Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 400 -Innocent Children

Wei Lanshan and Xixiu discussed the specific plan again, and not long after, the starship stationed in Yuanri had arrived at the other party's territory.

There is not much difference between this place and the places Xixiu and the others entered before. These places are all using an architectural model.

Deep underground in the house, Qing Zhixun and the others discovered the experimental subject.

Some of this batch of experimental subjects are three or four years old, and they all seem to be in good spirits.

Yuan Ri's warriors quickly took control of this place and took the initiative. After that, it was handed over to Wei Lanshan and her assistant Shi Shaoguang.

Wei Lanshan handed these children to Liuyao, who asked them to clean them and carefully assess their health.

The children, all girls, are genetically distinct and have unknown biological parents.

But the mental and physical abilities of biological parents are marked and tied around the wrist.

These children looked at Wei Lanshan and Duan Shaoguang curiously. Xixiu and Axian were also helping. The children opened their big innocent eyes, and the light in their eyes was clear and clean.

Xi Xiu, A Xian, and the other warriors felt an indescribable sadness in their hearts.

These children may not be able to withstand the power in their bodies in the next moment and die in the most tragic way.

At this moment, the light in her eyes made Xixiu a little unbearable.

Xixiu was much gentler than usual. She gently placed the child whose turn it was to be examined on the examination table: "Just a few gentle strokes. It doesn't hurt at all. If you feel uncomfortable, remember to tell the doctor in front of you."

"Okay. Sister, what are doctors? Are those people the same?" The girl pointed to the ceiling.

She probably meant those who conducted experiments before. Xixiu said seriously to the child: "They cannot be called doctors, because what they do is not to save lives and heal the wounded."

The girl couldn't understand, but she remembered Xixiu's tenderness at this moment.

"Oh, no wonder, it hurts so much." The girl looked a little lonely.

Her appearance made Xixiu even more sad. The children's innocence was not completely tortured by the pain deep in their bodies.

"Sister, where are you from?" The girl is five years old, probably the oldest among these children.

He also knows more things than other children.

"You come from a far away place. In the future, if you have the opportunity, you can go and see the world where your sister comes from."

This is the best blessing Xixiu can give to her children.

"Outside? Just like those people, or just like you, sister."

"They are all similar to my sisters. There are fun things, delicious things, and many other creatures."

Although she may not understand it well, Xixiu treats the child as someone she can communicate with.

She was afraid that if she didn't, she wouldn't be able to say another word to her child.

Wei Lanshan kept listening. This scene made her feel as if she had returned to the time when she and Xixiu were still in the underground laboratory.

At that time, Xixiu was young and had so many questions that Sixi couldn't answer any of her questions, so she had to escalate Xixiu's problems.

The conversation between Xixiu and the child was over, and Wei Lanshan's examination was also completed.

The physical health of these children is not optimistic. The energy in their bodies is too strong and there is no way to weaken the energy.

"Dr. Wei, we may not be able to bring them aboard the starship because they are too powerful. If something happens to them on the way, it will be a disaster for the people on the starship."

Duan Shaoguang's words rang in Wei Lanshan's ears.

"Yes, I know. We have to find a way to control their bodies for three hours and send them to the nearest galaxy and let the nursery there take over."

The nearest nursery here is the Foxtail Galaxy. Qing Zhixun and Thorne agreed to meet at the Foxtail Station and then hand over these experimental subjects to Foxtail's management.

How much can be saved?

As the alliance has not found a specific medicine, the lives of these children cannot be guaranteed.

Wei Lanshan's previous medicinal formula for curing dysentery was not suitable for these children.

Because she discovered that the M virus in these children had upgraded several levels.

Even if the original method is used, it only treats the symptoms but not the root cause. It can only relieve some of the children's pain and reduce the pain during the attack.

"Then let's start now, we have to buy time." After Duan Shaoguang said that, he started to take action. Liuyao was helping, and Wuyuan also ended his dormancy and went to work.

Qing Zhixun and the others guarded the laboratory to give Wei Lanshan more convenience.

There were many medicines in the laboratory, and Wei Lanshan found what she needed.

A simple medicine was prepared for these children. After they all took it, they watched quietly for half an hour. No major problems occurred. The medicine was still effective.

Xixiu and Axian were both surprised.

The children also felt the lightness of their bodies for the first time. That difference made their faces show happy smiles, like the sunset on the horizon, strong and beautiful.

"Shao Guang, take the children to our starship. If an accident occurs, we can take measures as soon as possible."


After arranging these experimental subjects, Qing Zhixun drove the starship to Foxtail Station.

Wei Lanshan and Duan Shaoguang returned to their starship: "Doctor, what will the Alliance do with these children?"

"It's hard to say. It may cost a huge price to raise and become the second and third Ye Zhenwei, or it may be destroyed directly."

Although it is cruel, this is what the alliance will do, especially the Xing family and the Yun family will definitely work hard to accomplish this.

"Then where are we going recently?"

"The information on hand is actually enough. Let's go to Tianwei first. We will leave based on the situation then."

Tian Wei was definitely going. As for the result, she promised the elders that she would go and see it, but she didn’t say that she would definitely be cured.

She, Wei Lanshan, is not omnipotent!

"Our people found this." Duan Shaoguang extracted a small amount of live virus from some children.


"Yes." This kind of virus is very cunning. It usually sleeps like a dead pig. It will only show obvious fluctuations when its mental power increases greatly.

"What did you find?"

"This virus is, probably, related to the prototyping of living things."

Making biological prototypes?

Wei Lanshan kept thinking about it, it would be a bit difficult to deal with. If this virus really came from the other side of the Star Gate, where would they find a way for the virus to enter?

"That kind of prototype has not been seen very often since the establishment of the Jingsu Alliance."

How did the other party extract the virus from it? Could this also be a breakthrough?

"Yes, so it should be easier to pursue." Duan Shaoguang's words made Xixiu and Ah Xian's eyes light up.

So, the source has been found!

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