Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 406 - Having an innocent heart

Just do it.

Xixiu and A-Xian immersed themselves in planning and listed out all the questions they needed to ask.

Including its origin and the reasons why humans came to this star field.

However, Xixiu guessed that the central brain would not answer this last question.

However, she was confident that she would get the final answer from it.

"Let's focus on the Qin family. If we can find this person, we can draw traces of his activities." Xixiu decided to prioritize.

"Well, even if it is for the safety of the alliance, it should tell us what it knows, right?" A Xian was actually not sure.

Although the central intellectual brain has acquired the ability to think for itself over the long years, in the final analysis, it is still a machine.

The machine has machine rules, and it may not have much emotion.

Trying to convince it with this big-picture view requires a lot of data to do it.

"I don't know, but I have to give it a try." Xixiu decided to see what kind of character it has first, and then consider what countermeasures to use.

The two of them were very busy in the dormitory. Xixiu circled the questions again and again, corrected them again and again, and finally simplified them into six interlocking questions.

She is sure that the central brain will recover, with six general directions.

Ah Xian watched Xi Xiu busy all the time, and the emotion in his heart was deeper than the sea.

This human being was so hard-working and capable that she was ashamed of herself.

Moreover, her vision and angle are very different from others. A Xian has been by her side these years and has seen it clearly.

Probably in her previous life, this soul was a very outstanding person.

Not only in terms of hard work, her other abilities must also be quite outstanding.

"Sister A-Xian, look at these six questions." Xixiu turned the light screen in A-Xian's direction so that she could check them together.

The questions about Xi Xiu slowly rolled out. Ah Xian was thinking about the feasibility while reading. If he didn’t understand, he asked Xi Xiu why this was the question.

Xixiu answered them one by one.

"These questions may seem ordinary, but once they are answered, it proves that your question is in the right direction."

"Well, I thought it might be concerned about certain rules, and it was not convenient to give direct answers to some questions, so I thought of a way to twist it."

"I think it's fine."

"Then it's settled."

Xixiu glanced at Sixi, who was standing quietly on her desk. Sixi looked sad because he was scolded by Wuyuan and Qimang not long ago.

Wuyuan and Qimang were also on the side. The three machines did not communicate anymore. They were also waiting for Xixiu's decision.

After sorting out the problems, Xixiu started chatting with Ah Xian as usual.

Because Sixi needs its cooperation, it has been in super standby mode for a while.

Xixiu and Ah Xian chatted about each other, starting from Ye Zhenwei's rescue and talking about the taste of several new nutritional supplements recently released by the alliance.

Let your imagination run wild and talk about whatever comes to mind.

Sixi has specially recorded this information in its own database for easy reading by the central brain.

The more Ah Xian talked, the more excited he became: "Xixiu, can you think of a way to make some more seasonings?"

"What do you want to use it for?"

She has made no less than thirty flavors, isn't that enough?

How developed is the palate of this Anvilian!

"I want to find some novel flavor."

The people of Anvil look deserted. In fact, if the people of Anvil are interested in something, they will be very stubborn and persistent.

"What a novel method?"

"It's exciting and has a strong smell." Her golden eyes looked very serious. This was her latest idea. The smell of aromatic plants was really, really, really enchanting.

She intuitively felt that she was hiding something secret!

"Okay, let me ask Tarasha if he can find a substitute for this crop."

Heavy, exciting.

Xixiu already knew a lot about A-Xian's taste. She decided that when she got the ingredients, she would make bean curd and fermented bean curd to make A-Xian drool.

Xixiu and A-Xian's words quietly left traces in Sixidu's program.

Sometimes Wuyuan is speechless towards Xixiu. Although he is so powerful, sometimes his character is the same as that of the Anweil ​​people.

Do all powerful people have an innocent heart?

Qimang actually likes Xixiu very much, but the machine doesn't bother to express this emotion, so it's better to do things silently.

Many of the words Xixiu deliberately said were recorded in the database by Sixi, which was given to him by Gang Wuyuan and Qimang.

Ebony felt the joy in the air, and stretched out the vines to wave. There was no solemnity of war in the dormitory. If time stayed like this, this life could not be more perfect.


The sound of Xixiu's terminal reminded her that peace was far from coming.

Long Xingxue and Feng Qiqi connected to her video call at the same time, and Xixiu pressed the connect button.

"Long Da, Senior Sister Feng." Xixiu nodded to the screen in greeting.

"Xi Xiu, the previous mission has come to an end. In recent months, the Snow Dragon Regiment has divided into several waves and went to various mercenary groups to collect information, and found many doubts."

After speaking, Long Xingxue forwarded the files they had compiled to Xixiu.

The same goes for Feng Qiqi.

I really wouldn’t know if I didn’t look it up, but after looking it up I found out that it would shock everyone.

Deep within the alliance, there are traces of these people’s activities everywhere.

And they did not intentionally target Jiuxing, because Long Xingxue discovered that when several things happened, there would be a robot at the scene.

That machine moved a little clumsily, but every detail of its operating style could be applied to Li Xianfeng.

This proves that Xixiu's previous guess is correct. Li Xianfeng lives in the sea of ​​​​stars with another identity.

This may not be what he wanted, but he did do something.

"Long Da, don't jump to conclusions yet. This machine may be Li Xianfeng, or it may not be."

The Qin family can make clones and copy Li Xianfeng, and they can obtain all of Li Xianfeng's genetic information, but it is impossible to obtain all of Li Xianfeng's consciousness.

Therefore, it is very likely that this machine lacks consciousness.

If it was really Li Xianfeng himself, he would not go against his will and do anything to harm the alliance.

Xixiu believes in that powerful soul.

This machine may have been deliberately released by the Qin family to interfere with the line of sight.

The real Li Fengfeng must still be somewhere else, struggling all the time.

"Xixiu, what do you mean, this person could be someone else?" Long Xingxue really couldn't think of other possibilities.

"Well, Long Da, with Li Xianfeng's character, after doing these things, will he leave so many loopholes?"

If he really betrayed the alliance, he would do these things without leaving any trace at all, and could Long Xingxue find any doubts?

"Indeed not." Li Xianfeng's style of doing things is impeccable.

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