Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 442 -Fighting Qin Hongjun

Under the command of Qing Zhixun, the starship kept heading in the direction of Anweil ​​at a constant speed, and soon almost collided with Qin Hongjun's starship.

They kept pretending to walk without noticing each other, which made Qin Hongjun believe in his skills.

Qin Hongjun's three medium-sized starships, except for the control team and weapons that must be operated on the starship, the rest are all warriors who can fight.

In addition, he also has abandoned robots, which can be stored after being modified.

Therefore, Qing Zhixun and the others could not estimate the opponent's combat strength, so they could only be more cautious.

Wei Lanshan kept embroidering continuously, for fear that something might go wrong in the process.

She is now very busy, and the drug sequence has entered the most critical moment, otherwise, she will definitely have to be by Xixiu's side.

Although she had made a thorough plan before, Wei Lanshan was still worried that something beyond her control would happen.

Ah Xian and Wu Jingya, on the other hand, have extremely calm minds. For the people of Anweil, if there is danger, it is nothing but fighting, and if they cannot win, it is nothing but death.

If he dies, he can only blame himself for being inferior to others.

Wuyuan and Qimang followed Xixiu closely. Sixi was now controlled by the central brain, so there was no need to worry about its safety.

Qing Zhixun compared their strength with that of their opponent. Anweil ​​had a starship. His starship, plus the Nine Stars hidden in the dark and Long Xingxue's starship, their combat strength was in total. It surpasses the other party.


He also has Creature Creation and Li Xianfeng.

However, Xixiu guessed that he would not bring out the creature just to kidnap her.

This person does not think that he is worthy of his efforts.

"Master Xun, the other party is slowing down." Qing Sansui noticed the other party's sudden movement.

"Well, we're ready."

The central brain has taken over the control of the starship, and with it in charge of calculations, they can achieve the best whether it is the accuracy of the weapons or the chance of jumping.

"We took a circuitous route and walked in an S-shaped trajectory."

The central brain's orders came one after another, and it changed its forward speed and made adjustments at any time based on the situation in the star field.

Very close to Qin Hongjun, he suddenly accelerated and followed Qin Hongjun in an S-shaped trajectory, passing Qin Hongjun.

Qin Hongjun frowned when he saw this.

The walking speed of the opponent's starship and the current situation made him feel familiar.

"Qin Yi, the information the intelligence team has received confirms that only a few people from the Qing family are the only ones. The rest are all self-respecting ones. And Anweil?"

Qin Yi reported: "Hong Xixiu has always been alone among some nobles in Anweil, the guards of the Qing family, Qing Zhixun of the Qing family, and Qing Zhixun's team. However, it is said that she has a strange plant."

Qin Hongjun knew that with the current Jingsu technology, their navigation trajectory and speed exceeded the intelligent control level of the starship.

"Master, they have deviated from their original trajectory." Qin Yi found that several of the opponent's starships had passed the edge of their starship at strange angles.

"Follow me." Qin Hongjun entered the control code and obtained the current actions of the central brain from the code, but soon the central brain discovered it.

For the first time, it violated the Creator Treaty and ignored Qin Hongjun.

Qin Hongjun used a short period of control to keep up with Xixiu's starship, and before the central intelligence brain could resist, he threw his "soldiers" in the direction of Qing Zhixun and the others, densely packed.

They are all robot warriors, not afraid of radiation or weapons. These were not shot down by Qingzhiwu and the others through the mechanical arms, and were successfully hung on the starship.

"Three years old, lead the men and fight." Qing Zhixun gave the order.

"Qi Mang, you go too."

"Okay, stay safe Xixiu."

Xixiu nodded.

Their coordinates are shared with Jiuxing in real time. It is not suitable for people from Jiuxing to appear now, so they must win this game themselves.

These robots will probably destroy the external devices of the starship, so they cannot be given the slightest chance, otherwise they will lose their best chance.

Qin Hongjun looked at the screen. The robot sent back a clearer picture. Li Xianfeng was sitting not far next to him with an expressionless face.

"Master, the other party's people are very powerful. At this distance, we cannot turn on the transmission device instantly." Therefore, we cannot pull them into the channel they set.

"Then beat the shit out of them." Qin Hongjun still didn't care.

He has been able to walk sideways in this star field for a long time without fearing anyone.

In the previous battles with Li Xianfeng, he was a draw. Jingsu had never produced a warrior who was more powerful than Li Xianfeng, with strong martial arts and mental strength.

"Then..., who to send?" Qin Yi has no one at hand now.

The soldiers in the camp, they only brought robots this time.

The most powerful warriors are their trump card in their plans and will not be used lightly.

"We have a numerical advantage, so what are we afraid of?" Qin Hongjun did not ask Qin Yi to send any more soldiers, but mobilized them himself.

He scattered all the robot warriors in the warehouse.

Probably, hundreds of thousands.

These robots are all scraps he collected. After transformation, they were loaded with the consciousness he cultivated and became his most obedient dogs.

The moment these machines were scattered into the starry sky, Qin Hongjun loaded his stored consciousness and codes into the machines through the control system.

The machine stretched its arms and legs in the starry sky, as if it had been sleeping for a long time and stretching.

The mechanical eye looked at the surrounding situation, and after loading its consciousness, it understood its mission.

Instantly exert force and move forward at full speed.

They have all been modified and have flight systems on them.

Looking at the robots on the screen, the number is estimated to be less than one ten millionth of what the Qin family has collected over the years.

"You go to fight, leave the starship to me, and leave the weapon firing to me." The central brain couldn't explain what it was feeling at the moment, but it must see that person today. In Xixiu's words, it had changed. Qin Jian.

It still can't believe that Qin Jian disappeared in this way.

"Don't go Xixiu yet. In case these are just bait, leave it to us. Ah Xian, you stay here with Xixiu." Wu Jingya drew out his weapon, opened the mecha, and met Wu Jingyang and Anweil. The warriors entered the starry sky together.

Anvil soldiers took the front position. They drove fighter planes and hit these machines directly. Compared with the material, these abandoned robots were instantly knocked to pieces by them.

Wu Jingyang and Wu Jingya are not merciful. They only protect citizens who are kind and diligent and protect Jingsu.

Qimang and Qing Sansui almost got red-eyed if they had this function.

But the number of opponents is still increasing.

The position of the starship between them and the Qin family was shortening. It was obvious that the other party was preparing to capture data, and this distance was just right.

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