Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 465 -The Laws of the Star Territory

The coordinates showed that it was near Silver Waterfall, where she and A-Xian first met.

The scenery there is very beautiful, and she has many silver beads in the silver waterfall.

Later, A-Xian kept wearing the purified Jingzhu on her body. Over the years, the brilliance flowing in the Jingzhu became more and more beautiful.

Xixiu wanted to keep such a place. This was her promise to A-Xian.

When arranging people, Xixiu looked very solemn.

Wei Lanshan sent her a video message at this time to ask about the development of the matter.

Looking at the serious face on the other end of the video, Wei Lanshan knew that things were not optimistic.

"Xi Xiu, the mutation of these things is not natural selection, but human intervention. In this case, the part of human intervention should be removed." Wei Lanshan analyzed the problem from a biological perspective.

"But how to find it?"

There are no biomedical scientists on her team.

The mutated part cannot be determined.

It was impossible for Wu Jingyang to study all the star beasts that came to the ground. Even if he could do it, it would be too late.

"These things must have prototypes. If there are more places than the prototypes, that location must be what you are looking for."

Wei Lanshan judged based on her own experience. Since she entered the laboratory, apart from the necessary research every day, she spent the rest of her time studying Qin Hongjun.

Xixiu gave her a very comprehensive information, including Qin Hongjun's origin.

There was still some gain. Qin Hongjun was also a biomedical scientist. Wei Lanshan thought about the problem from his perspective and simulated his mental journey with data several times.

"And they won't be too stable. Even if Qin Hongjun does a lot of experiments, it will be very difficult for these things to completely integrate what they don't have originally."

These creatures Qin Hongjun selected are very tenacious in life, otherwise they would not be able to survive at all.

Just like a gifted warrior.

When the energy accumulates to a certain level, it will explode.

Therefore, the tempers of these creatures are not very good, and they are prone to irritability and madness.

"Okay, I remember, Aunt Lan."

"They are not afraid of starry sky radiation. Once they reach the ground, even if they don't attack, it will be difficult for the Anvil soldiers to resist them. Therefore, we must fight quickly."

"I know, and besides, they actually have simple thinking ability." Xixiu didn't quite understand this. Could it be that the evolution of these starry sky beasts eventually evolved in the direction of intelligent creatures?

"According to the laws of this star field, these creatures are only the lowest in the star field gate. Their higher-level creatures must be intelligent."

Li Xianfeng agreed with Wei Lanshan's words. Only Xixiu and Long Xingxue didn't understand the meaning.

"Aunt Lan, are you saying that these guys are not only driven by Qin Hongjun?"

"Well, it's very possible that the creatures on the other side of the Star Gate have actively reached a consensus with him."

"But how does he contact the creature on the other side of the Star Realm Gate? It's the disappeared consciousness of Anvil."

This is the only explanation.

So, Qin Hongjun had a purpose in taking away the consciousness of the Anweir people.

There is tremendous knowledge in those consciousnesses.

From there, he can get a lot of secrets of the Anvil family.

Even how to get to the Star Gate and how to contact those guys is easy.

Seeing that Xixiu had figured it out, Wei Lanshan nodded happily.

"This is the only possibility. Therefore, it is very likely that you will still have to fight against these disappearing consciousnesses."

Not afraid of this.

I just don’t know who the big guys Qin Hongjun kidnapped are.

If it is a senior Anweil ​​noble, Wu Jingshuo's level, the problem will be big.

Although Ah Xian said he had statistics at the beginning, he did not say what the identities of the disappeared tribesmen were.

I only mentioned that there were a few very powerful warriors and did not return to Anvil, but it was already a long, long time ago.

"You have to be careful and don't be careless. The alliance's weapons are indeed powerful, but if you rely too much on the weapons without your own judgment, it will be difficult to win."

Wei Lanshan carefully warned Xixiu.

She is not free now. The research and development of the drug has reached a critical moment. Note that she can't get away at all and can only use her free time to analyze Qin Hongjun.

Wei Lanshan hung up the video call and turned to look at the children in the laboratory. Many of them had already passed the tenth drug test. She hoped that they could survive the remaining ten.

Xixiu asked Wu Jingyang for pictures of all the creatures behind the Star Domain Gate, and built a simple database.

Once the Star Beast on the ground comes into view, the data can be obtained to match the prototype.

Then find the extra parts on their bodies and focus on firing at that location, which should save time in the battle.

Xixiu's orders came one after another, and Jiuxing's warriors carried them out in an orderly manner, making all preparations before their opponents arrived.

The independent fighter plane flew out. The weapons on the starship were not suitable for use on the ground.

So this time they could only choose close combat, and to find a way to destroy the passage, they couldn't let these things come over continuously.

Xixiu estimated the number they could handle, which was around one hundred and ten, so they had to do this first.

As long as the passage is destroyed, they can fight with peace of mind without too many worries.

They built a circular wall around the coordinates, enclosing them.

There are construction robots, and materials are easy to obtain. There is a large material factory near Silver Falls, and it will reach the expected height in a few hours.

The location of the passage is left aside, and when the time comes to lure these creatures out, it will be quickly blocked.

"Long Da, when the fluctuations are monitored, the task of eliciting these guys will be left to you." After Xixiu arranged these, he handed over the specific tasks to each team.

Long Xingxue will lead the Snow Dragon Group, Li Xianfeng will also lead a team, Feng Qiqi and Bai Junge will lead a team, and she will lead a team.

When the time comes, close combat will definitely require the cooperation of multiple parties. Long Xingxue's mission is very heavy, so she has left some people behind. If the Snow Dragon Group is too strenuous, these people will be asked to make up for it.

This time, Long Xingxue did not bring all the people from the Snow Dragon Regiment, and some people were left in their base camp.

"Okay, don't worry, the Snow Dragon Group will definitely complete the mission."

She has led the snow dragon group to walk in the star field for so many years, and this time the challenge is the biggest.

Because none of them have experienced this kind of battle, a starry sky beast is equivalent to the power of a starship.

Human power alone cannot kill these uninvited guests. Only by uniting can they defend Anvil.

Everyone knows the importance of Anvil. These creatures have been transformed before they can come here through the Star Gate.

These guys are the vanguard.

If they destroy Anweil, what comes out from behind the Star Domain Gate will be a real human tragedy.

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