Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 343 - Explore the dungeon again

Xixiu released the recorded video using air as a medium.

The picture is very clear, giving people an immersive feeling, but as the picture unfolds, it makes Su Jinbao and the others more and more creepy.

The scene at the beginning was an endless underground swamp. Because the things in the swamp could not be seen clearly, it did not cause any discomfort to others.

I just wonder why there is a swamp underground?

Could it be that the builders of this planet were stupid and spent so much energy building a wide and endless pool just for viewing?

Until, two disgusting-looking giant bugs suddenly appeared on the screen.

Su Jinbao, Enwit, and Li Yuanting looked at the two giants, and their hearts shook violently.

Not only are they familiar with all of these creatures, but they also know about 90% of the species in such a vast star field of the Jingsu Alliance.

However, everyone present had never heard of this kind of insect, including Wu Jingyang.

Su Jinbao stared at the screen in astonishment, his voice stuck: "Team, team, captain, what is this?"

Xixiu stared at the screen without answering, only shook his head.

Because she didn't know what this kind of insect was, and there was no record of this kind of creature in the central brain.

Qing Zhixun, on the other hand, directly compared the data collected by Qing Sansui with the data of the starry sky beasts already in the alliance and called it out.

"See for yourselves. It has overlapping genes with various star beasts known to the alliance."

"Fuck..." Even Wu Jingyang's expression fluctuated.

What kind of pervert was this?

It can no longer be described as crazy.

Does this person want to destroy the entire alliance?

"Sir, are you saying that this thing was cultivated by people from the Alliance?"

Su Jinbao felt that his brain was having a hard time functioning.

Who the hell would be bored enough to breed such disgusting monsters?

"You idiot, this is obvious. It can only be man-made." Axian hit Su Jinbao on the head with the handle of her halberd.

Where can such a creature grow in the Alliance?

Placed in any natural environment, this creature would not be able to grow.

"Ouch, it hurts! Classmate Wu, please be merciful."

Su Jinbao rubbed his forehead, and the atmosphere suddenly became alive.

The tension of Xixiu being sucked into the whirlpool had left, but the next scene plunged them into deeper fear.

Everyone turned their attention to the video screen again. After seeing the dense insects in the swamp fighting and then eating the corpses of the same kind, everyone's expressions changed several times.

Wu Jingyang is the person behind the scenes.

This person's purpose of spending such a high price to cultivate this kind of creature on an artificial planet is definitely not simple.

And these bugs, which are raised by eating their own kind, have an aura about them.

The kind that Anvilians dislike the most.

Is this person planning to use this insect against Anweil?

After seeing the video, both A Xian and Wu Jingyang understood the expressions of Xi Xiu and Qing Zhixun just now. This matter was indeed very serious.

After entering the underground, the remnants in the air confirmed this for Wu Jingyang and A Xian.

"Sister Ah Xian, this smell is the smell of corruption you told me before, isn't it?" Xixiu whispered to Wu Jingxian.

A Xian pursed her lips, her heart was angry at this moment.

The corrupt aura in Anvil's sky is caused by the gathering of stars, not man-made.

The aura here was very similar to the aura in the starry sky. She was sure it was not naturally formed.

This man, by putting so much thought into it, was definitely not trying to kill any Anweil ​​people. He was planning to directly destroy the entire Anweil ​​clan.

"Yes. It's very close to that kind of aura, and it's even stronger than the aura coming from the stars."

"Sister Axian, Qing Zhixun and I have razed this place to the ground. The two kings have also been completely destroyed, and the dregs have all been eaten by those small adult insects."

Xixiu showed her face happily, and the light in those black eyes moved Ah Xian.

"Okay, we are capable." Ah Xian's tone was very fond and touching.

Anweil ​​didn't give Xixiu many things, but Xixiu always remembered Anweil's kindness to her.

Find ways to give back.

She must have spent a lot of effort dealing with these two bugs.

Although she will not be affected by this aura, Qing Zhixun will.

Not only does she have to deal with an invulnerable insect, but she also has to support Qing Zhixun. A Xian can imagine the difficulty in this.

Although Xixiu is an understatement.

But Ah Xian knew that she was actually panicking, but the matter was over, so there was no need to talk about it anymore.

By the end of the drop video, they have reached the underground swamp.

Xixiu only selected a few scenes, and the rest will be handed over to the alliance after he returns.

After Wu Jingyang saw the video, he went underground without even relaxing his brows.

He scanned and archived all the underground layout and structures, planning to go back and study this artificial star.

He will definitely find out who is behind this artificial star.

He wanted to know how deeply this man who wanted to destroy the entire Anweil ​​clan had hatred for Anweil.

Once this person is found, they Anvil people will kill him no matter how wide the star sea is.

This is the oath he, Wu Jingyang, made here on behalf of the entire Anweil ​​royal family and nobles.

To comfort the starry sky god of Anvil.

Ah Xian's thoughts were the same as Wu Jingyang's.

Anweil ​​has been cared about behind his back for hundreds of years, but they don't even know.

If Xixiu and Qing Zhixun hadn't entered here by mistake, what situation would Anweil ​​have faced in two years?

A Xian didn't dare to think about it.

She held Xixiu's hand tightly and felt her heart warm up.

The coldness just now made her heart feel stagnant.

When he arrived at the edge of the swamp, Wu Jingyang looked at the area that had been burned cleanly by Xixiu and Qing Zhixun, and did not relax.

Since this person can cultivate this kind of bug that can store and secrete the smell of corruption, will he be more than just an artificial star?

What if there are more?

It seems that after things here are settled, he will go back to Anweil ​​and let Anweil's soldiers look for this person.

Also, there may be artificial stars where such cultivated objects appear, or other wild stars.

This workload will be very large.

The territory of the Jingsu Alliance is too vast, but with two years left, the Anweir people will definitely complete this task.

"This place was burned down after our battle. We don't dare let an insect egg hatch here again."

The consequences would be unimaginable.

Wu Jingyang knew this was the most correct approach.

Neither he nor A Xian felt a trace of corruption anymore, which proved that Xi Xiu and Qing Zhixun handled the situation well.

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