Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 463 - Must hold on

In fact, in the starry sky, close combat does not have an advantage.

It's just necessary to use other weapons to collect the data needed for research.

The starry sky beasts are not completely devoid of intelligence. They first entered the safe range.

If you want to kill these things on a large scale, you can only concentrate them in one place like the first time.

However, this time the situation is different.

Not only are these guys much more powerful, the secretions on their bodies are thicker and more abundant.

This viscous black liquid is comparable in viscosity to the alliance's latest colloid.

Li Xianfeng saw Xixiu also coming to the starry sky. After finishing his work, he also drove the fighter plane to the position where Xixiu and his men were hovering.

"Still operating as before?"

"I don't have any better ideas yet." Xixiu shook his head.

There is no shelter here, so it is unrealistic to contain these star beasts.

"Otherwise, let the starship retreat quickly, get within range, and bomb them directly."

It takes more than ten minutes to retreat and find a place to stay.

Not every place in the star field is suitable for starship hovering.

"Let's try small weapons first." You still need to get the basic data of these things, which is very helpful for weapons and defense.

"Then you and I will have a fierce battle."

As soon as Li Xianfeng finished speaking, he drove his fighter plane to the nearest starry sky beast gathering place.

Xixiu went to the right, and she found that the Starry Sky Beast was building something that seemed to be a bridge, but it was not a bridge.

Could it be that they want to go directly to the ground in this way?

Thinking of this, she sped up her movements.

All the soldiers followed her instructions and threw the weapons from the fighter planes.

The weapons emitted thick smoke among the starry sky beasts, but these things were not seriously damaged. They moved freely, and the range of movements was also greater.

This approach won't work.

The instrument that records the data has been working, but the results of the analysis are not very optimistic.

Xixiu stared at the screen, and the five-yuan mechanical finger tapped on the console, "Little one, these guys want to stack up, and the ultimate goal is to go directly to a nearby planet."

The liquid on them is so viscous that it is impossible to separate them if they are stacked one on top of the other.

"The planet closest to us is Anvil's administrative star West, where there is a teleportation device directly to Anvil's main star."

Xixiu frowned and thought, obviously they couldn't go directly to Anweil, so they thought of a compromise.

"The only protection there is Anweil's own soldiers, so they may not be able to defend the place." Qimang quickly contacted Min'en and pulled up the defense map of the Western Wei.

"We currently do not have the manpower to send additional troops. At their current speed, it is estimated that it will only take two hours to reach Xiwei."

The data came out soon, and it felt really bad that there was no way around it.

"Send the message to Wu Jingyang and see if Anweil ​​can do anything."

The transmission channel cannot be completely destroyed. If Western Wei falls, the people of Western Wei can reach the main star through the transmission channel.

If it is destroyed, the people of Western Guard Anvil will die cleanly.

"Li Yufeng and I cooperate, and Ebony can slow down their movements."

Xixiu thought it was a risky move, so she took Ebony to get close to these guys. Ebony's vines should be able to withstand their mucus.

"Okay, little one, be careful. I'm still waiting to see you get the highest honor." Wuyuan snapped his fingers.

In its view, these guys couldn't hurt Xixiu, so Qiman followed Xixiu.

It was Wei Lanshan's bodyguard for Xixiu.

It is its responsibility to protect Xixiu.

Xixiu has been communicating with Wu Mu.

Over the years, Ah Xian has taught Xi Xiu how to communicate with Yi Zhi.

Ebony rubbed against Xixiu lazily, with an affectionate look, as if he was telling Xixiu to be patient and he would definitely complete the task!

After communicating with Wu Mu, Xixiu put on protective clothing, mecha, and heavy mecha, as well as space buttons for energy storage.

After getting ready, Qimang followed her to the starry sky and left the fighter plane.

Li Xianfeng received Xixiu's message and brought the soldiers to her side to help.

"Are you going to use strange vines to entangle these guys?" Li Xianfeng exclaimed.


Ebony vines can regenerate.

And it is extremely tough. She has calculated that it is two degrees stronger than the skin of these star beasts.

So when Ebony ties these guys up, they move slower.

They just need to take the opportunity to tighten these vines and use nets to catch them whole.

Then, drag them to a place suitable for the use of anti-personnel weapons and blow them up, which will probably relieve them temporarily.


The moment Wu Mu left Xixiu, his body grew into a black forest.

In the starry sky, it grows by radiation and cannot grow green leaves.

It was very fast and silent, and the vines surrounded this area.

Xixiu and Li Xianfeng led the soldiers along the direction of the ebony vines and tightened the vines with machines. The soldiers on the periphery used nets to trap these guys.

Everyone worked together to perform this action without much effort.

The fighter plane didn't have enough power, so it finally hung the net behind the starship and took these guys away.

One starship is responsible for the Starry Sky Beast, and the rest is responsible for destroying the passage through which the Starry Sky Beast came out just now.

Destroying these channels takes a long time because they have to record data before releasing weapons.

The fifth level calmed down.

It's temporary.

Both Xixiu and Li Xianfeng knew it.

The third wave of starry sky beasts may directly build a passage to the ground in Anvil.

The first and second time were all temptations.

The same goes for Qing Zhixun's sixth level. These guys all appear tentatively.

After being killed, there was no movement.

This may be because the other party has not been able to establish an accurate and successful channel before, and they also need to calculate it multiple times.

The starry sky in the Anvil Star Territory was completely calm.

Wu Jing suddenly issued an order for everyone to retreat to the ground, leaving only a part of the combat robots to guard the starry sky.

Wu Jingyang, Min En, and the central brain have been calculating, and the final conclusion is similar to what Xixiu and the others guessed.

It is very likely that the starry sky beasts will directly reach Anvil's satellite, and some can even directly reach the ground of Anvil's main star.

The location center intelligence brain and Min En have jointly calculated several places. These places are all important places in Anvil with a history of hundreds of thousands of years.

There are some ancient buildings on the coordinates, and some of them are the locations of Anvil's weapons factory, food factory, and energy system.

The other party wants to establish a passage here and directly destroy Anvil's life gate.

After Wu Jing suddenly got the news, he sent soldiers to garrison in these places.

These coordinates must be maintained.

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