Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 327 - Drawing a Star Map Together

When they return to the alliance, they can make comparisons through the star map database of the central intelligence brain, and can also establish new information retrieval, and they can look for it again in the future.

"You want to draw a star map here?" Qing Zhixun also climbed up and followed Xixiu.

"Well, it might be useful in the future."

"I'll draw the left side and you draw the right side. It's faster this way." Qing Zhixun suggested.


The night was quiet.

It's summer here.

Strangely, there were no other creatures, but there were bursts of insect chirping coming from the canyon.

After hearing this, Xixiu felt that it was very similar to the suburbs she had been to before.

She remembered hearing such insects when she stayed in that suburban village.

In the city where she later lived, it was almost impossible to hear such cheerful insect chirping, no matter what season it was.

"Have you ever found it strange that there are no other animals here, but there are so many bugs?"

Xixiu listened carefully, breaking the silence of the night.

When they went to the river to look for food today, they thought it was too strange.

Unlike a naturally formed planet, all kinds of creatures will be born on it.

The species here are too single.

"It's really strange. There are too few species."

Planets like the Alliance should not exist. The twenty galaxies, even the wild stars, all have certain species that form a food chain.

Is it considered that there is intervention here?

"Tomorrow we will go to other places to investigate. After a while, we will know why this place is so strange." Qing Zhixun added.

Then the two people opened the terminal, brought up the projection screen, looked up at the sky, then lowered their heads to draw. They repeated it hundreds of times before barely drawing the prototype.

It was quiet in front of the tent.

The room was quiet and seemed to have a very harmonious atmosphere, which made Qing Zhixun feel comfortable.

Xixiu sensed pleasure from his mental power and didn't understand why he was suddenly so happy. He shook his head and was busy modifying the lines in his hands.

Two hours later, Xixiu finally completed the preliminary structure, and what was left was the half drawn by Qing Zhixun, which was put together to form a complete star map.

"I'll make the changes. You rest first. We'll set out early tomorrow morning to explore the strange places here and see where we can find the signal transmission channel."

"Yes. Yes, sir."

"It's just the two of us now. You don't need to be so polite. You can call me by my name, or follow Wu Jingxian and call me Axun."

Hearing Qing Zhixun's last words, Xixiu almost bit her tongue.

How could he say such an intimate-sounding title without changing his expression?

They really didn't know each other that well.

"Then I'll rest first."

Xixiu got into her sleeping bag and slept well.

Put the witch wood aside.

Wuyuan consumed a lot of energy during the battle. She had replaced it before, so Wuyuan was sleeping for a rare moment.

Qing Zhixun modified the starry sky map, and when he turned around, he saw Hong Xixiu nestled in a sleeping bag with his head exposed.

Those dark pool-like eyes were now tightly closed, and his breathing was rising and falling very lightly.

The face looks delicate and beautiful.

She is a beautiful woman who attracts attention, very different from her previous appearance.

Personality, but not much change.

In addition to being more cheerful, I also become more confident.

The kind of confidence that exuded from the inside out was something she had never seen before.

If his guess is correct...

It can't be wrong.

No one in the Jingsu Alliance can make this ingredient, and no one will delve into various combinations of ingredients.

Although the ingredients she used were all from the Jingsu Alliance, they were already very close to the recipe she had originally researched.

And the taste was exactly the same as the one he secretly tasted behind her back.

This is definitely not a coincidence.

There is also her demeanor, habitual movements, and thinking patterns.

These are difficult things to change.

He carefully observed her while she was baking food and found that she was very familiar with this kind of wilderness survival and was also very skilled in the use of kitchen utensils.

The humans of the Jingsu Alliance do not have these.

The cooking skills of humans here have completely degraded.

Because there are more convenient nutritional supplements and other meal replacement foods, as well as the widespread use of robots.

The humans in the Alliance don't know how to cook at all.

Furthermore, her movements and expressions during the barbecue were exactly the same as that person's.

Even the way he pursed his lips was exactly the same as that person.

Well, she is who she is.

The meaning of God letting him come here is because she also came to this sea of ​​​​resplendent stars.

Probably so.

At this moment, Qing Zhixun found the meaning of his life in this star field.

It’s to meet again.

It is to make up for the regrets of the previous life.

Qing Zhixun lay down gently, moved the sleeping bag over, and got closer to Xixiu, so close that he could smell her breath.

Don't dare to get too close.

Because Hong Xixiu was also very vigilant while sleeping.

Furthermore, he was afraid that when he woke up the next morning, she would think he was crazy.

But no, he has gone crazy.

Excitement and joy overwhelmed his heart.

Knowing that he had arrived in this star field, he was filled with joy that he had never experienced before. At this moment, his internal organs were all covered with joy.

That night, Qing Zhixun slept extremely soundly. Even if he was in the deserted Weiming Ball at this moment, even if tomorrow would not come, he was content at this moment.

When Xixiu opened his eyes the next day, Qing Zhixun was already outside the tent.

When she woke up, he threw her a box of simple toiletries for cleaning her teeth.

Xixiu took it and went to a secret location to solve physiological and cleaning problems.

Qing Zhixun put away the tent.

After he had put away his things and Xixiu had packed them up, the two of them set off eastward.

"Let's go to the east first. According to the rules, the east side has the greatest possibility of receiving signals."

"Yes, sir."

Xixiu didn't call him "Axun" directly as Qing Zhixun said.

Qing Zhixun calmed down after a night and was no longer excited now.

He put all his thoughts on how to successfully marry her again.

He doesn't have a plan yet.

However, this beautiful cabbage that has been growing in his field for many years will not be picked by others.

He firmly believed that since both of them came to the Jingsu Alliance, it must be to let him make up for the debt he owed her.

Qing Zhixun led the way, and the two of them left the canyon one after another.

The further east you go, the stranger the scenery gets.

This place seems isolated from the rest of the world.

No signal from the stars could be received at all.

The Jingsu Alliance's instruments can acquire signals from various channels to prevent soldiers from falling into unfamiliar places and to make contact with the alliance.

However, they followed the pattern and walked eastward, only to find that the signal receiver still showed blank.

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