Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 394 - Ye Zhenwei is rescued

Xing Yuanmin and Xixiu went to the side to whisper about each other's new encounters after leaving Luoluoda, and how they ended up being transferred to Foxtail.

It was probably Thorne's chance.

Ye Zhenwei left Sulena and went to Hai'an Fortress, and Thorne was naturally promoted.

Because of his excellent completion of tasks and outstanding team leadership ability, he was finally promoted again before retiring and came to be stationed at Foxtail.

Xing Yuanmin and others also extended their service terms and came to Huwei together.

"I didn't expect you would go to the Yuanri station. Qing Zhixun is a good commander." Xing Yuanmin said with emotion.

"Well, that's true." Xixiu nodded in agreement.

"What about you, how have these years been?"

Xixiu briefly talked about what happened at school and how he got the first prize among graduates.

After arriving at the station, I talked a bit, performed some tasks, and received awards, which was recognized by the station.

Xing Yuanmin knew that with the strength of Xixiu and Ah Xian, it was impossible to be buried.

There will definitely be more brilliance in the future, and the league will have two rising stars.

"You are very good. I went to the rescue and saw your abilities. I thought that even if we don't go, you can handle it."

"Sister Yuan Min is exaggerating. We were just newborn calves not afraid of tigers. We rushed wherever there was danger. Now, we will definitely think twice before doing it." Xi Xiu joked.

"You, there is no need to be so modest."

Xing Yuanmin found that Xixiu and Axian's breaths were very calm, and there was no trace of their mental energy exposed at all.

It seems that the mental strength of these two girls has improved a lot.

"By the way, the alliance has found Ye Zhenwei." Xing Yuanmin remembered the last time he went on a mission. Xixiu and the others had met Ye Zhenwei, and A Xian had been pestered by Ye Zhenwei for a long time.

However, her words did not arouse much interest in Xixiu and Ah Xian.

Xing Yuanmin thought that Ye Zhenwei could somehow change their expressions. It seemed that he did not take this genius seriously.

Xixiu still asked symbolically about the rescue process, showing the concern that alliance members should have.

"Oh, that's great. Where did you find it? How long ago?"

Xing Yuanmin briefly talked about Ye Zhenwei's rescue.

Ye Zhenwei was found a few hours before they set off to this black area, and the news of her rescue came together with the video of her rescue.

Xing Yuanmin and the others were reading Ye Zhenwei's message when they received Qing Zhixun's request message.

The video picture was very strange, so Xing Yuanmin made this the focus.

Strangely enough, people from the alliance discovered Ye Zhenwei's starship in a deserted sea.

When her starship was discovered, there was no one there and no sign of the starship.

The people on the starship are all in a state of sleep that cannot be awakened.

Xing Yuanmin and the others saw the video, which showed a sleeping warrior, so she was very impressed by this scene.

The sleeping warrior's face was very peaceful, as if he was experiencing something beautiful in his sleep, and the smile on his lips was one of satisfaction.

Xing Yuanmin's words made Ah Xian a little confused. Jingxi was in a deep sleep when he was discovered because of his body's self-protection. What were these soldiers doing?

Have you been hypnotized?

"Then what?" Xixiu wanted to know the follow-up. This matter sounded suspicious, and it was impossible for the alliance not to be suspicious at all.

"Send it back to Tianwei Station and let Xu Shuai handle it."

The Alliance soldiers brought their starship back to Tianwei's station, and the video was also sent back to Tianwei.

After Xu Jiusong received the soldier's information, he asked the alliance's professional medical talents to come to Tianwei to wait.

Ye Zhenwei and his starship returned to Tianwei Port, and the medical scientists waiting there began to take action.

I heard that it took a lot of money to revive these soldiers.

As for the price, this is not within the scope of being told.

"What does that sea of ​​stars look like?" A Xian was more interested in this.

Because when Jingxi was discovered by the Anweil ​​people, he was also in a deserted sea.

Listening to the environment described by Xing Yuanmin, Axian thought it was very similar to the place where Jingxi was found.

"There is nothing there, including meteorites, just a sea of ​​stars, a clean sea of ​​stars." Xing Yuanmin forwarded the video to A Xian.

This video has been publicly posted on the Internet. The alliance no longer chooses to hide these things. It wants more people to know these things so that once a war breaks out in the future, the people will not become pawns.

From the video, it seems that this sea of ​​stars has just formed, but is very stable.

This environment is very similar to what Jingxi said after waking up.

Because she did not perceive the passage of time, it was because the sea of ​​stars had been in a still state, but it also violated the rules of the formation of the sea of ​​stars, because the sea of ​​stars was growing.

Ah Xian couldn't contact her family now, so she stored the video and waited until she got to a place with star network before contacting Jing Xi.

Xixiu noticed that Axian's expression was not right and thought she felt sorry for the soldiers.

Until she asked the question again: "Is there a strange feeling there that cannot be described clearly, such as time?"

Xing Yuanmin did not think deeply about this issue. On the way here, they had seen relevant discussions on the Star Network.

"I heard that they can't sense the change of time there, and the time on the terminal will automatically stop." Xing Yuanmin told what she saw on the star network, which made her remember it deeply.

"Who said that?"

"There is a discussion about this matter on the Star Network, and you can see something about it in the video."

Looking at the video, Xixiu felt that the scene just now was too weird. Although the soldiers in the video were carrying out rescue operations, in fact everything seemed to be at a standstill.

A Xian also nodded: "That's what's weird about these pictures. I just found it very inconsistent here."

She pointed out the key parts of the picture. There was no time in the video. Everything showed that this place was unusual.

The people of Anvil are very sensitive to the passage of time, and Axian revealed the key to it in just one sentence.

Is that really the case?

There aren't many places like this in the Alliance.

A Xian frowned in thought.

Every year, the stationed soldiers go to various places to complete tasks, many of which are to map newly formed star seas, nebulae, star fields, and new stars.

Drawing a star map is also one of the tasks of the warriors, but such a star sea has not appeared in the alliance in recent years. How could she encounter two places at once?

The sea of ​​​​stars where Ye Zhenwei was discovered is not too far from the border of Jingsu. Wei Lanshan and the others passed there when they returned from the Xianri Alliance.

The deserted sea where Jingxi appeared was near the Anvil system. It could be said that it was in two opposite directions.

"Thank you sister Yuanmin, this news is very important to me." A Xian thanked her sincerely.

Xixiu recalled that Jingxi was found in a deserted sea, which seemed very similar to the place where Ye Zhenwei was found.

That's why A Xian asked a few more questions.

After finishing the conversation with Xing Yuanmin, Axian took Xixiu to find Qing Zhixun.

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