Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 370 - Not long after it was built

"Not very optimistic. There is no trace. The people and starships have all disappeared."

"How could it be possible? Could it be that the other party's technological level exceeds that of the alliance?"

Xu Jiusong shook his head. If his guess came true, it would probably not be an excess, but a betrayal.

The same weapons as those used to attack the deserted sea.

Many of the alliance's technologies have been deliberately leaked.

"What possibilities can you think of?" Xu Jiusong's words were addressed to Chen Huan.

"There will only be problems within the alliance. I will step up inspections within the alliance." Chen Huan looked very serious. This is the worst result.

Judging from recent events, not only weapons, but also many of the alliance's scientific and technological achievements have been artificially leaked.

There may not be any leaks through the Internet, but Chen Huan tends to be artificial.

Not everyone can block the central intelligence brain. Gaia is the capital star of the alliance, and the coverage rate of the central intelligence brain reaches 100%.

It is impossible for this person to steal information from the central brain, because in Gaia's network, the central brain has several sets of codes that can be switched at any time.

There should be no way for him to obtain the dynamic code that the central brain switches at any time and enter its network.

Neither can an immortal robot.

After obtaining the data collected by Shalia, the alliance's professionals began research.

The results were very worrying for them.

The reason why Ye Zhenwei and his starship suddenly disappeared from the starry sky was because someone used a trick.

Their starship was sprayed with a substance, causing the starship to suddenly hide.

From Saria's perspective, it was no different than disappearing suddenly.

This substance is very difficult to extract.

These seven ships actually left this star field through the transmission channel in a vast star sea not far from the desert sea.

There, a temporary transmission channel was established. Judging from the remaining data, it was just built not long ago.

The other party was an acquaintance of Ye Zhenwei, otherwise Ye Zhenwei would not have let the other party get closer and would have opened fire long ago.

Ye Zhenwei's starship followed the team. At this position, it was attacked from both sides and entered the transmission channel together.

And this transmission channel obviously uses the latest technology of the alliance.

Judging from the data brought back by Shalia, this is a brand new technology.

It is 100% similar to the research conducted by the Jingsu Alliance in the laboratory.

Chen Huan's heart was chilling.

Jiang Tianyue didn't feel good either.

Gaia had so many loopholes under their sight.

This is their mistake.

Chen Huan decided to check it from the inside out after returning to Gaia and clean the interior thoroughly.

Chen Huan and Jiang Tianyue met with Xue Zixian, who told Yuan Chuhong and his doubts very conservatively.

Chen Huan and Jiang Tianyue were frightened.

If a master like Yuan Chuhong was persuaded to defect by the other party, how many other people in the alliance would betray the alliance?

Chen Huan didn't understand from what angle the people behind it persuaded these people.

The alliance treats grandmasters very well, with fixed monthly allowances, and important supplies such as weapons and energy are given priority.

The Grandmaster has priority in every aspect.

Chen Huan, Jiang Tianyue, and Xu Jiusong discussed this in private for a long time, and finally decided to send Ye Zhenwei's message to various stations, so that the soldiers at the frontier of the Jingsu Alliance would always pay attention to the movements in the starry sky.

Not only that, but Yuan Chuhong’s information was also announced.

Now Yuan Chuhong and Ye Zhenwei are out of touch. He said to leave, and then something happened to Ye Zhenwei.

No one can erase his doubts.

However, the alliance left a secret and did not issue a kill order. It only asked each station or system to report this person if they saw it.

As for Ye Zhenwei, the Alliance must save him at all costs.

After Chen Huan and Xu Jiusong discussed it, they returned to Gaia with Jiang Tianyue. They also had a tough battle in Gaia.

Ye Zhenwei's parents learned the news about her and rushed to Huanghai with the Tang family.

Xu Jiusong met Ye Yunhan and Tang Yongyu in person and comforted the couple who had lost news of their daughter.

Tang Yongyu looked very unhappy and a little uneasy, but she tried her best not to have an attack, but Tang Yonghuang kept asking for details.

"Xu Shuai, doesn't the tracker on Zhenwei also have no signal?"

Tang Yonghuang and Tang Yongyu look very similar, with slender eyes, thin lips, and small aquiline noses.

Except that the curvature of the bridge of the nose looks larger than that of Tang Yongyu, the rest of it looks like it was carved from the same mold.

The two are fraternal twins, but they look surprisingly similar.

"No, Colonel Ye's tracker was artificially turned off, and her robot was unable to be awakened. The alliance tried various methods but failed to obtain their information."

Xu Jiusong explained the alliance's plan in detail and promised to rescue Ye Zhenwei at all costs.

Now it was basically possible to determine that Ye Zhenwei was being held hostage, otherwise she would have contacted the station at this time and told the station her coordinates for rescue.

"Then what can we do?" Tang Yonghuang's worry was obvious.

"There is nothing we can do for the time being. Our people have gone to the depths of the Star Sea. Now, we can only wait for the latest information from Gaia."

Chen Huan and Jiang Tianyue will definitely dig deep for clues when they go back. Ye Zhenwei's matter will not drag on for too long.

"Xu Shuai, can you let my partner wait for news about Zhenwei here in Tianwei?" Ye Yunhan finally came to his senses.

"Okay, Tianwei has a place to live here, and my guard will take you there. Don't worry, General Ye. You have to believe in the strength of the alliance."

Tang Yongyu remained silent throughout the whole process, which was extremely inconsistent with her character.

Ye Yunhan was not in the mood to pay attention to what was wrong with her at the moment. All his thoughts were on his daughter.

Ye Zhenwei is everything to the Ye family.

It is the hope of the Ye family.

He is the last person who wants anything to happen to his daughter.

As for Tang Yongyu, Tang Yonghuang discovered something was wrong with her.

After arriving at the residence, Tang Yonghuang took his sister to a sealed space and set up a shield. Ye Yunhan thought Tang Yonghuang wanted to comfort his sister and didn't ask any questions.

He sent out all the forces of the Ye family in the Tianning Galaxy, telling them to find Ye Zhenwei.

He will leave Tianwei later and go looking for her so that Ye Zhenwei won't be harmed in any way.

Ye Yunhan, who arranged the matter, didn't know what the brother and sister Tang Yongyu were talking about.

Tang Yongyu, who was in the next room, looked anxious: "Brother, that person sent a message, he, he said..."

Tang Yongyu hesitated a little, looked around and didn't find Ye Yunhan here before finishing his sentence.

"The man said, let me use Zhenwei." Tang Yongyu opened the message received on his terminal and showed it to Tang Yonghuang.

"Didn't that person disappear long ago after giving him enough money?" Tang Yonghuang frowned. If it was really this person who kidnapped Zhenwei, things might be in trouble.

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