Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 438 - Exposed to the Invisible

Xixiu couldn't tell Ah Xian these mysterious things. Qin Jian had the aura of her era, and she believed she could recognize Qin Jian at a glance in the vast sea of ​​people.

This person is a maverick and his malice towards the world will expose him to the invisible.

"In this case, if you meet him in the future, Xixiu, you must remind me immediately."

Anyway, she was always with Xixiu. If Xixiu could tell Qin Jian apart, she would know it immediately.


At this moment, there is less than a month left before they return to Anvil.

Somewhere in the starry sky.

In the opposite direction to Qing Heming's newly discovered planet, a starship appeared in the darkness. It was the one that blew up the artificial star before. It seemed to have reached its destination and hovered.

After a while, it accelerated and rushed directly into a black nebula not far away.

Inside the starship.

A young man, several centimeters shorter than the people next to him, was giving orders.

"Qin Yi, call up Tang Yongyu's information." He sat down, stretched out his fingers and kept tapping on the table.

He glanced at it on the way back and discovered a very interesting piece of information.

After a while, Tang Yongyu's words appeared on the light screen, just twenty words:

The experimental subject in Wei Lanshan's hands has the same origin as Zhenwei, is healthy, and has outstanding talents.

"Master, what does Tang Yongyu mean?" Qin Yi was puzzled.

"Let's divert the trouble eastward." Qin Yi's reply was in a hoarse voice, which overlapped with the voice that had appeared many times.

Qin Jian, no, Qin Hongjun said again: "Tang Yongyu didn't want Ye Zhenwei to be borrowed again, so she threw out a bigger bait. She was negotiating terms."

"Does Wei Lanshan really have such an experimental body in her hands? Is it possible that Tang Yongyu is exaggerating?" Qin Yi didn't quite believe it.

Ye Zhenwei is already the perfect experimental subject, but there are still problems with her body.

Qin Yi didn't dare to think about what level her/his talent would be if there was a healthy experimental subject.

"Tang Yongyu is willing to do anything for Ye Zhenwei. She must have known about me from Tang Mushi and my temper. She will not end well if she deceives me."

Therefore, Tang Yongyu did not dare to fool him, unless she wanted to die.

Qin Yi understood that the man in front of him would retaliate for his hatred, and believed that those families all understood the consequences of betrayal.

So, their hope was found?

"How do I find this experimental subject? I'll find it right away." Qin Yi is a loyal subordinate who will carry out the task when he has it.

"No, I'll take care of this. You probably won't be able to break the restrictions of the central brain."

After finishing speaking, Qin Hongjun waved his hand, and Qin Yi exited his control room.

Qin Hongjun turned on his communication equipment. It was a very old machine, as if it had been removed from some equipment.

Start it up, connect it, and soon he enters the network of the central brain.

Wei Lanshan was found through keyword search, and all files marked by Wei Lanshan were retrieved.

When I saw the file she marked twenty years ago, there was actually a prohibition from the Anvil royal family.

What is the origin of this experimental subject?

However, Qin Hongjun doesn't care about his background. He must get what he is interested in.

It's just an experimental subject.

Soon, he opened the file.

It was found that, as Tang Yongyu said, this experimental subject was healthy and smart. He was now serving in the station, and his strength reached the level of a master.

The body is really very healthy.

A cruel smile appeared on his face.

It looks terrifying, as if a hunter has seen his most satisfying prey, his eyes are shining brightly, and he can easily capture it.

Staring at the information on the screen, Qin Hongjun said to himself: "Wei Lanshan is really interesting and a talent. It's a pity that she can't be used by me. However, she left a big surprise for me. I, Qin Hongjun, have to give her one." It’s a big gift.”

Qin Hongjun entered Wei Lanshan's email address in the editor and sent her a copy of experimental data about those experimental subjects.

He also left a message: Thank you for your gift, I like it very much.

After Wei Lanshan received it, she looked at the address. It was anonymous and could not find the sending terminal. However, she was very sure that Xixiu's file had been opened.

Because there is an anti-tracking system on Xixiu's file. She has set up one, Anweil ​​has another, and maybe other forces have also set up one.

It is strange that this person is so complacent. Does he think that no one can really do anything to Jingsu?

However, the set of data he sent may play a decisive role in her drug research.

Before she received this email, she had received Xixiu's speculation about the split of consciousness.

If her knowledge system is correct, this Qin family has not truly inherited Qin Jian's biological talent.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have made so many defective products.

With the intensity of their experiments, they should have achieved good results.

Instead of succeeding, he complicated the problem.

Therefore, Wei Lanshan was a little more confident in her previous plan.

When this person meets Xixiu, he may not be a match for Xixiu who is full of firepower.

There are also Wu Jingxian and Qing Zhixun, both of whom are powerful warriors.

After receiving Qin Hongjun's message, Wei Lanshan replied to Xixiu, asking Xixiu to send more manpower to wait on the necessary road on his way back.

Please enter the urn.

She also told Xixiu some theories. After all, the three of them had not had much in-depth contact with biomedicine and neuroscience.

After receiving feedback from Wei Lanshan, Xixiu revised the plan.

A Xian also has a little more confidence in this action.

After Xixiu closed the terminal, Ah Xian expressed his confusion: "Xixiu, do you understand what Dr. Wei said?"

"Hardly. What's the matter? Is there something wrong?" Xixiu recalled Wei Lanshan's explanation and didn't find anything too profound.

"After the consciousness is split, it is very likely that the memory of the other consciousness will not be inherited."

"Aunt Lan said, it depends on the situation. If the two consciousnesses don't know each other's existence, they will definitely not inherit each other's memories."

Judging from the video saved by the doctor, it was obvious that Qin Jian and the split consciousness were not aware of each other's existence.

Therefore, the current memory of the split consciousness was probably obtained cruelly from Qin Jian.

"Then, how does this Qin family become so powerful and know so much information?"

"Copy Qin Jian's memory and load it into his own consciousness. He can use this method."

Obviously, he knows this operation very well. It is possible that the split consciousness is also a genius biomedical scientist.

"Then, if Qin Jian hadn't died, wouldn't it have been extremely painful?"

It's hard not to feel uncomfortable when your consciousness is stripped away from you.

The plot requires it. The author wrote these chapters himself. Don’t delve too deeply into it, just pat it!

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