Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 299 - Underground Exploration

They looked at the three unfamiliar robots in front of them and asked their companions equipped with mechanical eyes to go up and scan them.

I didn't notice anything strange, so I turned around and left.

While they were scanning, Xixiu almost held her breath. Then she thought that this device was different from what it was more than twenty years ago. The current equipment was impeccable.

And because here on Yuanri, a batch of robots that were not recorded in the central brain database have just been released, they may still be confused at this moment.

They were fooled and got through.

A-Xian also secretly patted his chest in his mind. He didn't dare to pat it directly with his hands, so he just took a long breath.

Okay, so exciting.

In her entire life, she has never done such a mission of going deep inside the enemy.

The old god Qing Zhixun is here, and he is not worried about exposing the secret at all. He personally controls this device. I believe that Yuan Ri's current methods cannot be cracked.

After these robots left, Qing Zhixun led Axian, Xixiu, Su Jinbao, and Enweit to continue walking forward. The leader of the four groups was responsible for exchanging information.

Their communication channel is only used between stations. If there is enough equipment here on Yuanri, their signal can also be captured.

But now they should not doubt it, and if they don't doubt it, they won't do this action.

When they reached a corner, Xixiu and Axian used their mental power to discover that there was life here.

So the two of them used their mental power to cut off a small piece of metal from the outside of a building, quickly put it into a sealed container, and then threw it into a space with a confidentiality level.

"We'll stay here overnight and return to the starship before the stars rise tomorrow." Qing Zhixun spoke only after making sure that no one was around.

"There is a dungeon not far from here, where there is a mixture of fish and dragons. We should get more news when we go there."

When Xixiu came to the station, she opened all the reserve information she had collected from Wei Lanshan over the years.

When she saw Wei Lanshan's reserves, Xixiu contacted Wei Lanshan.

She didn't speak for a few minutes and kept staring at Wei Lanshan.

Wei Lanshan looked a little confused before she said, "Aunt Lan, did you collect all this information yourself?"

Xixiu's tone was too respectful, which made Wei Lanshan feel uncomfortable.

"Yes, is there a problem?"

Xixiu shook his head: "How can you be so powerful? I never thought of collecting this information without even going to a place."

These words come from the heart.

She originally thought about eating and waiting to die, but later found out that she couldn't do it.

Therefore, the information she collected was all about food, martial arts and history.

"When I needed this information, even if it was a little bit useful, I would look for it. You know, she and I were racing against time."

Although it had a sad ending in the end, in this way, she obtained a large amount of effective information about various galaxies.

After that person left, she took the time to compile this information and fully refined it over the years.

This information is enough to let you go to any galaxy and enter your own home.

Xixiu's admiration for Wei Lanshan gained another level. Wei Lanshan's ability is that she has eyesight that no one else has.

Ah Xian couldn't help but ask: "... Xiu, where did you get the news? Why didn't I know?"

"Aunt Lan gave me the information. Don't worry, we will know everything about where we go from now on. I will take you."

Since it was Wei Lanshan's handiwork, this place must be extremely complicated.

Xixiu shared the map with Qing Zhixun.

The five people walked towards the underground city in silence.

Fortunately it's not far.

They stopped at an inconspicuous storefront.

What surprised them was that the owner of this store was not mechanized.

"What do you five want to buy?"

"Here are five Dawei brand nutritional supplements."

The other party actually took out five nutritional supplements, Dawei brand, from the vending machine.

Qing Zhixun paid the bill, one hundred thousand star coins.

"After exiting this door, walk forward twenty meters. There is an alley. You can get to where you want to go through the alley." After the man finished speaking, he closed the door of the shop without even raising his eyes. Card.

There was no unnecessary communication between the shop owner and Qing Zhixun during the whole process, and his accent was also an authentic Yuanri pronunciation.

Everything looks no different from the Yuanri people, and the same goes for Xixiu and the others.

After three months of emergency training, they had a designated training task, which was to learn the Japanese language. At the end of the emergency training, their accents were no different from those of the people in the Japanese galaxy.

This is for the convenience of performing tasks in the future.

After Xixiu and the others left, the man opened his communication tool, not knowing where the other end was leading: "Five strangers went to the underground city. Your business is coming. I can kill you hard. Send me five One hundred thousand star coins.”

Wu Mu, who had been in Xixiu's side backpack, touched Xixiu with a vine, and they communicated with each other. Both Xixiu and A-Xian understood what Wu Mu meant.

It was the person who had just informed others. Wuyuan sensed the mental fluctuations in the outside world, but it was too lazy to move.

Sixi stayed at the station.

From now on, Xixiu will only take Wumu and Wuyuan with him when going out. It is not safe for Sixi to go out.

The man just now should be an intermediary, that is, he eats both sides, but he is obviously biased towards his old master.

"Let's change the device and go there now. Whether we can get effective information in two hours depends on our speed." Qing Zhixun stopped under a lamppost on the roadside.

I found this lamppost interesting.

This lamppost is a product of the Jingsu Alliance. It was specially designed for Yuanri and has a supervision system.

But now, this supervision system is actually playing the recorded video.

This is interesting.

Qing Zhixun recorded this interesting place and planned to take it apart when he went back.

"Okay. These people seem to want us to find out the news, otherwise the other groups would not have been discovered yet. This is unreasonable." Xixiu was also puzzled.

"Isn't this better? We can find out the news." A Xian bent his head, not understanding the other meaning of Xi Xiu's words.

"Sister Axian, this means that we can only find out the information they want us to know, but there is no way to obtain the information we want to know most."

"Hey, even if a human has a mechanical body, his intestines can still turn eighteen times." A Xian complained that human beings have many thoughts.

Xixiu looked at A-Xian, who scratched his head: "Ha, ha-ha, I'm not scolding you, Xixiu. You are different from them. You are already from Anweil, so it doesn't count."

The conversation between the five people was not noticed because of the use of shielding equipment.

However, when they first arrived at the entrance of the underground city, Yuan Ri's current top officer received information that someone had entered the ground.

He asked the person on the other end of the network for instructions, and the reply he got was: Don't worry about it. The Jingsu Alliance will know about these things sooner or later. As for how much information to release, it depends on their capabilities.

And it doesn’t have to be the enemy.

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