Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 379 - Nine Star People Gather

After three days of pleasant outdoor life, Xixiu let the team members do their own activities while she and A-Xian returned to their base.

However, the 909 players are very conscious. They feel that there will be plenty of opportunities to play in the future, and the most important thing now is strength.

So I obediently returned to the station and planned to train hard.

Xixiu and A-Xian connected to the Star Network, and Long Xingxue and the others had made the latest progress. She planned to enter the virtual network with A-Xian, and set the future direction with Long Xingxue and the others.

Summarize all the information again and see if you can find any more traces.

After Ming Weiman took care of things in the Mingyi Galaxy, he also rushed to the Yuanri Galaxy.

He also brought some news.

"Master Nephew Hong, we meet again."

The background of the virtual network is the attribute star of the nine stars where Long Xingxue and the others are.

It has been under construction for many years. It is now very complete and the scenery is very beautiful. They were all built according to Li Xianfeng's design.

Let Xixiu think that he has traveled through time and space and returned to his hometown more than a thousand years ago.

"Uncle Mingshi, Long Da, hello everyone." Xixiu greeted the people from Jiuxing.

After a while, Xu Fengxiang, Bai Yinglong, and Feng Yuici all entered here.

"Our main task today is to further refine the task. This time we must find evidence that is favorable to Jiuxing." Xu Fengxiang's voice was deep.

Ever since Jiuxing was suspected, these old ghosts haven't had a good rest.

"Xu Da, just make arrangements." Xixiu nodded to Xu Fengxiang.

"Long Xingxue mainly goes to various mercenary groups to inquire about information. The tasks they receive are complex. They may have come into contact with the people behind them. Don't let go of any traces. If you are unsure, record them all."

"Yes, Xingxue understands."

"As for Aman, you are familiar with Industrial Star. Go check the production process of robots, mainly those that are scrapped."

Although Fang Jinyu is already investigating this issue, the alliance will not share data with them, so they have to rely on themselves.

After the Fang family left Jiuxing, they were loyal to the alliance, and they probably only had face-saving feelings for Jiuxing.

"I'm already collecting these clues. In a few days, I can connect all the production chains."

Xixiu gave him the production models of these robots and video images, which made it much easier for him to check.

"Xi Xiu and A Xian cannot leave the station because they are on active duty, but you should have a way to get the information from Anweil."

"Don't worry, Xu Da, all channels of the Wu family have not blocked me and Xixiu."

Besides, they still have the Honor of Qing.

With Wu Jingyang here, it would be effortless to get news about the Jingsu Alliance.

"Well, I hope everyone can get good news. Jiuxing can be said to be fighting against the odds."

The older members of the Jingsu Alliance’s Elder Council believe that Jiuxing will not be the mastermind behind this.

But the Xing family and the Yun family didn't believe it, and the Misia family also kept jumping behind, intending to throw all this on Jiuxing.

Xixiu felt very confused, why did these three families have to kill Jiuxing?

Do they have any ulterior motives, or do they have their own problems?

Xixiu expressed his thoughts. Xu Fenxiang and others remained silent. Will the members of the Elders Association also have problems?

In the Jingsu Alliance, if they want to doubt the Elder Council, they must first prove their innocence. They also need very obvious and solid evidence before they can raise objections to the top executor of the Elder Council.

After the Council of Elders has reviewed the evidence, it will enter another investigation and evidence collection process.

In this process, they have to pay a very high price.

"I know that the question I raised will cost Jiuxing a lot, so I have been looking for clues from other places."

Xixiu looked at the people in Jiuxing and found that everyone had different expressions, and they were obviously still in shock.

"However, I believe everyone is more aware of the recent trends in the alliance than I am. If those remarks on StarNet were not supported by others, how could they have caused such a huge wave among ordinary citizens?"

It almost capsized all the nine stars.

The reason why Jiuxing can still support itself is because there is no negative news about these people in Jiuxing.

It's also because after this happened, they made their trajectory public and transparent.

"But, where can we get their information?" Feng Qiqi felt that this might be difficult.

"Let me come and ask Anweil ​​to come forward. It just so happens that my third sister Wu Jingya has been tracking down the Qin family. You can ask her to check on the Xing family and the Yun family."

The Qin family's investigation has produced results. Wu Jingya will hand over all the evidence to the alliance, but Anweil ​​will keep a copy.

The three families of Xing, Yun and Misia have always been together. Especially in the past twenty years, their people have basically found partners through marriage.

This alone is very confusing, so it would be more convenient for Wu Jingya to check.

Xixiu is summarizing all the doubts.

The last time they went on a mission to Yuanri Prime, Qing Zhixun had already given her the data on the other party's command ship.

Xu Fenxiang and the others flipped through Xixiu's filtered information one by one, becoming more and more surprised as they read.

Her notes are very clear and the directions she gives are clear.

The data on the opponent's command ship was a set of Li Xianfeng's consciousness simulation experiment data.

Therefore, in some details, it is different from Li Xianfeng's style.

This will be good evidence for them to refute the Council of Elders.

There was simply no room for the Council of Elders to reject them. Xixiu knew Li Xianfeng very well.

He then conjectured Li Xianfeng's purpose for doing this, starting from an area that the Elders Association would never touch upon, and completely dispelled the suspicions of the Xing family and the Yun family.

"Xixiu's analysis is all reasonable and well-founded. Even if the elders question it, they can't find any loopholes." Xu Fengxiang was very emotional. He didn't expect that she could catch her by surprise.

"This is what I can do at the moment, but Jiuxing was probably forced into this game five hundred years ago."

Ever since Li Xianfeng died, the other party started planning. "What we can confirm now is that these clues indicate that Li Xianfeng is still alive. Therefore, our first task is to find him."

It can be very difficult.

But as things become clearer and clearer, and they have more and more intelligence, they believe that it will only be a matter of time before they find Li Xianfeng's "consciousness".

"In addition, let everyone not relax. We will act upright and not be afraid of any rumors. This is the character left by Li Xianfeng, and we will uphold it to the end."

Bai Yinglong and the others were really pleased. If it had been anyone else, Jiuxing's current situation, let alone planning for Jiuxing's future, would probably have given up on Jiuxing.

"One more thing, I don't know if you have noticed, this person is familiar with everything about the alliance, and the clone that Aunt Lan mentioned, you can check it from here, check the big names in the biomedical field, and the information Aunt Lan gave me It contains the lives of these people.”

"Okay, leave this matter to us old guys."

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