Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 339 - Breaking the Space Dimension

A Xian and the others arrived at the open space outside the central city relatively smoothly.

Tasks had been assigned before coming. A Xian and the others found a way to get to the coordinates of Xi Xiu, while the other soldiers were responsible for killing and capturing the robot.

So, their destination is clear.

Just go to the outer city where the space is distorted and find the reason why Xixiu and the others were taken away by the whirlpool.

According to Wu Jingyang's opinion, there are rules for the formation of space collapse.

Therefore, with Wu Jingyang here, it shouldn't be a problem.

As long as Wu Jingyang thinks of a way, they should be able to go directly to the space where Xixiu and the others are currently through the teleportation device.

After Ah Xian and the others arrived, Wu Jingyang and his people also came to the open space.

Wu Jingyang tested this place with instruments, observing and thinking at the same time.

The magnetic field of this place is indeed different from any other place in the alliance, which is very interesting.

Maybe after this, Anvil will be able to gain another skill.

"Third brother, how are you?"

After Wu Jingyang surveyed the surrounding environment, Ah Xian asked eagerly.

"Not sure yet. I still have to do a few more experiments."

Wu Jingyang had only conducted partial research on space distortion before, and the result was that he could only transmit relatively small things through such distortion, and could only reach fixed coordinates.

But I haven't tested it yet. Through these data, I can get the coordinates to which it will be transmitted.

After A Xian and the others successfully entered the "Holy Land" again, the boundless darkness somewhere in the Jingsu Alliance star field received a video of their entry.

"Tsk, tsk, these people are quite boring, don't you think so, old friend?" This creature that didn't look much like a human said to the dull-looking person next to him.

"Oh, I forgot, you never bother to talk to these people, but if I blow up all these people, wouldn't it be particularly beautiful when the carbon-based lifeforms you care about are blown to pieces?"


The creature's laughter was so chilling that the man next to him still didn't reply.

Indifferent, as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

Only those eyes regained a little bit of their vitality. There was an incomprehensible pain in them, and life was worse than death.

Without getting a reply from the people around him, this creature that didn't look like a human sent out a series of instructions using the terminal.

One of them is to ask his subordinates to hurry up and collect consciousness. They will soon counterattack the Jingsu Alliance.

At that time, eternal life will be something that everyone can achieve.

For mechanical honor.

Fight, warriors.

Wu Jingyang had been busy for more than thirty minutes before finding some useful data from the magnetic field here.

He and his team have been busy.

The brains of more than a dozen Anvilians are running at high speed at this moment.

A Xian and the others could only wait quietly.

Ten people opened several short-distance transmission devices, set the coordinates when they left, and tested it more than a dozen times. The space magnetic field did not collapse.

Wu Jingyang had no choice but to ask Su Jinbao and the others: "Is there anything special about your situation at that time?"

Su Jinbao and Enwit both tried very hard to recall, and finally shook their heads: "I didn't find it. Just like normal transmission, we entered the coordinates and started successfully. Everything went smoothly before, until thirty seconds after starting, Enwit stood There was a collapse.”

The rate of collapse was very fast at that time.

The power of that kind of space still makes Su Jinbao a little shocked when he thinks about it now.

"If it's different, it should be that we are the twenty-ninth teleportation device to leave."

Flora thought for a long time before expressing her doubts.

There are twenty-eight teams in Fang Jinyu’s team. When his people left, everything was normal. But when they arrived, something unexpected happened. Is there any connection between them?

In this case, Wu Jingyang decided to do another test. Until the twenty-eight tests were completed, there was no collapse.

"You stay away and see if it will be different the twenty-ninth time." Wu Jingyang placed the teleportation device with some stones and heavy objects in it.

Then he went to the edge and pressed the start button of the transmission device. Thirty seconds later, the place where the transmission device was located really collapsed.

The collapse creates a very large vortex that can swallow everything.

Su Jinbao and Enwit were still frightened when they saw this whirlpool again.

I don’t know if the captain or the others were injured.

This vortex doesn't look very friendly. I hope the God of the Starry Sky will bless them safely.

After seeing this result, Wu Jingyang's team recorded the data.

Including the formation of the vortex, the scale of the collapse, and the current changing frequency of the magnetic field.

"Third brother, is this a success?"

"Only part of the pattern has been found, but whether the coordinates being transmitted to are the same remains to be studied."

He conducted another ten times twenty-nine experiments, each time with different objects, including living animals and communication tools.

There are some things that have no signal source. The same thing is that Wu Jingyang installed tracking programs inside these things.

It is designed based on the magnetic field here.

Once these things hit the ground, he could start tracking them.

If the results of twenty successful teleportation experiments are the same, they can go to the other side through the teleportation device.

That should be where Xixiu and the others were involved.

Since they couldn't contact Xixiu and Qing Zhixun, Wu Jingyang and his people urgently changed the positioning system.

The items and animals transported to another location this time have a simulated environment of the surrounding magnetic field, and they should be able to track them.

A Xian and the others have been waiting for the results of Wu Jingyang's experiment. After seeing the smile on Wu Jingyang's face, A Xian was sure that he succeeded.

"How's it going, third brother, can we go there?" Ah Xian asked Wu Jingyang impatiently.

"It should be fine, just wait until I finally correct the data."

A Xian was very worried about Xi Xiu. 48 hours had passed since she and Qing Zhixun fell into the whirlpool.

I don't know where they went, whether she was with Qing Zhixun, or whether Qing Zhixun took good care of her.

Just thinking about it gives me a headache.

She just said, how could she have such a dream for no reason.

In the end, she was right.

Separating from Xixiu was still the same way. Now that there is no news from her, she can't let go.

As for the honor of Qing.

Males should be safe wherever they are.

With Qing Zhixun's strength, she was very relieved.

At this moment, Ah Xian had no idea that the situation between Xi Xiu and Qing Zhixun would be reversed.

After debugging, Li Yuanting took Ah Xian, Su Jinbao, Enwit, and Wu Jingyang into the transmission device.

Wu Jingyang upgraded the number of people teleported to make it easier for their people to pass.

Tarasha and Flora are waiting here, waiting for the soldiers stationed here to eliminate all the robots here, and they will officially take over the place.

When the time comes, Wu Jingyang will bring Qing Zhixun and others back from the unknown space, and they must have someone to guard here.

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