Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 307 - Irritated Xixiu

The arrogance shown by Qing Zhixun at this moment was very similar to the atmosphere of the "Holy Land", so the man in front of him was less defensive about him.

"The team you entered is the forward."

"Well, is there anything in particular that we need to complete?" Qing Zhixun did not say that he had not joined the assembly team yet, but followed what this person said.

"Your combat data are very beautiful. I hope to return in triumph and help Yuan Ri train more warriors. On behalf of Yuan Ri, I wish you all a brilliant future."

It seems that he is a master who can speak.

A Xian sneered in his heart.

Does she, Wu Jingxian, need Yuan Ri's brilliant future?

Is embroidery necessary?

Not even needed.

The four people in Xixiu had expressions of incomprehension, which obviously made each other feel happy.

Because this person's tone became softer.

Seeing that Qing Zhixun did not answer his words directly, he turned to seduce Xixiu and A-Xian.

The girl doesn't look too aggressive.

And easy to be emotional.

These people should be a team.

They also came from the same place, and there must have been discussions between them.

The "Holy Land"'s training for these warriors is to cut off everything they once had and turn them into blank sheets of paper.

Educate them to like fame and wealth, worship power, and at the same time, loyalty to their superiors is the first rule they must learn.

What is finally cultivated is a cold-blooded, strong and obedient warrior.

However, the most fatal thing between them is that they cannot withstand provocation.

The interpersonal relationships among the "Holy Land" warriors are very bad. They have no such thing as friends and brothers, everyone is an opponent.

There, those with superior ability win.

In each period of competition, the winner can perform better reconstructive surgery.

Those who fail will become guinea pigs.

Conduct experiments for newly developed surgical procedures.

If you succeed, congratulations on becoming a stronger warrior; if you fail, I'm sorry and you have to go back to the drawing board and start over.

Therefore, these mechanical warriors have developed a warlike temperament, and they are extremely jealous when they see someone who is stronger than themselves.

So when this person saw that Qing Zhixun was not doing well, he decided to change his mind.

"You have completed this mission. Return to Yuan Ri. Yuan Ri can perform the latest and most powerful surgery on you. You can change any part you want." He said this to Xi Xiu and A Xian.

This is very useful for these people.

He firmly believed.

Ah Xian's face was a little paralyzed now.

Xixiu's expression immediately became very happy: "Are you serious? You can do the latest ones?"

She judged from this man's tone that the Holy Land should use this as a gift.

Qing Zhixun told her and A-Xian some things about this place before, but luckily she remembered them carefully.

When the other party sees her expression, they will know that they have taken the bait, and let them fight on their own. Only by growing up in the battle will Yuanri have a powerful fighting machine.

There was no disguise in Xixiu's expression.

Seeing her like this, Qing Zhixun and Su Jinbao Enwit showed shocked expressions.

"Of course, the principles of the Holy Land apply to every battlefield."

"Okay. But I don't want to undergo the latest reconstructive surgery yet. I would rather sit in your seat." The seriousness on Xixiu's face, as well as her tone, were completely arrogant.

The man raised his eyebrows. Unexpectedly, this woman looked like a fool, but turned out to be a lunatic.

"As long as you can defeat me, this position can be given to you now." He did not believe that with the education in the Holy Land, this silly and sweet woman would openly challenge the authority of the leader.

Xixiu shrugged: "It's boring. I prefer fighting. The sound of the enemy's blood vessels bursting is simply the most beautiful and beautiful music in the world."

Damn it.

Su Jinbao and Enwit were shocked beyond words when they saw such a violent side of Xi Xiu.

Is this their captain?

Are you sure it hasn't been switched?

Does the captain actually have such a violent side in his heart?

That’s why you can be so cruel to yourself!

Can't compare, what to do!

If the captain gets mad in the future, will they still be able to have barbecue happily?

Feeling a little scared.

They usually joke around, but the captain doesn't take them seriously, right?


Can we still rescue him?

Tears ran……

The expressions on the faces of Su Jinbao and Enwit successfully made the other party think that there was an internal dispute between them.

"That's not bad. If you make great achievements in this battle, I will definitely ask the saint for instructions and let you be on an equal footing with me."

Xixiu and Qing Zhixun got a vague title from his words, "saint".

In the Jingsu Alliance, there is no such title as "saint".

Therefore, this title must have been spread in Yuan Dynasty after this person adopted it.

Xixiu understood the meaning of this word.

But A Xian and Su Jinbao didn't understand.

"Okay. However, I am more curious about the saint's strength. I will fight with him in the future." The confidence on Xixiu's face made the other party feel a little funny.

This woman is really incredibly generous!

That person was so powerful that even the legend was no match for him.

Can this fledgling baby in front of him be able to fight against him?

Considering that his master's strength is only suitable for him as a subordinate, it is even more difficult to meet him.

However, it is a good thing for Yuan Ri that children have dreams.

If you are too ambitious, you can just remove it after using it, and it won't be troublesome.

"Little girl, I hope you can wait until that day alive." The other party's words did not dampen Xixiu's enthusiasm.

"Ah, I know, so don't worry, I will make myself come back victorious. Just wait, the seat next to you is mine."

If they hadn't understood that Xixiu was one of their own and this was just a show, Su Jinbao and Enwit would probably have thrown her out.

After saying this, A Xian's whole body's aura changed.

The other party was suppressed.

He looked at the woman next to Xixiu in horror.

But he found her looking at him with a smile: "How about it, can I barely fight with you?"

Huh, no one has the momentum yet.

The Anvilians were angry.

Being angry is a bit irrational.

Qing Zhixun and Xixiu were both helpless.

But the effect seems to be pretty good.

The battle stopped, and these people began to gather forward again, planning to board the ship.

Xixiu and the others also left.

These people didn't stop him anymore.

Let these milk babies, who don’t know the world, face the cruel world.

War will teach them how to behave.

After they followed the team and left, the people around the leader asked in confusion: "These people are obviously suspicious, why were they allowed to leave?"

Caught and killed.

They have too many flaws and obviously have other purposes.

"You're not afraid of the people above, what the hell are you afraid of?" another person said.

"Aren't you afraid of ruining your plan?"

"This plan is just a vanguard force."

Send troops to death.

Because another plan requires a lot of awareness.

Xi Xiu, who was following these robots, was a little confused. The other party obviously suspected them, but allowed them to leave.

What is the reason?

When they boarded the ship, each robot was issued a device to the staff waiting there.

This device was directly installed on their modified arm.

Connected to the arm's active system.

Qing Zhixun led Xixiu to stop and observed from a distance. They all found that something was very wrong with this scene.

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