Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 480 - Make up for it in this life

For him, this was a brand new experience. Everything he had not gained or lost in his previous life could be made up for in this life.

Surprisingly, he felt that his feelings for his family were struck by Jingxi.

"Let's go, I'll show you the Land of Origin." Jingxi walked into the trees and flowers in the distance.

Qing Zhixun followed her footsteps, and everything in front of him was different from what he had learned.

The flowers and plants are exceptionally bright, with various colors layered on top of each other. It's like entering a fantasy world, like a fairy tale world, colorful.

"Here is different from the outside. There are only morning and night here, and there are no alternations of seasons." Jingxi introduced as he walked.

"After death, you will all come back here?" Qing Zhixun didn't understand the meaning of the Origin Land until now.

This is a place of nourishment and a hotbed.

"If nothing else happens, yes. There are exceptions. Some consciousnesses will truly disappear."

Except for those consciousnesses abducted by Qin Hongjun, there have been several major disasters in the history of Anweil. In order to save the Anweil ​​galaxy, those tribesmen used their own consciousness to support this star field.

Once this choice is made, consciousness and star realm will merge into one, and they will never return to the place of origin.

"What kind of disaster is it?" Qing Zhixun did not see such a record on his central brain.

"This star field has existed for many, many years. Over time, the star field will collapse. At this time, it is difficult for any external force to intervene."

"Is consciousness enough?" This is an area that Qing Zhixun has never been exposed to.

Hearing Jingxi say this reminded him of his and Xixiu's hometown. The ancient legends that had been circulated and the history of Anweil ​​had something in common.

"Well, the body and consciousness enter the star field gate together and fill in the collapsed place."

She had been there before after taking charge of the protection of the Star Gate. It was a dead place surrounded by darkness and inexplicable aura.

Only the Star Beast can survive there.

It is impossible for the Anvil people to survive in such an environment. Therefore, the Anvil people who enter the Star Realm Gate and fill the collapsed place cannot return their consciousness to the place of origin.

They will be completely destroyed, not even a scrap will be left. Each of them is mentally prepared for this kind of sacrifice.

"Is there no other way?" Qing Zhixun didn't believe that the Anweil ​​people didn't think of other ways.

This race is really powerful.

"No. If the Star Gate becomes unstable and the most dangerous situation occurs, only the bodies of the Anvilians can suppress it. In some respects, our bodies are also weapons, or even medicine."

A medicine that can calm the abnormal movements of the Star Realm Gate.

This knowledge has always been engraved deep in their consciousness. Even if they die many times, they will always think of this method immediately.

"How often does it happen?"

"Not sure. The last time it appeared was nine thousand years ago. The last time it appeared was fifteen thousand years ago."

There is no pattern.

"Can Anvil notice it?"

"That's why I'm going to the Star Gate to confirm. I won't know the answer until I get there. I hope it's not the worst result."

"What are the levels of problems that arise at the Star Gate?"

Jingxi was very pleased because Qing Zhixun was very smart.

"There are three levels. At level one and level two, I and my clansmen can work together to restore calm. At level three, we can only suppress it with our body."

"What kind of hazards will there be when it appears?"

"The star beasts from the Star Gate will come to Anweil. You also participated in the previous battles. Those are just replicas. The things coming out of the Star Gate are dozens of times more powerful than these."

It's just that they don't have that kind of corruption, but those species are intelligent, know how to fight, and their overall strength is very strong.

"They feed on all living things and will destroy the balance of the star field."

"Why does this species exist?" This is a question that Qing Zhixun doesn't understand very much.

There are many things that cannot be explained in the Jingsu Alliance, among which he has never understood the Star Gate and the Starry Sky Beast.

"Only one person knows this question, the one who lives the longest in Anweil. We can't unravel this mystery until she recovers all her memories."

Every star field has its own rules. The starry sky beasts that appear here in Jingsu are like the other side of the star field.

Dark, growing quietly in places they can't detect.

"Yes, A-Xian?"

"You knew already?"

"Li Xianfeng mentioned something."

Jingxi was a little surprised, "How did he know about this?"

"He said that he had stayed in Anweil ​​for a long time and collected a lot of Anweil's legends, because the legends of Anweil ​​are somewhat similar to some ancient myths in his hometown."

He had a brief exchange with Li Xianfeng. The two met late and had a lot to talk about, so the topic unknowingly came to this.

"Probably when each star field is born, there will be similarities."

Jingxi didn't know how to explain this. Li Xianfeng's hometown was definitely not in Jingsu, otherwise Qing Zhixun wouldn't have used such an expression.

Qing Zhixun didn't quite understand either. He was not very familiar with the myths and stories of his hometown.

Li Xianfeng's words didn't make him think too much, but he remembered them.

I originally planned to ask Xixiu later. She used to like to read all kinds of anecdotes, and I believe she has also read fairy tales. Maybe she still has impressions.

Jingxi took Qing Zhixun around the place of origin and realized that the babies had not come up to them.

Jingxi could feel their presence, but they seemed to be quiet now.

The outside environment also has some influence on them.

"This is where people come after they die, and you may not see them today."

"Well, it's so beautiful here."

"Yes, the beauty here is in stark contrast to the darkness of the Star Gate."

It was rare for mother and son to have such a relaxing moment, so Jingxi walked slowly with Qing Zhixun.

Most of the time it was Jing Xi who was talking and Qing Zhixun was remembering. She also told the story of how she got to know Qing Heming.

Qing Zhixun clicked his tongue when he heard this.

I didn’t expect Jingxi to be so crazy about chasing men.

"Don't humans have blockers? How did you abduct dad?"

"Ahem, I used some tricks." Jingxi planned to keep it a secret.

"Axun, the blocker may not have much effect on Xixiu, so you have to be careful about her falling in love with someone else."

Jingxi's words were nothing short of thunder.

"How to say?"

"The higher the mental power level, the less effective the blocker will be."

"No wonder, she seems to go for injections every two years. I thought she didn't want to have a partner."

"If it were me, I would make the same choice as Xixiu. You should think about it in my shoes."

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