Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 440 - The past cannot be recalled

After an in-depth discussion between Qing Zhixun and Wu Jingyang, they formulated several plans. Once there is a large-scale bad speech on the Internet, these plans will take effect as soon as possible.

All the actions of the people behind the scenes can divert the public's curiosity about Xixiu's life experience.

I believe that these traces of him have made the public even more disgusted.

Wu Jingyang thought that this person might not announce Xixiu's life experience at all costs, but that the Tang family should take more precautions.

Qing Zhixun added the Tang family and Ye family to the plan to make it foolproof.

"Axun, the other party may not make these things public. His purpose is only for Xixiu himself, because he has not overcome the difficulty of the experimental body exploding for many years. Therefore, Xixiu can live healthy and safe now. He's desperate for answers."

"Well, I know, I'm just preparing for emergencies." He couldn't afford any accidents.

Wu Jingyang was speechless.

This nephew seems to be very nervous about his future partner. He has done so much silently. Is he trying to impress him?

However, this is fine.

After Qin Hongjun got the location of Xixiu and knew that she would return to Anweil, he made a plan.

He planned to copy the method used when Ye Zhenwei disappeared and kidnap Hong Xixiu.

After carefully studying her genetic sequence, Wei Lanshan cured her of the M virus, which will definitely leave traces somewhere.

Under his instructions, Qin Yi immediately contacted Yuan Ri and some forces that could be summoned near Yuan Ri, asking them to be on standby at all times.

After doing this, Qin Hongjun went to a room.

In front of the window of the room, a human being sat quietly.

His eyes were dull and he kept looking out the window, motionless, and the back of his head was connected to a data transmission cable, like a humanoid machine.

Qin Hongjun walked directly in front of him without knocking on the door, staring at those peach blossom eyes with a sarcastic look on his face: "Another legend is about to appear in Jingsu. Your era will eventually end. Are you willing to do so?"

He replied to Qin Hongjun's words and just listened silently. Anyway, he would be stabbed by "old friends" from time to time, and he was already used to it.

Silence is the best resistance.

"Don't worry, I, Qin Hongjun, will turn Legend into a dead pig. I couldn't stop you at first, but this time, I have the ability to stop it. I'm very happy."

Qin Hongjun knew that he could hear it, but just ignored it.

This kind of person is the most boring.

Thinking back to when he met him with that appearance, it didn't stir up the slightest disturbance in him.

This man wanted to die.

Isn’t life pleasant?

Qin Hongjun talked a lot, all about his own dark side.

The man ignored him and let him talk and listen. This was the only channel for him to learn the news from the outside.

"It's funny to say that your nine stars were actually handed over to a woman. Her talent is indeed good, but she is also an experimental subject, the one I just mentioned."

When Qin Hongjun said this, his eyes rolled, as if something touched his mind.

Qin Hongjun, who had been talking to himself, didn't notice it and continued: "However, this woman has two brushes and is now a master. If I give her time to grow, you Nine Stars will probably be able to glorify for another five hundred years. "

This time he took action personally and would not allow Jiuxing to have such talented people again.

He is a person who doesn't like to see others being good or better than him.

He also wants to destroy Wei Lanshan.

And the whole Jingsu.

This star field can only be controlled by Qin Hongjun. He said that whatever intelligent creatures can exist in this star field can exist.

He will never allow anyone to exist.

For example, the Anweir people who made him feel suffocated should not exist in this star field.

Too clean, too innocent, making him want to destroy this race at all costs.

This has been his belief since his birth, that he will become the god of this star field.

The Creator, here, He has the final say.

After preparing for such a long time, he believed that everything was safe.

If he catches Hong Xixiu and finds the antibodies against the virus in him, he will have more talented warriors and humanoid weapons.

"Li Xianfeng, don't worry, I will take you there and let you witness what a miracle is. Haha, hahaha..."

After Qin Hongjun left, his laughter still echoed in Li Xianfeng's ears for a long time.

To say that he is Li Xianfeng is just that the consciousness in this body is the former Li Xianfeng.

The body he has used for the past five hundred years has been replaced countless times.

Trapped in a small space, cut off from all information from the outside world, unable to get out, unable to die, tortured day and night, exhausted mentally and physically.

He carefully analyzed what Qin Hongjun said just now. When he was sober, Qin Hongjun said he would take him out, where should he go?

Could this be his chance?

Li Xianfeng pursed his lips tightly.

He and Qin Hongjun had been in a relationship for ten years and could really be regarded as close friends.

Qin Hongjun disguised himself so well that he was never able to see through his true face.

Who would have thought that a human being could be so terrifying.

It was because he had too little experience that Qin Hongjun took advantage of him, and finally ended up in this situation.

He was thinking about the possibility of escaping after going out. If Qin Hongjun took this body with him, maybe he could get real freedom...

If he puts his consciousness into the machine as before, it will be difficult for him to escape.

Because this body contains his consciousness, but it is also his prison.

I wonder if the child who took over Jiuxing can see through Qin Hongjun's vicious plan.

Qin Hongjun is really not a good person.

He is a man with no morals, no humanity, and a lunatic.

I wonder if the central brain has discovered the traces left behind when his consciousness went out.

Li Fengfeng had been sitting in front of the window, motionless. The data transmission line connected to the back of his head looked painful when it was illuminated against the light.

Over the years, he must have endured inhuman torture. His back had criss-crossing injuries. Obviously, Beijing has the last traceless wound medicine, which will not leave any scars at all. However, these, like It's intentional.

This room is quiet, and the sadness in the air is very strong. Outside the window, there is a man-made scenery, and further away, there is boundless darkness.

He has lost count of how many years he has spent like this...

After Qin Hongjun left Li Qianfeng's room, he asked Qin Yi to get ready to go out.

Qin Yi was specifically told to take the people in Room 9 with him, and Qin Yi immediately understood his instructions.

Bringing people with you means taking the body with you. If Qin Hongjun's order is to bring tools, then it is to extract their consciousness, put it into the machine, and take the machine away.

In five days, Qin Hongjun left his base camp with three starships.

Leaving with him was Li Fengfeng, who was trapped in the body.

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