Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 382 -Ola's Luck

A Xian pointed at the screen and asked, "Are these stories true?"

"This is what Li Xianfeng described, I just restored it. In his era, there was indeed such a cruel war."

"Anvil also had a brief cold weapon era, which ended due to the development of technology. However, Anvil has always had spiritual power to assist in combat."

Xixiu raised her eyebrows. She didn't know this. I think every civilization has had similar experiences.

"It seems that in your world, whether it is Li Xianfeng's time or where you are, there is no such thing as spiritual power?" A Xian was puzzled.

"In legends, there should be."

Xi Xiu thought of the fairy tales he had read before, in which the Dharma Eye reached the sky, the Nascent Soul could see within, and weapons were supported by magic power. These were all very similar to the specific uses of spiritual power.

Hearing what Xixiu said, Axian became very interested.

Their world should also be colorful, she wanted to know about it.

"Then can you tell me in detail?" A Xian opened a pair of innocent golden eyes, and Xi Xiu couldn't refuse.

"Wait until I finish making this model." Xixiu said with a smile on her lips, but also a little helpless.

"Okay. Xixiu knows the world I live in, and I also want to know your world."

Ah Xian lay on the bed with his head propped up, his long legs swinging back and forth.

The westward light of the star entered the window, casting a dim light on the room.

It was already ten o'clock at night when Xixiu finished building the scene Li Xianfeng had described.

She plans to revise the details further when she returns from training tomorrow.

I slept soundly that night.

When I woke up the next day, half of my ten-day vacation was over.

Xixiu lifted up the quilt and stood in front of the window. She discovered that the grass on the grass had turned golden and there was a layer of white crystals on the leaves.

It's frost.

The temperature in the dormitory is normal all year round, and with their improved physiques, they cannot feel the cold unless it is extremely cold weather, otherwise they will not be able to feel it based on their body instincts.

"Xixiu, you got up so early." Ah Xian yawned lazily all day long.

"Well, wash up and go train."

What a training madman, A Xian originally wanted to shrink back into bed, but when he heard Xi Xiu's answer, he had no choice but to stick his head out and lift the quilt.

The two people did not use the teleportation device, but were walking on the way to the underground training room.

The plants on the roadside, the crystals on the tips of their leaves, reflect beautiful light.

"It's actually the season of frost. These crystals are amazing."

Xixiu didn't answer.

Her thoughts seemed to have gone very far.

Ah Xian didn't hear Xi Xiu's voice and patted her arm: "What are you thinking about?"

"I was wondering if I should add something to the painting scene last night."

What can be added to make Li Xianfeng's consciousness resonate more.

"Then think about it slowly, I can't help you with this." A Xian's eyebrows were like flowers.

"Well, I already have some ideas."

There were no other soldiers walking on the road, everyone chose the more convenient way.

transmitted directly to the ground.

Only Xixiu has an inexplicable obsession with walking, but Axian doesn't care as long as he moves around.

When they arrived at the underground training room, Su Jinbao and Enwit also came.

The players who had already played against each other yesterday were consciously practicing on their own.

Those who had their turn today were already waiting in line, greeted each other, and the training began.

Xixiu's condition today was surprisingly good, and the one-on-one training was completed quickly.

Su Jinbao and Enwit went to Xixiu pitifully: "Captain, please guide me, please torture me!"

Xixiu stopped drinking water and glanced at Su Jinbao: "Are you sure?"

Su Jinbao and Enwit nodded fiercely.

Not to be missed.

Xixiu agreed.

Su Jinbao grinned. Enwit's expression was never rich, but he was also very happy at the moment. Axian could feel the little flame in his heart suddenly light up.

It seems that these two have been looking forward to competing with Xixiu for a long time.

Su Jinbao was already facing Xixiu, while Axian and Enwit stood aside and watched carefully.

Enwit didn't blink.

He found that the gap between himself and the captain was getting wider, which was really not a good sign.

Is it because it has been too long without guidance from the captain?

"Enwit seems to have reached a bottleneck period?" The tall Aola star's sudden unhappiness was sensed by the keen Anvilian.

"Well, I haven't made any progress for a long time."

"What's the situation like with Ola?"

"My father and brothers and sisters have increased their defenses. I asked them to send me training reports every day. If they fail to meet the requirements, their energy stone share will be directly reduced."

This is a bargaining chip that can kill those brothers and sisters. Without the energy stone share, it is impossible to buy a weapon starship.

So everyone is working hard.

The strength of the Aura star family has grown progressively.

These are not known to outsiders.

This is what Enwit learned from Xixiu. Only when strength is increased secretly can the effect be good.

"That's good. Both Miao Run and Yuan Ri have problems. If these people set their sights on Aura, your previous strength is simply not enough."

Enwit knows this.

So Aura has been training secretly.

Just to prevent this moment from coming, Aura will not be in a situation where no one can fight.

He beat the old man several times before he changed his mind.

Now Aola's military strength cannot be said to be very strong, but it has been able to fight for seven days without garrison.

Enwit was very grateful to Xixiu for designing a complete training program for him, which severely frustrated the arrogant warriors of Aura.

However, the effect is also amazing.

"Well, Aura has found his shortcomings. Now the practice of mental power has been widely popularized. Although their progress is not as good as mine, they have still achieved some success."

"This is also Aura's luck." Enwit understood Axian's words very well.

It was his luck to get to know Xixiu.

"Yes, Aura will do her best to support Xixiu. From now on, she will be our Aura's benefactor."

This was a decision Enwit made after discussing it with his family.

Aura's energy stones have been shipped over, and these are handed over to Xixiu.

The cost of the energy stone was paid with the Enwit family's own star coins, which was regarded as tuition for Xixiu.

While Ah Xian and Enwit were talking, Su Jinbao had already played a hundred rounds with Xi Xiu, and there was no doubt that Xi Xiu would win.

"Leopard has made progress, but he still needs to work hard to judge the direction. Your mental power is an auxiliary in making judgments. Don't waste any skills."

"Okay, remember."

Xixiu also showed him how to use mental power to detect other people's movements in battle.

Mental power can detect subtle changes in the air, and can also judge the next move from the breath of others.

Su Jinbao listened carefully, and Enwit also took note of it carefully.

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