Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 436 - Split Consciousness

However, at the moment of the disaster, someone forcibly changed the orbit of the star.

Saved this endangered planet.

It can be said that this man is the savior of the planet.

Xixiu looked at the data and was shocked by the other party's courage.

How accurate the data is and how much preparation is needed to achieve this.

With the alliance's current technology, it can be done easily. However, the problems that occurred on this planet occurred many, many years ago...

The person who saves this planet is obviously Qin Jian, but this is completely opposite to the character Qin Jian currently displays.

This planet should have been in crisis a long time ago. At that time, Qin Jian probably did not have such perverted behavior as he does now.

What was it that caused him to undergo such a big change?

The central brain is obviously not clear either.

Xixiu wants to find the root cause.

"This, this is incredible." A Xian's mouth opened wide and he said naa, obviously he couldn't believe the set of data in front of him.

"Indeed, with Anvil's current technology, it can be said to be very easy to complete such a reversal. However, the reversal of this planet occurred thousands of years ago."

Several people understood Qing Zhixun's words, which was extraordinary.

"Perhaps, could it be that there are good Qin swords and bad Qin swords?" Xixiu's tone was uncertain.

"How do you say it?" Ah Xian didn't understand what she meant and asked directly.

"What I mean is that there were originally two Qin Jian, one with a heart for light, and one born in darkness." Otherwise, it really doesn't make sense that one person can have such a big change.

People who can save a planet can never be too bad-hearted or too heartless.

"I still don't understand, Axun, do you understand what Xixiu means?" Maybe their brain circuits are on the same channel.

"What you mean is that Qin Jian's mind split into two Qin Jian." Qing Zhixun used an affirmative sentence pattern.

Xixiu nodded, otherwise it really wouldn't make sense. With Qin Jian's current character, it was impossible for him to save a planet. He would only destroy it.

"The mental power is split into multiple different subjects, and each has its own body?" After hearing this, A Xian finally had some clues.

"That's roughly what it means." Xixiu gave her a positive reply.

"Well, it's possible. Anvil also had such a case."

Axian told Xixiu and Qing Zhixun about the case she knew.

After the bodies of the Anvilians die, they return to the place of origin to recuperate. When their consciousness is almost fully developed, they will find a couple they like, be their children, and be born.

Sometimes, one consciousness may like two couples, and when it is difficult to choose, it splits itself into two consciousnesses.

This is an important factor that Anvil people can increase, so in Anvil, this situation is allowed to happen.

Xixiu was surprised after hearing this. She thought she knew Anweil ​​well enough, but she didn't expect that it was less than the tip of the iceberg.

Qing Zhixun obviously didn't know these things either, because he didn't grow up around Jingxi and lacked a lot of common sense.

"Sister Ah Xian, do they still know each other after they split?" Xixiu's focus must be said to be very strange.

"We won't know each other. After the split, we will become new individuals. Let go of the past and live a new life separately." Ah Xian said this with some emotion.

Because she doesn't know whether her predecessor did this...

"From what I understand, the division of humanity is supposed to be different from Anvil's."

Xixiu asked Wuyuan to open its medical database, which mentioned several cases of splitting.

These strange medical cases were collected by Wei Lanshan in her spare time to pass the time and to learn more about the unknown.

The three people looked at the light screen in front of Wuyuan at the same time. The data showed that the signs of human consciousness splitting are difficult to detect and can only be discovered when there are obvious changes.

Unlike Anvil's active division, human divisions are basically passive.

Some people don't even know that there is another conscious body in their body.

"I wonder if I can find Qin Jian's medical files." Xixiu looked at the case and thought for a moment.

These cases looked very strange. Wuyuan adjusted the reading speed to the slowest. One of the cases recorded in the data made Xixiu question it.

She discovered that, regardless of their names, the two people in this case could completely overlap with Qin Jian's example.

This case records a person's visit to a doctor. The record shows that he saw a neurologist once and a psychiatrist once.

The number of times he visited these two departments was about the same. When he felt that he had a psychological problem, he would go to the psychology department, and vice versa.

At first, they didn't know each other's existence, until one time, a neurologist and a psychologist consulted and discovered that their patient's genetic information was exactly the same.

Later, the matter dropped.

There is no follow-up.

When this person became aware of the other person's existence, he disappeared from the doctor's sight and never appeared again.

The two doctors recorded the case and put it into an unsolved mystery.

"Xixiu, do you think it will be Qin Jian?" A Xian asked in a low voice.

"The timing is coincidentally the same."

The time that Xixiu mentioned refers to the time that Qin Jian first developed ill will towards the alliance that they have currently obtained.

"I wonder if we can still get the genetic information of this case. Would it be more convenient for Dr. Wei to check it?" Qing Zhixun intuitively felt that this was a clue.

"I'll leave a message for Aunt Lan and ask her to pay attention. We can also use this case to look for it privately. Maybe we can gain something."

Qimang is already searching.

The same goes for Qing's three-year-old, who only has five yuan. It is doing calculations while the data is scrolling.

"Xixiu, this data is on a CD. It seems to be a summary of questions from a psychiatrist."

Hearing the news, Xixiu and Axian became excited, maybe they could really find useful clues.

At the beginning, he was trapped by several consciousnesses, so there may be omissions.

Wuyuan opened the electronic CD, and what he saw was Jingsu's standard psychological consultation room.

The doctor sat quietly in his chair, waiting for the patient's retelling.

The man's expression was blank, even a little at a loss. His hands were tightly clasped, his two thumbs were constantly turning, and his eyes showed a kind of fear.

And his appearance was very similar to the young man Feng Yueci met once.

It took him a long time to speak to the doctor, and his tone was somewhat uneasy.

He himself is an outstanding biomedical scientist, and he should have been aware of his problems for a long time.

And facing the doctor under such circumstances made him feel a little desperate.

Maybe he never thought that one day he would need help from other doctors to solve problems.

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