Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 39 - It’s so cool to fight

Xixiu was dumbfounded. Did Xue Fanhui give her the remaining two?

How could she betray her teammates like this at a critical moment? Her body is smaller than Xue Fanhui's.

Zhen, who has been beaten down, is no longer responsible, okay?

Xixiu couldn't help but look at the sky. The child was extremely jealous when he saw his enemy and abandoned his roommates.

Xixiu sighed as he moved, and rushed over very quickly. Before the two people recovered, he stretched out his legs and tripped one of them down first.

Her small body and high agility gave her an advantage in a short period of time, so she decided to fight quickly.

Xixiu jumped on the person she tripped over, suppressed her legs so that she could not move, and sided to avoid the other person's attack.

At this time, the benefits of mental power are revealed. Xixiu's mental power can directly crush these two people.

Xixiu directly enveloped her opponent with her mental power, so the one on the ground was unable to get up, and the remaining one couldn't get closer than three meters to her for the time being.

At this time, the little girl who was knocked down climbed up tenaciously. Seeing that Xixiu could only defend, she took the initiative to replace Xixiu's position and used all her strength to pin down the one on the ground.

After Xixiu got the chance, he directly moved his hands on the other one.

The opponent's physical skills are estimated to have reached the fourth level. Xixiu had slowed down her upgrade speed before in order to not stand out, but it does not mean that her strength has become lower.

She already has the strength of level 4 physical skills, so she is evenly matched with her opponent without using mental power.

At this time, Xixiu realized that he was disadvantaged by being short, and vowed not to let Xue Fanhui fight so impulsively in the future.

Fortunately, she was dexterous and her moves were in place. It took her twenty minutes to knock the person down with her clever strength. After all, the power was there. If she didn't have enough strength, she could only use time to make it up.

Xixiu didn't stop attacking with his fists until his opponent begged for mercy. Xixiu walked over and punched the one on the ground a few more times.

Zhen also used all her strength when she suppressed the person, and hit them hard, returning all the pain they inflicted on her.

Yes, seeing her like this, Xixiu probably just lacks strength and is not a little white flower.

Xue Fanhui also came back, with a bright but happy face. Xi Xiu guessed that she felt that her great revenge had been avenged.

Xue Fanhui's face was not as serious as Zhen's. Zhen's face was swollen and her original appearance was no longer visible.

"Thank you, thank you, you two are beautiful, sister, sister." Zhen spoke with difficulty because the corner of her mouth was a little torn.

"You're welcome. Tell Vivian the truth about the situation later. Don't be afraid. Sisters will help you."

08 Seeing that the battle was over, he stopped filming, took out the medical patch from its storage space, put it on Xue Fanhui, and applied anti-swelling ointment on Zhen.

Then 08 didn't say anything. He didn't teach them that they shouldn't fight or act out of anger. He just told them to go back quickly. These people had already notified Vivian, and they were expected to arrive in a minute.

When Vivian and Colleen arrived, they felt quite relieved when they saw Fiona and others moaning on the ground.

This is already the tenth time that Fiona and the others have bullied the new children in the kindergarten. They always bully the younger ones because they are taller.

She educated them many times and asked the robots to pay special attention to where they were going. Unexpectedly, one person from the original foursome was left behind to deal with the robots.

Fiona was seriously injured this time. She was the most seriously injured. Colleen asked the robot to carry Fiona and the three of them back to the camp and put them into the medical cabin in their car. They could not get out of the medical cabin until they returned. Bullying.

At this time, Vivian had received the video forwarded by 08. After watching it, Vivian couldn't laugh or cry.

Xue Fanhui was bullied by Fiona last year because she had no strength. This time she not only came back with revenge, but also rescued Zhen.

She didn't know whether to praise her or punish her. Xixiu surprised her even more. Compared to Xue Fanhui's impulsiveness, Xixiu was more strategic.

She knew that she couldn't fight against the two of them for the time being, so she tripped one down first, suppressed it with her mental power, and then freed her hands to deal with the other one.

After that, she asked Zhen to fight the two people back. It seemed that she and Xue Fanhui got along very well, otherwise she would not be on the same front with Xue Fanhui.

Wei Lanshan didn't know whether she would be disappointed when she saw such a look, or whether she would feel that he was no different from her back then.

Vivian forwarded this video to Wei Lanshan, but did not receive a reply for a long time. Vivian estimated that Wei Lanshan must have left the coverage of the alliance's central intelligence brain and went to a farther and broader star field.

Xue Fanhui and Xixiu, who returned to the camp, took Zhen directly to their tent. Xixiu gave Zhen nutritional supplements and asked her to eat them quickly.

Zhen quickly thanked her. After she arrived at the camp, Fiona took away the nutritional supplements distributed by the robot. She ate in a hurry and was obviously starving.

Xue Fanhui looked at this girl as if he saw himself a year ago. At that time, he had no one to help him, and finally the robot took action.

After Zhen had eaten her fill, Vivian also arrived at Xixiu's tent.

Xue Fanhui, Xixiu and Zhen all stood up, their faces tensed, ready to receive the dean's education.

Vivian laughed in her heart, but her face was very serious.

Her eyes swept from Xue Fanhui to Xixiu, and then to Zhen. Her eyes stayed on Xixiu for the longest time.

Then the three little girls heard the dean's words: "Wouldn't it be nice to fight today?"

"Yes!" the three of them replied in unison.

"Oh, where's the fun?"

"My whole body feels comfortable."

"Shigei, your face doesn't hurt?"

"It hurts, Dean, but I don't regret hitting anyone. I accept all punishments and have nothing to do with Xixiu and Zhen."

Oh, you're so brave, you actually want to bear it all.

"Where's Xixiu, what went wrong today?"

"Go back to the dean. The fault lies in the wrong strategy. Next time we should win with one move."

Yeah, Vivian raised her eyebrows, and she knew the strategy. It seemed that Wei Lanshan taught her these fighting skills all the way to Ningkui Star with Wei Lanshan.

"What, you still want to fight again?"

"Go back to the dean. If Fiona and the others still bully others next time, Sister Shigei and I will still take action when we meet."

Wow, Xue Fanhui was shocked. He didn't expect Xixiu to be so bloody. It seems that Vivian really arranged the right roommate for her.

Xue Fanhui grinned at the side, and Zhen was moved beyond measure.

Vivian looked at the three girls, feeling headache and helpless, but also somewhat relieved.

"Where's Zhen, what did you learn from what happened today?"

"Go back to the dean and work hard to improve your strength so that you don't need help from others when you are beaten next time. Complete answer." Zhen mustered up her courage and looked firmly at Vivian in front of her.

What, the little girl who originally looked cute and cute turned violent after this battle, leaving Vivian completely speechless.

"Fiona and the others were at fault for what happened today. However, Zhen, when you knew that you couldn't deal with it, you chose to face it alone instead of asking for help from the robot. This is not brave." Vivian emphasized. Zhen.

Friction between children is difficult to avoid. When you are bullied, if you are unable to deal with it, you must call for help.

"Yes, Dean Vivian, Zhen remembers it. There will be no next time."

Xixiu was a little worried at first, but she felt relieved when she heard Vivian say this.

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