Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 292 - Sent back to hometown

Emergency training takes place on time at six o'clock every day.

The schedule includes two hours of physical fitness, two hours of martial arts, and a forty-minute break, followed by wearable mecha training.

There is no need to practice battleship proficiency anymore, because this is a required subject for all military school students when they graduate.

If you do something improperly, the invigilator will not punish you. He is very strict.

Therefore, graduates of the Second to Seventh Military Academies are all qualified for battleship operations.

Martial skills and mental strength are different.

These two skills, no matter what age you are, there is still room for improvement.

Xixiu and Axian each brought more than a hundred people and asked them to fight fifty moves one on one.

Based on the performance of these players, they will point out their shortcomings and then let them focus on training.

After one round, Xixiu and A-Xian were even more worried.

The strength of these team members seems to be uneven. Some may be diligent in training and have high comprehension ability, so their strength is not bad.

Some are not enough to watch.

From Ah Xian's point of view, even with her current strength, she might become cannon fodder if she encountered the ultimate version of a creature.

Not to mention their teammates.

Xixiu also realized this.

Her and A-Xian's eyes met briefly, and they had to formulate new countermeasures overnight when they went back tonight.

If the strength of the team members remains like this, it will be difficult for the entire team to complete the task.

After more than two hundred people completed the battle, Xixiu and Ah Xian demonstrated a hundred moves to them.

She and A-Xian were very fast. The two of them completed one hundred moves in less time than their fifty moves.

Is this, is this the strength of a grandmaster?

Yang Jiuqing watched intently.

"Try it at this speed. If we compete with mechanized warriors on the battlefield in terms of physical strength, we will definitely not be able to win. So if we can win in terms of speed, our chances of winning will be much greater." At this speed, coupled with wearable mechas, it will be very difficult to deal with mechanized warriors. More than enough.

But dealing with immortal robots is not enough.


Xixiu carefully corrected the team members who were fighting again, telling them which position to attack, as well as the direction and intensity, so that they must learn to calculate.

Their terminals can obtain the opponent's basic data, physical strength, attack characteristics, etc. after ten moves of the battle.

As long as they find out the enemy's characteristics before the opponent does, they will have the key to victory.

Therefore, speed and testing angle are equally important for newcomers.

Through exercise, their physical fitness and speed can still be improved in all aspects.

After a day of training, the other team members felt that they had really reached their limit.

It will continue tomorrow, which makes them feel a little resistant.

After returning to the dormitory, several people shouted that these trainings are not something humans can do.

"We can't do it, or you can't do it yourself." One of the girls, named Hu Yingyi, replied to the teammate who raised the question.

It can be said that she has gained a lot today. Hong Xixiu's crisp and neat posture made her realize the gap between herself and the students of the First Military Academy.

Not only were they lagging behind at the starting line, but they were also inferior to the First Military Academy in terms of training intensity.

During the break, she asked Flora, who was leading them, and Flora replied that their usual training intensity was five times more intense than what they had today, and the teacher's requirements were also high and strict.

The training intensity in the last year was even ten times more intense than the current training.

Didn’t they survive it and become even better?

Therefore, it makes sense and has a reason why the First Military Academy is much stronger than them.

A: "Hey, did you get guidance from an expert today? Does anyone else know that you are so sweet?"

Hu Yingyi: "I'm afraid only people without eyesight can't see such obvious things. Is it difficult to recognize the excellence and strength of others?"

In today's training, the eight people from the First Military Academy demonstrated to them without reservation and patiently corrected their movements.

In every aspect, they are very responsible.

If they really let the resident instructors teach, they would probably have to shed five layers of skin today.

If you don’t obey the discipline, take off five more layers.

B: "Kneel down and lick us, but don't drag us along."

C: "Yes!"

Hu Yingyi: "When you go to the battlefield, make sure you can defeat your opponent. Make sure you don't need your teammates to support and rescue you before you say this."

This sentence successfully silenced some people, because these people still knew how much they weighed.

When in danger, if you don't let anyone save you, you can only wait for death.

However, some people still want to continue to choke.

D: "They are strong, shouldn't they save their teammates?"

Hu Yingyi simply didn't want to say anymore. It's a matter of love to save you, but it's a duty not to save you.

On the battlefield, only you can be responsible for your own life.

The strong have more important tasks.

They won't wait there to rescue you immediately if you are in danger.

Their eyes will only be on the most powerful enemy on the battlefield.

Yang Jiuqing couldn't stand it any longer, and directly criticized these girls: "You can do it, you can try it tomorrow by being lazy, and you will be dealt with directly by the resident rules. Please read Article 10 of the resident rules. Those who refuse to obey discipline and train lazy people will be sent back to their hometown directly. ”

Seeing Yang Jiuqing's words, the others stopped talking. The meaning of being sent back to their hometown was that after deducting all contribution points, the central brain would reject the marriage matching application.

Not only will the central brain not assign work in this life, but all benefits will be completely cancelled.

The reason why this regulation is so strict is to prevent soldiers from fleeing the battlefield.

You must first contribute to the alliance before you can enjoy all the benefits provided by the alliance.

Everyone in the league knows this.

I also know that this regulation will really be implemented.

There are several cases in the central brain.

After Yang Jiuqing went offline, he contacted Hu Yingyi alone, and the two expressed a lot of thoughts about today's events.

On their way back to the dormitory, Xixiu, Axian and the others asked Su Jinbao and the others to go to their dormitory together so that they could brainstorm strategies.

This was Qiu Shaorong's first face-to-face conversation with Xixiu and the others, and it felt quite novel.

"The strength of these teammates is probably a little better than when I first entered the First Military Academy." Su Jinbao felt a little disappointed.

"But he's better than me." Enwit's evaluation was very objective. Because of their own talents, the bodies of the Ora Stars are weapons, so apart from their bodies, their other skills are not outstanding.

"Three months is a rush." ​​Both Tarasha and Flora thought so.

On the contrary, Qiu Shaorong was more familiar with students from other military academies, and his views were very unique.

"They just lack people to guide them. The studies at the Second to Seventh Military Academy are not as strenuous as ours, but there are still regular trainings. It's just that the students' self-control may not be as strong as the students at the First Military Academy."

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