Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 46 - Stunning Salary

After Xi Xiu knew about the matchmaking, she felt uncomfortable for a long time, but she was fully recovered in the evening.

When Zhen and Xue Fanhui saw her come out, she looked normal and was relieved.

They didn't expect Xi Xiu to not know about this, nor did they expect her to care so much about this, which should be a common thing for them.

"Zhen, Fanhui, don't worry, I just didn't know about it before." Xi Xiu smiled at her roommate, and the smile on her face was neither forced nor sad. Xue Fanhui was completely relieved.

"Okay, if you are unhappy, tell us, don't keep it in your heart, okay."

Xue Fanhui is older than the two of them, and now she is a little adult. She has to pay attention to the physical and mental health of the two little girls at all times.

"Okay, I have adjusted myself. I made you worry." Xi Xiu was a little embarrassed.

She was so old, and she was still cared for by two children. It was a bit awkward, but she felt very comfortable.

"In this case, let's train together in the evening." Xue Fanhui suggested.

The three of them had dinner. The nursery had a unified meal. Tonight, it was mashed potatoes with snow beef. This tasted the best, and Xi Xiu liked it very much.

Snow beef was served twice a month, and the rest of the time it was a variety of mixed nutritional supplements. The taste was so delicious.

Xi Xiu didn't understand why the alliance, with such advanced technology, only pursued nutrition instead of taste in food.

Many years later, she learned the reason from the central intelligence brain, and she was silent for seven days.

Because, it was a story so long that it could no longer be found.

Xi Xiu went to the training room with Zhen and Xue Fanhui, and met Ding Zhizhi and Shu Anna who were training.

Since Zhen beat Ding Zhizhi last time, there would always be friction every time they met them.

Xi Xiu originally wanted to change the subject, but then thought, what's there to be afraid of, they did nothing wrong, and a strategic win is also a win!

Shu Anna did not take the initiative to provoke, she held Ding Zhizhi down, because she recently heard the reason why Zhen and Xue Fanhui met.

Before Fiona left, she cleaned the back building for more than a year, which not only delayed her training, but also Vivian recorded her problem of bullying younger classmates in her file.

It is conceivable that Fiona, who could have gone to the first military academy on the capital star, ended up going to the military star system Liuzhao.

The second to seventh military academies of the alliance are all there. Although Liuzhao is a military star, how can the educational resources there be compared with those of the capital star.

The first military academy on the capital star is to train commanders and captains. Those with high ranks in the alliance are all from the first military academy. There are very few people who come from Liuzhao.

After knowing this, Shu Anna checked the alliance law and found that Fiona's behavior was indeed beyond the limit.

Because she had twenty cases of bullying the weak and records of robbing others' things in the nursery, all of these added up, the punishment given by Vivian was quite standard.

So Shu Anna grabbed Ding Zhizhi and gave her a look. The two walked away after Xi Xiu and the others arrived, without any intention of a head-on confrontation.

Xi Xiu thought that they must have known about Fiona, otherwise, with the temperament of the three bullies in their nursery, how could they give up the opportunity to "teach" them a lesson.

After they left, Xi Xiu and Xue Fanhui started fighting, and Zhen watched from the side.

After fifty rounds, Xi Xiu fought against Zhen, and Xi Xiu pointed out Zhen's shortcomings and asked her to practice more.

They stayed in the training room until after nine o'clock. When they came out, the three satellites of Ning Kui were hanging high in the night sky, casting a clear light on the ground.

There were three satellites on the ground, and even if the satellites were not fully visible, they could see each other's facial features very clearly.

This is the place that Xi Xiu always thought was magical. In other galaxies, Tianning Star has five satellites, and Aola also has five. It seems that among the twenty galaxies in the alliance, only Ning Kui Star has the least satellites.

"Xiu Xiu, have you been to the battle room of the virtual network recently?" Zhen asked curiously.

"We have to wait until August before we go. I plan to take the ninth level exam directly. I will have one less thing to do after I pass it. What about Zhen?"

"I plan to take the eighth level exam. I am a little unsure, so can you help me with targeted training on the virtual network?" Zhen was a little embarrassed. She found that she was always bothering Xi Xiu.

"Okay, let's start tomorrow. You have to pass the ninth level exam before you are twelve years old, so that our travel plan can start. Come on!"


Xue Fanhui was on the side, looking at the two girls who were like sisters, and she was very happy.

They all lost their parents and families. From now on, they will be each other's family. She thought she finally understood what Vivian said when she brought Xi Xiu to her. They will become family members in the future.

They will only be together for less than four years. After that, they will go their separate ways. Time flies.

August came as expected. Xi Xiu spent two months to help Zhen with a intensive training. It was not until Zhen's physical skills passed the eighth level that Xi Xiu and Zhen stopped training.

Then the new semester started, and Xi Xiu put all her energy into it. She wanted to design a body and program for Si Xi, and she had to learn these two intermediate courses thoroughly so that she could do some simple designs.

After the new semester started, Xi Xiu also chose a botany course. She planned to become a nutritionist after her military service to improve the formula of the alliance's nutritional supplements.

She was really fed up with the flavors of these nutritional supplements. Mixing wind and dark cuisine was really unhappiness-inducing.

Then open a small shop and make some handmade snacks, which should be very popular.

Vivian sent a message to Xixiu, giving her several work-study positions and letting her decide on her own.

Vivian sent a total of five positions, two of which required three people at the same time. Xixiu, Xue Fanhui and Zhen discussed it and decided to work in the snack factory next to the nursery.

Mainly responsible for packaging snacks. The working time is one hour. You can arrange your working time flexibly and there is no requirement to go at any time.

These positions are specially set aside by the factory for children who work as part of a work-study program. Otherwise, if there are robots working, there would be no need for manual operations.

Xixiu and the three of them were very happy. They usually buy these snacks, and it was unexpected and novel to be able to see how they are produced.

Moreover, the salary is not bad, and it is settled by the hour. One hour is 500 star coins. After a month, they will have a pretty good income.

Xixiu has calculated it based on commodity prices. The purchasing power of the alliance's Star Coins is that 1 Star Coin is roughly equivalent to 5 yuan of Soft Girl Coins. Therefore, the purchasing power of her salary for one month is equivalent to 70,000 Soft Girl Coins. Dafa! Make money, make money!

The reason why the salary in the league is so high is because the labor costs in the league are very expensive!

As long as the words "artificial" or "handmade" are mentioned, the prices of all products will rise linearly.

In a situation where robots can replace everything, the factory is still willing to pay such a large salary to the children who work-study, because the jobs provided by the work-study are tax-free, and it is a large amount!

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