Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 493 -Ola’s Defense

Xixiu and the others hovered the starship in the starry sky outside the fifth port of Gaia. After saying goodbye to Qing Zhixun and the others, they took a small aircraft to the ground of Gaia.

Bai Junge stayed on the starship to guard, while she, Feng Qiqi, Li Yifeng, and Wan Youlin went directly to Wei Lanshan's laboratory.

As soon as they arrived on the ground, they received news from the central intelligence brain that the Tang family was moving around, and the activity tracks of Tang Yongyu and Tang Yonghuang were also sent.

The strange thing is that it didn't find Tang Mushi. Didn't it mean that Tang Mushi also came to Gaia?

Xixiu ignored the matter for the time being.

She and Wei Lanshan met on the top floor of the laboratory, where Wei Lanshan rested.

"Aunt Lan, I miss you so much." Xixiu stepped forward and hugged Wei Lanshan.

"Well, Aunt Lan misses you too."

The two exchanged a few words and then got down to the topic, "This is the Nine-Star Marshal."

Xixiu introduced Wei Lanshan, "Senior, I have admired you for a long time."

Wei Lanshan bowed as a junior, "No need to be too polite. Just think of me as a robot."

"Puch, Aunt Lan, don't listen to him. If this is true, he will probably fight you for 500 rounds." Xixiu said with a smile, bending his eyes.

"Hey, you really think I care about this."

"I know you don't care, but the machine is a bit colder after all. I think senior still likes the smoke and smoke of the human world."

This hit the mark.

Li Xianfeng really liked this feeling. He could breathe freely and sense everything in the air through his five senses.

Instead of now, everything must be processed first, and then he can gain cognition. Although the data processing speed is very fast, it is not as useful as his own brain after all.

Maybe, he is an old-fashioned person.

"You must have fought hard during this Anvil crisis."

Anvil blocked all network information, so Gaia did not receive any live video.

Only when the eldest princess Jingxi appeared, her image was seen. This was Anvil's announcement to Jingsu.

After that, Jingsu lost all information about Anweil.

Anvil did not ask for alliance support, thinking they could handle it on their own.

"Fortunately for us, the impact was not too great. The people of Anvil almost couldn't hold on."

Xixiu described the scene of the Anweil ​​people being affected and restricted so well that Wei Lanshan was a little scared.

"This crisis is probably more serious than they originally expected."

"They didn't expect that someone could pass through the Star Realm Gate and make a deal with the creatures over there."

This is indeed something not everyone dares to think about. After all, the gate to the Star Realm is difficult to find, and it is also very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will die on the spot.

As powerful as the Anvilians, they must be fully armed before they dare to enter, let alone other intelligent creatures.

"It's good that the crisis has been successfully overcome, but we will probably face another tough battle next."

Wei Lanshan and Xixiu have always exchanged news, so she has a clear view of the situation.

"How is the situation going here at the Elders Association?" Li Xianfeng spoke at the right moment.

"There were too many people behind the scenes. To everyone's expectation, the Qing family, the Chu family, and the other families who had retired were jointly dispatched, and they managed to stabilize the situation."

Just stabilize the situation.

"The deployment has already begun."

Xixiu listened quietly. Regarding the battlefield, Li Xianfeng and Wei Lanshan were obviously more knowledgeable. After all, her experience was still too little.

"Many plans have been changed. All border fortresses are now on alert and the soldiers have been assembled."

"What about the weak ones?"

"The Qing family, the Chu family, and the Li family will personally guard this place."

Hearing this, Li Xianfeng breathed a sigh of relief, "Tianwei is short of energy now, Hanhai and the others may choose to stay far away."

"Aura, we have to ask Xixiu." Wei Lanshan knew that Xixiu's classmate was the son of the Lord Aura.

"It has been arranged. Enwit will start preparations when he returns to Aura. Today's Aola is no longer the Aola when you were there, senior."

Enwit is a visionary, open-minded and studious person, and her efforts over the years have not been in vain.

Enwit's progress is obvious to all, and the potential of the Ora people is infinite.

"I didn't expect you to cure the Ora people's bad habits. I should have beaten them until they were convinced." Li Yufeng gritted his teeth.

In the past, the Aola people were really insecure. No matter how much he tried to persuade them to improve their martial arts and spiritual power, it was useless. They thought that they were so talented that they had no need for spiritual power at all...

"Ahem, no, they were convinced after their own people beat their own people to the ground."

This is actually Enwit's own credit. He saw the hidden dangers of the Ora people's stagnation and understood the current situation in Jingsu. The Ora people must become stronger if they want to hold on to energy.

In fact, Aura's star master also wanted to become powerful, otherwise he would not have packed up Enwit and thrown it onto Gaia's starship.

"In that case, I will follow you when the time comes, so that not many people will doubt my identity." Li Xianfeng had already thought of his whereabouts.

"Okay, I will need more guidance from my seniors when the time comes."

A few people talked about the alliance for four hours. Feng Qiqi and Wan Youlin felt that they had made a lot of progress while listening.

"The Tang family already knows about your existence. They will definitely know about your return to Gaia because they are here now."

"It's okay. It doesn't matter between me and them in any way. They shouldn't find a reason to meet with me. Even if they insist on meeting, I can refuse."

"See, judging from your information, we can get some information from Tang Mushi."

Li Fengfeng is not afraid of these juniors. The only time he was overturned and was plotted against was by Qin Hongjun. He didn't look down on the others.

"By the way, Tang Mushi did not appear in the message sent by Zhinao. He disappeared after leaving you." Xixiu thought of the surveillance sent by Zhinao just now.

"This man is very powerful. He has several sets of IDs, and his skills are even worse than mine."

Thinking about how many detours she had gone through in order to find a legal identity for Xixiu, she could easily get several of them with Tang Mushi...

"Are there any connections between these IDs and those missing people?"

Otherwise, she really doesn't know where to get so many blank IDs.

"There is no way to get it now. After he changed his ID, the network used a relay, making it difficult to query and track."

"I'll do this. After all, it's convenient for me now." Li Xianfeng is now a machine, and his consciousness can come and go freely in the network.

"Won't Qin Hongjun find out and get caught again?" Xixiu didn't dare to let him do this.

"He probably doesn't have time to care about this right now."

"No, we can't let you take risks. We have other ways."

Five yuan and seven awns are also acceptable, Xixiu will not let Li Yufeng be in danger again.

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