter the wind or rain, let's all fight together from now on." Xixiu's words came out when everyone was moved.

"Okay. Thank you Xixiu."

The smile on A-Xian's face was one of pride. Xixiu was the cub of their Wu family. The cub was excellent, so of course she had to smile.

The smiles on the teammates' faces were bright and joyful, as if they could light up the eternally silent starry sky at this moment.

After this topic ended, Xixiu and Axian summarized the characteristics of mechanized creatures based on the battle in the video.

Enwit and others also expressed their own views and insights, and gained a deeper understanding of the capabilities of modified humans and other species.

Qing Zhixun just talked about the current situation in Yuanri, and the situation is not optimistic.

In the past few months, the number of mechanized humans has increased by more than 100,000.

These people are not within the statistical scope of the central intelligence brain, that is to say, they have not installed the control program.

Including the number that has been recorded, the total number of mechanized humans and various creatures in the Yuanri Galaxy has reached one billion.

As for those mechanized humans who are wandering on the fringes and are not included in the statistics of the central intelligence brain, they cannot count how many there are.

Since he came to Yuanri, these numbers have been on the rise. What worries him even more is that the number of legal mechanizations is also growing.

Because these mechanized humans accept the control rules of the central brain in accordance with formal procedures, they have no reason to interfere.

As for whether these people will join those rioting legions, no one can predict now.

That's why the situation they face is very severe, so the new soldiers entering the station will start training as soon as they arrive at the station.

I hope that there will be three months of adaptation time for these newcomers who are entering the battlefield for the first time.

After Qing Zhixun finished speaking, he cut off the video and stood by the window of the command room, seeing endless black.

The black color of the Yuanri Galaxy is thicker than this star field, and it looks extremely dangerous.

He personally came to pick up these soldiers this time because he was worried that someone would intercept them.

The number of names in the mechanization list that are not included in the statistics of the central brain is astonishing.

And those people seemed to be carrying out activities in an organized manner.

As for their origin, they could only be human beings "lost" through other channels. As for which channel, there is no need to think about it.

The merchants on the battleships robbed and killed by the star thieves, the orphans sent to the nursery, many did not reach the designated destination, and there were also soldiers lost in the war.

The amounts add up to a staggering amount.

If we count the missing people in the Alliance within a hundred years, the humans and other species on the hijacked starships, I believe everyone in the Alliance can figure out how huge this number will be.

When he sent it back to Qing's house, the solemn look on his grandfather Qing Wenxu's face was the same as his mood at this time.

"Axun, we found traces of the Star Thief ahead. Look at the emblem, it's Minghuo." Li Yuanting's words interrupted Qing Zhixun's thoughts.

"Can we avoid their route?"

"It seems impossible. They are coming towards us." The other party has been flying in their direction.

"Let all personnel prepare for battle." After Qing Zhixun gave the order, he went to the console.

All five starships opened their protective shields and changed their formations.

Feng Qiqi, who was following Xixiu and the others, also discovered traces of the star thief.

Sent a message to Xixiu who was on the starship ahead: "Xixiu, there are star thieves in front of us, ten medium-sized heavy-armored starships."

"Senior Sister Feng, prepare for battle. Follow the starships stationed at the station and maintain formation with them. Level 5 protection."

Feng Qiqi's starship was modified by Jiuxing himself, and the firepower of the weapons could directly enter the Star Wars. Xixiu was not worried about their evasion speed.

"Copy that." Feng Qiqi and Bai Junge decided to wait until the stationed starship moved before they moved again.

Currently, he is living under the wings of the stationed starship to observe the situation and look for the opponent's breakthrough.

Qing Zhixun raised his eyebrows. These people are really getting more and more aggressive. They openly attack the starships garrisoned by the Alliance. They also want to capture all the Alliance soldiers and make them their puppets?

It also depends on whether Qing Zhixun agrees or not.

"Yuan Ting, ask Lin Changchang to use the weapons harder. The opponent's ten warships will launch from ten directions, up, center and down. After an interval of one second, they will launch from the left, center and right in a row." Directly use these blatant weapons. The star thief was blown to pieces.

The dark sparks robber, wherever they pass, not even a blade of grass grows.

These are the arrogant words they hang on the starship.

In this case, if the brave man intercepts his Qing's honor today and doesn't extinguish the incoming fire, his Qing's honor will no longer be surnamed Qing, but changed to Li.

"You seem to be particularly angry today?" After Li Yuanting sent the message and coordinates to Lin Changchang, he put his hands in his hands and turned to look at Qing Zhixun.

"Yes." Qing Zhixun replied with one word, and then sent a data packet to Li Yuanting.

"Fuck. Fuck them."

The data package Qing Zhixun gave to Li Yuanting contained what Ming Huo had done in the past hundred years.

They not only intercepted the children in the nursery, but also burned, killed, and looted.

They even sold their young children to Musar and Hanhai to work as coolies to earn star coins or exchange weapons with each other.

Qing Zhixun also sent a copy to A Xian.

After receiving the data, Ah Xian's golden eyes were about to burst into flames.

The Alliance has been unable to exterminate these star thieves for so many years because there are always other species that feel that humans should become their slaves.

Hanhaixing and Musar were once very popular in catching human children in order to train these children to become slaves or dolls of Hanhai nobles.

The reason why the Alliance and the five hostile galaxies have always been mortal enemies is because their thoughts have been around for a long time and have never changed.

This data made Xixiu's heart feel heavy. She didn't expect that the Jingsu Alliance had such a dark place.

Even the light of stars cannot shine.

"Sister Axian, is there no way to completely solve this kind of thing?"

"I originally thought that everyone was an intelligent creature, a carbon-based life, and that all species should be equal. No one is superior or inferior. The reason why there are royal families and nobles in Anvil is because of their abilities, but these people also shoulder more responsibilities. "

But the five hostile galaxies are different.

In their eyes, humans are alien species and must be expelled to return this pure land to the star field.

After humans arrived in this star field, the five galaxies have always regarded this matter as a top priority.

"Can't the Alliance Guards pursue us?"

"The manpower is limited, and the whereabouts of these star thieves are weird and unpredictable. As soon as they received the news, they had already succeeded. And all the people escorting them were killed."

They never leave anyone alive.

But looking at it now, it may be unclear whether these people were "killed in action."

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