Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 451 - Jiu Xing’s Original Intention

This young woman is majestic, humble, powerful, and has a keen eye. The important thing is that she has everyone in her heart.

This is very rare.

It is Jiuxing's luck to have such an inheritor. He should rest in peace.

The original intention of establishing Jiuxing was to give the warriors who followed him a place to go, where they could hug each other for warmth and protect their homeland together.

Just like when they were still stationed, although some soldiers must have quit later, this did not hinder their original intention to protect this star field.

"Now that you're back, let's return the nine-star jade to Zhao intact." Xixiu breathed a sigh of relief.

She thought clearly about what it meant to take over Jiuxing.

To live up to Wei Lanshan, Xu Fengxiang and the other masters taught him everything they had. They were also attracted by Jiuxing's temperament, and were even more moved by what they had done over the past five hundred years.

Li Xianfeng was in a trance for a moment when he heard her "returning the perfect jade to Zhao".

Among the languages ​​of all the galaxies in the Jingsu Alliance, there is no such wording, and the structure is also different.

Her pronunciation was also closer to his familiar yet distant accent.

"No need, where I will be in the future and whether I will choose to continue living are all unknown."

Li Xianfeng believed that Jiuxing would return to its former heights in the hands of this junior named Hong Xixiu.

"Moreover, you have led Jiuxing in a good direction. You should believe in yourself." Li Xianfeng's words were serious and sincere.

Xi Xiu was about to say more, but Li Xianfeng waved her hand to stop her: "There is no need to talk about this issue again. This is my decision. Young people should let the elderly enjoy their old age."

His words made Xixiu lose his temper and he could only sigh a few times in his heart.

"What are you going to do next?" Li Xianfeng looked at Xixiu to ask her how she wanted to arrange Jiuxing.

"When the crisis in Anweil ​​passes, I will still have eight years of service. During this period, Jiu Xing can recharge his batteries and avoid the danger for the time being."

She plans to reorganize Jiuxing's forces and improve their strength.

The most important thing is to have the ability to withstand wind and rain.

Feng Qiqi and the others also understand this.

If Xixiu hadn't been telling them to stay calm and not be influenced by others, let alone be intimidated by these gossips without evidence, Jiuxing might have dispersed by now.

No matter how high the nine stars were before, the storm this time would be so violent.

Everyone felt uncomfortable, and some were even shaken.

The fact that we can still persist to this day is supported by our past beliefs and honors.

"Don't tell them all that my consciousness is still alive. Just a few of you know it. As for the reason, let's just say that my consciousness was actually partially copied by Qin Hongjun. It is not my original self, and it has now been die."

If the news that he still exists spreads, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble for Hong Xixiu's management of Jiuxing.

"Yes." Xu Fenxiang and the others actually breathed a sigh of relief.

Hong Xixiu was their favorite candidate. No one would have thought that Li Xianfeng was still alive. It would be unreasonable to take back everything that was given to her because Li Xianfeng came back.

Although Xixiu would definitely not care, they couldn't do this.

"Then, where are you going, old man?" Xu Fengxiang and the others could not guess what Li Fengfeng was thinking.

"I don't know yet. It's not very convenient for me to be like this."

If it were possible for him to stay in Anweil ​​for a while, Qin Hongjun would definitely launch a war against Jingsu. When the war is over, he would be looking for a place to go.

Now, there's no rush.

"Li Shuai, how long will it take for Qin Hongjun to attack the alliance?" Qing Zhixun's question temporarily ended the topic about Jiuxing.

"It is estimated that it will not take more than a year. If it is soon, the crisis in Anvil may break out, and he will take the opportunity to send a fleet."

He was trapped in his room, unable to free himself most of the time and basically in a state of sleep.

Therefore, my judgment based on my familiarity with Qin Hongjun may not be accurate.

Qing Zhixun opened the information they got, which was a video of the recent joint exercise of the five star systems on the border.

The five galaxies of Hanhai, Yinquila, Musar, Howian, and Samuel, plus an unknown force, may be Qin Hongjun's people, and they formed a team together.

The number of starships is huge.

Moreover, the starship's technology is already very close to Jingsu's level.

They have been producing large starships for many years, so they are searching for energy and materials everywhere.

And the nails they put on Jingsu provided them with material convenience.

Jiuxing actually collected similar information. Xixiu originally planned to arrange the matter on the way back to Anweil ​​when everything was safe.

It seems that things are moving forward.

"The Hanhai people seem to have reached a transformation agreement with Qin Hongjun." Li Xianfeng frowned. When he was awake, Qin Hongjun liked to go to him and recite things. Once he mentioned the Hanhai people.

Because of Li Xianfeng's news, Qing Zhixun decided to change their plan.

The natural advantage of the Hanhai people is that they are very fast. Even without auxiliary weapons, their speed is already twice that of the Jingsu warriors.

If they were transformed according to their advantages, considering the extent of Qin Hongjun's transformation, the speed of Hanhai people would definitely reach a new height.

"The Hanhai people's physiques are already powerful. After modification, their attacks on Jingsu will be even more violent." Qing Zhixun realized this very clearly.

Of all the intelligent biological races in Jingsu, the only ones with naturally strong physiques are the Ora people, the Anvil people, and the Miaorun fish people.

Other races only improved their physiques after genetic enhancement.

But it is still unable to compare with the physique of the Hanhai people. Therefore, other intelligent creatures, such as humans, pay more attention to strategy, martial arts skills, and the use of mental power.

Human beings have realized everything they can think of in terms of weapons and assistance.

No matter how fanciful you are, as Jingsu is so big, you can always find the materials to make such an idea come true.

However, in the past two hundred years, other intelligent creatures have increased their efforts in training in martial arts and personal physique.

Human beings are born from children, and the levels of mental power and martial arts are also derived from this.

"So the outcome of this battle is undecided." Li Xianfeng used his own eyes and from a brief browse of the data, he also saw the shortcomings of Jingsu in the past five hundred years.

The strength of other species actually showed a trend of regression.

Not to mention that his mental strength has not exceeded his original limit, but there are far fewer people who have reached 3S strength than in his era.

"What have the elders of Jingsu been doing in these years?" Li Yufeng was a warrior at heart. After seeing this data, he felt unspeakably angry.

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