Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 445 - The Legend Returns Again

Qin Yi walked up to Li Xianfeng and inserted the tube connected to the back of his head into the interface of the starship's intelligent control system. Then, Qin Yi entered the control code on the light screen.

Li Xianfeng's eyes were unclear.

He didn't resist, and Ren Qin entered the code into his body.

This body is not his in the first place.

After Qin Hongjun created human bodies, he asked his robot assistant to transform these bodies.

There is a small place left where consciousness is stored, and a biochip is installed there.

In this way, he can load the program into this chip at any time.

Through this chip, all immortal robots and replicants are controlled.

As long as it was designed by him, no one can escape this fate.

He knew that his struggle was useless.

Unless, he can change into a body that was not designed by Qin Hongjun.

However, for him, it is no longer necessary.

Qin Yi looked at Li Xianfeng with his eyes lowered. He was really envious of his good temper.

Following such a master might be a wise choice. Just thinking of this, Qin Yi's head felt like it was going to explode.

He tried not to show it.

Qin Hongjun was still thinking about how to deal with the central intelligence brain, and Qin Yi did not dare to look in his direction.

Only Li Xianfeng discovered something was wrong with him.

However, he said nothing and remained quiet.

Qin Yi quickly regained his composure.

He found that as long as he didn't think about trying to please others and betray Qin Hongjun, his head would be quiet.

Only at this moment did Qin Yi understand why Qin Hongjun was not worried at all about problems with the people around him.

Also, how could the thorn he planted within the Jingsu Alliance be so obedient.

There is a reason.

He has this confidence.

Unless those people don't want to live anymore.

The pain that suddenly appeared in my head just now was like being eaten by thousands of insects, and the scene that appeared in my mind was also the same.

Anyway, Qin Yi didn't dare to try it a second time.

After Qin Yi set up the code, the data tube on the back of Li Yifeng's head was removed.

Qin Yi sewed up the joint on the back of his head with bionic skin.

Li Xianfeng looks exactly like a normal human being. If he is thrown into a sea of ​​people, no one will be able to detect his strangeness.

Because the control program only functions under decisive conditions, the code has a triggering program.

As for Li Xianfeng's control code, Qin Yi didn't dare to think about it...

Qin Hongjun is really a ruthless person.

Once the code he input to Li Xianfeng takes effect, Li Xianfeng will completely become a weapon.

His strength is unbreakable by anyone in the Jingsu Alliance so far. He maintains all the highest records in Jingsu, including martial arts, mental strength, and battle command.

Seeing Li Xianfeng who had finished loading the program, Qin Hongjun said contemptuously: "Nine-star Marshal, you are nothing more than that."

Li Xianfeng remained calm.

Over the years, he has become accustomed to this man's cynicism.

If he hadn't been unaware at the beginning, he wouldn't have fallen into his trap, and there wouldn't have been these five hundred years of darkness.

Trapped in a body, there is no peace.

After being tortured day and night, Li Xianfeng felt relieved when he took this step.

His expression calmed down so well that neither Qin Hongjun nor Qin Yi noticed the change in Li Xianfeng.

These few outings have made Li Xianfeng understand the working principle of the consciousness stripping system and the role of the small biochip buried in his head.

In a near-death state, he can counter this code, provided that he can find a more powerful intelligent system to connect to, and then his consciousness can be truly free.

He only had this one chance, and if he wanted to get rid of this shackles completely, he had to try no matter what.

Li Xianfeng followed Qin Yi's footsteps and walked out of the control room. Qin Hongjun looked at his leaving figure and felt extremely proud.

No matter how powerful he is, he just has to obey him and be the most loyal dog.

There are other people who are also worse than dogs in front of him.

When things are ready, he will become the master of these twenty galaxies.

He, Qin Hongjun, is the God of Creation.

As usual, Li Xianfeng entered fighting mode without even looking at Qin Hongjun.

Qing Zhixun saw Li Xianfeng coming towards him, but he did not know that this humanoid weapon was the Nine-Star Marshal.

However, he knew he was strong.

The atmosphere on the starship became solemn.

Qing Zhixun felt a little oppressed.

This is the aura that only the strong have.

He signaled to the soldiers following him to stop. On the Qin family's starship, it was impossible for them to use robots to seek death.

It was unclear when they were controlled by the opponent, so the soldiers all wore three layers of protective clothing, and also wore mecha protection on the outside, which could withstand powerful attacks within twenty times.

"Yuan Ting, your opponent is very powerful. Take the others with you and don't act rashly." Qing Zhixun decided to fight first.

If he cannot capture his opponent, Li Yuanting can retreat quickly with his men.

The reason why they came to this starship was to try their luck and meet the Qin family.

Unexpectedly, this old cunning man hid behind his own soldiers without showing his face.

Li Xianfeng's expression still didn't change much. He looked Qing Zhixun up and down and discovered the Qing family emblem hidden in an inconspicuous position on his protective clothing.

Qin Yi and Qin Hongjun closed the door of the control room. No one could open it, even if they attacked with artillery shells, it would be difficult.

Qin Yi found that Li Xianfeng was not taking action directly as before, but was observing.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

When he just set up the code, he obviously did it the same way as before, and the data transmission also showed normal. How come, there is no response?

Qin Yi's heart almost jumped out of his throat. If Li Yifeng didn't take action, his life would be decided here today.

Sure enough, Qin Hongjun said coolly: "Qin Yi, when you entered the code, did you desert?"

Qin Hongjun's mood suddenly became bad again.

If there was a problem with Qin Yi's data input, they would have to pay a heavy price if they wanted to leave safely today.

Now that the data tube on the back of Li Xianfeng's brain has been removed, they have no other way to restrain Li Xianfeng except for controlling it through the biochip left in his brain.

"Master, I have the same order of operations as before, and the code is the one you just specified..." Qin Yi's voice was desperate and crying. He knew that his short life might be over soon.

"Same? Are you sure?" Qin Hongjun didn't care about Qin Yi's pain and despair at the moment. His subordinates who couldn't complete the task or did bad things were not qualified to explain the problem.

"Yes, the same, absolutely nothing wrong." Qin Yi still wanted to struggle, maybe there would be a chance, although he knew it was slim.

"Then what do you mean, Li Xianfeng's abnormality now is because of me?" Qin Hongjun's voice was very cold, the kind of coldness that can penetrate people's hearts.

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