Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 402 - Biological Mother

She could only give her suggestions to the people who took over, hoping that these children could survive the pain caused by the experimental drug group.

As a medical scientist, she could feel the inhuman pain, as well as the mental tearing.

Back then, Xixiu was very brave and courageous, and finally survived...

Several times, she almost couldn't be saved.

Fortunately, Xixiu has a strong soul. Fortunately, her self-regulation is better than that of adults.

Wei Lanshan discussed with the medical scientist who took over for more than an hour. Xi Xiu and A Xian had been waiting outside. A Xian held Xi Xiu's hand tightly and gave her some strength.

"Just when I thought this matter had reached the end, I discovered that there would be something even more unimaginable behind it."

At this moment, Ah Xian didn't know whether to beat Wei Lanshan severely or turn a blind eye to Wei Lanshan.

Because of Wei Lanshan, Xixiu was born.

Because of her, Xixiu suffered a lot.

The children who had an attack on the road had livid faces, huge beads of sweat, almost broken teeth, and many even injured their tongues. Even if these children were soothed with medicine, the pain was still there.

Xixiu had also experienced such pain in the past. Thinking of this, Ah Xian's heart ached, very painful.

"Sister Axian, the matter has passed. There are two sides to this matter. Even I don't know how to weigh it, so in the end I chose to forgive."

After Wei Lanshan made it clear about her origins, Xixiu chose to forgive.


How to hate.

Because without Wei Lanshan, she would never have been born.

For her, she doesn't hate Wei Lanshan.

She has a longer life, can do more things that she failed to accomplish in her previous life, and can also swim in the sea of ​​stars.

She regarded those pains as the price of having these, so that her heart would naturally calm down.

"Xixiu, you are always so kind." If it had been anyone else, they might not have such luck.

Xixiu shook his head, this had nothing to do with kindness.

She cherishes this new life very much, because she wants to go to the end of the universe and see it.

After Wei Lanshan finished talking to the others, she saw Xi Xiu and A Xian in the living room outside against the light.

Both women were covered with a layer of light, soft, quiet, and kind of sacred.

Wei Lanshan's heart suddenly became soft.

This is her fault and her luck.

After reconfirming the plan to return to Anweil ​​with Xixiu, Wei Lanshan told Xixiu a lot before driving the starship to Tianwei.

Before leaving, Wei Lanshan left a person's file to Xixiu, including that person's birth information.

This is what Wei Lanshan had told Xi Xiu before, about her biological mother.

At that time, Wei Lanshan said that she was tired of getting sick at a very young age. Wei Lanshan tried every means and finally switched to medicine because of this family member.

In the end, he failed to save her life.

However, Wei Lanshan also just learned that the virus of that person was not an occasional infection, it was not a disease, but a rare virus.

Only then did she realize that her childhood was so hard. Xixiu felt uncomfortable looking at such a heavy file.

This was a strange biological mother that she had never known or seen before.

Ah Xian knew that Xi Xiu had a headache, so he stayed quietly aside.

In both past and present lives, the word mother was unfamiliar to Xixiu.

"Sister Axian, what kind of emotions does Anweil ​​have towards his mother?"

"It may not be as deep as human nostalgia." Because of their strong consciousness, every newly born Anvilian has experienced many lives.

For them, mother is just a way of birth.

To be precise, compared to their mother, home and home are the places Anvil people care about most.

"It's all foreign to me."

A-Xian hugged Xixiu and said, "Don't be afraid. Anweil ​​will be Xixiu's mother from now on, and so will Liujia." This is family.

After careful consideration, Wei Lanshan felt that Xi Xiu should know about this.

As for how to deal with it, Wei Lanshan hoped that Xinxiu could have a good plan.

With another responsibility on her body, Xixiu shook her head. She came to Jingsu. With such luck, she also had more burdens.

"Xixiu, don't think so much. Once these things are resolved, this problem will be solved."

Ah Xian knew that she was thinking about her mother, but this was an established fact and could not be changed.

And Wei Lanshan will definitely not leave it alone. When the time comes, several lines will work together, and we will definitely get better results than expected.

"Okay, let's forget about it for now."

What Wei Lanshan failed to do back then, she will definitely work hard to accomplish now.

The two of them compiled the information obtained from this meeting with Wei Lanshan, and Xixiu sent one copy to each of Feng Qiqi and Long Xingxue.

He left a message asking them to pay close attention to see if anyone asked about Ye Zhenwei's illness.

Once such news is released, the information prepared by Wei Lanshan will be released to attract all those people's attention to Yuan Ri.

According to the plan, she would lead them into a trap. When the time came, she and A-Xian would return to Anweil ​​in advance and get rid of these people once and for all.

Qing Zhixun was not idle either. He saw from Wei Lanshan's expression that Xixiu was born unusually, so he pulled out Xixiu's files.

Sure enough, I found something wrong.

There are two copies of the genetic information in Xixiu's files. One is submitted directly to the central brain, and the other is the ordinary file that can be seen now.

Does he want to open it and take a look?

What kind of truth was Wei Lanshan hiding? He intuitively felt that Xixiu's birth was related to Ye Zhenwei.

He needs to know everything about Xixiu in order to be confident.

So Qing Zhixun took the initiative to contact Jingxi and asked his mother to help open Anweil's encrypted information.

Then, he saw Xixiu's real genetic profile.

She and Ye Zhenwei have the same biological father.

Qing Zhixun combined Wei Lanshan's words and identity, as well as Ye Zhenwei's attitude towards Wei Lanshan, and had a terrible suspicion in his mind.

When Ye Zhenwei was chasing his brother Qing Shihao, he spent a lot of effort to find out all the information about the Ye family.

He knew that Ye Zhenwei was ill and finally came to Gaia after recovering.

How he recovered now seems to be Wei Lanshan's credit.

Qing Zhixun closed Xixiu's file and restored it to its original state.

The pain in my heart is getting deeper and deeper.

Where he couldn't see, she still suffered so much.

It was obvious that they had met a long time ago, but they couldn't say it outright. It was obvious that they had such an encounter, but they couldn't recognize each other.

That strong woman, no matter which time and space she lived in, was so dazzling that his heart moved.

This was the proud, sensitive and kind person who initially attracted him.

Unknowingly, it has reached more than 800,000 words, and the story is almost halfway through. The second half will be even more exciting. Thank you book friends for your support.

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