Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 419 - News about Tian Wei

After recording the coordinates of this person's last trace and sending them to Long Xingxue, Xixiu sat back on the bed.

He held his chin with one hand and thought through his thoughts.

The light screen is opened at the same time to facilitate recording.

Ah Xian, on the other hand, muttered: "Xiu, tell me, what did you think of?"

Xixiu ignored her and was lost in thought. After a while, her fingers flew on the light screen.

She built a trend model based on the possibilities she thought of and connected all the key figures.

Seeing that she was silent, Ah Xian could only watch from the side, watching Xi Xiu type the names of characters into the model. These names all pointed to the Qin family.

The central point is what Xixiu has always suspected, Qin Jian.

These things are all related to him.

Whether it's clones, loopholes in the central brain, manufactured creatures, immortal robots, Foxtail's robot terracotta warriors, etc., after being strung together, we can all find some connection with Qin Jian.

Behind these things, there is the shadow of the person whose name Qin Jian is pronounced.

"Will the elders believe our evidence?" A Xian was worried that these people were stubborn.

"They can't help but not believe this piece of evidence. Although Jiuxing has fallen, it still has the strength to fight."

However, this should be a path that none of the Jiuxing warriors would want to choose.

Xixiu didn't want to see Jiuxing have this ending.

"They have protected the alliance for so many years and are loyal to the alliance. They would not have such a heart."

"Yes, so when Long Xingxue and Ming Wei are mature, and the people from Jiuxing find more evidence according to our previous plan, we will have the confidence to negotiate with those from the Elder Council."

She is still serving and does not have much time, nor can she argue for Jiu Xing in person in front of the Council of Elders.

However, she will prepare all the evidence so that they will not be able to find even a hair-size problem.

"Then, is this young man appearing here by chance or by necessity?" A Xian asked what he didn't understand.

Xixiu expressed her thoughts.

It may not be an accident that this person appears here. The Qin family probably has many substitutes, that is, they have many spare clones.

For some unknown reason, the Qin family asked these people to leave the laboratory, change their names, and live in other galaxies.

After a period of time, these people were recalled to the laboratory or base.

Her words made A Xian fall into deep thought.

If it is true as Xixiu guessed, then the Qin family may have visited various places in the alliance.

They are very familiar with every galaxy, and every galaxy has their shadow, industry, and even fans.

"How can we be sure that he is a clone of the Qin family?"

"Search this person's appearance in the central brain to see how many people there are with the same appearance."

Even if the other person is a biomedical genius and has changed his appearance genes, there will always be some overlap.

Such as eyes.

This part is hard to change.

"Another big project." Axian fell on the bed, curling his blond hair with both hands.

"I'll download the data first, and let Wuyuan help process it when we train."

It will take about ten days to get the results.

"Yeah, okay. Wu Jingyang sent the latest news from Tian Wei." Lying down, Ah Xian heard information coming in from the terminal and directly used the projection function.

There is a lot of information on the light screen, and every piece of information is very useful.

Xixiu read it carefully. Wu Jingyang's message focused on Ye Zhenwei's recovery.

After Wei Lanshan arrived in Tianwei, she didn't send much news to Xixiu, only that everything went well.

And Wu Jingyang sent all the information about Wei Lanshan to Tianwei.

All in all, after Wei Lanshan arrived in Tianwei, she had been busy for ten days before she found a way to restore the unconscious Ye Zhenwei and other soldiers to their sanity.

Ye Zhenwei woke up as usual, and so did the other soldiers.

Feng Yueci and the others had previously said that these soldiers were currently under observation because Wei Lanshan was planning to test them.

For the sake of caution, Marshal Xu Jiusong supported Wei Lanshan against all opinions, but he only gave him fifteen days.

The result feedback sent from Wu Jingyang shows that these people are currently fine.

Healthy, active, character and style are no different from usual.

Wu Jingyang also got a video of Ye Zhenwei's life and sent it to Xixiu and the others.

Ye Zhenwei in the video is very quiet.

It was very different from the Ye Zhenwei that Xi Xiu and A Xian remembered.

In the past, Ye Zhenwei was a bit arrogant. At this moment, Ye Zhenwei in the video had a calm expression, seeming to accept all this fate.

She knew something was wrong with her body, and she could no longer bear the ever-expanding mental power.

Wei Lanshan also warned her and asked her to learn to suppress her mental power, or to be precise, to restrain it so that her body and mental power could be unified.

However, no one told her how to suppress and restrain herself.

These people are so hypocritical.

Ye Zhenwei, who was observing, saw Ye Yunhan and Tang Yongyu through the transparent protective shield.

Ye Zhenwei used to be somewhat disdainful of her mother, but now, she didn't even want to look at her.

As for Ye Yunhan, she also didn't pay any extra attention to him.

Xixiu and the others saw that Ye Zhenwei's relationship with her parents was different from ordinary people.

Ye Zhenwei's rejection of her parents was very obvious. Obviously, she already knew some of the things Tang Yongyu did when she was born.

How do you know?

Neither Wei Lanshan nor Xu Jiusong asked.

She had been in Tianwei for so many years and had some followers in Gaia. It was easy to learn from other places about this incident that almost caused a bloody storm in the alliance.

Tang Yongyu looked complicated.

She didn't know that one of her actions pushed her daughter into the abyss.

Ye Zhenwei, who was originally unsteady in character, when she learned the news, it was like overturning her entire life.

Her birth was a plan.

Her talent is man-made.

Xixiu saw Ye Zhen turn her head slightly and no longer look at her parents. The alienation and hatred in her eyes could be felt through the screen.

She sighed inwardly.

Let's not talk about Ye Zhenwei's character. Many people may not be able to bear the fact that his birth is full of calculations.

What's more, Ye Zhenwei used to think that her parents were loving and she was born in a normal marriage.

Although she was a little displeased with her parents before, it was not to the point of disgust.

Ah Xian also felt a little uncomfortable.

"What will happen to her in the future?"

"I don't know. When encountering something like this, it all depends on her character. If she can think in a good direction, there may not be any danger. If not..."

I guess I just took another path.

It’s possible every day and every day.

It is also possible to go on the opposite side of the alliance. This is no longer something Xixiu and the others can decide.

At this time, Ye Zhenwei needs a guide, but there may be no one in the alliance who can do it.

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