Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 496 - Wei An’s Past

The chewing sound continued. Feng Qiqi was busy taking photos and sent a series to Ah Xian, which almost made Ah Xian flip the table. Ah Xian, who was still recuperating, sent a long list of emoticons, made by her own face, all kinds of crying, sad, and wanting to cry but without tears, which made Feng Qiqi happy for a long time and saved it decisively. Ah Xian received the photos of Feng Qiqi and casually forwarded them to Qing Zhixun, which made Qing Zhixun regret it so much that his intestines turned green. If he had known earlier, he would have been thick-skinned and followed Xi Xiu! This night was a rare moment of relaxation for Xi Xiu after she came to Jingsu. Everyone was very happy, which made her feel that such a life could not be more arbitrary. This meal took three hours. Gaia's satellite had risen into the sky, and the bright light projected on the transparent window looked hazy and beautiful. Wei Lanshan and the others were all full, only Li Zhengfeng was still trying the taste. Xi Xiu had a smile on her lips, and Si Xi was also very happy to see her happy. Its database no longer has images of Xi Xiu's childhood, but it can easily sense all kinds of human emotions, which is a necessary skill for robots of its type.

"The little one is so happy, just like when she was a child holding you and acting like a spoiled child."

"Really? But don't you think she is the most gentle when she smiles? I like Xi Xiu like this."

Powerful, gentle, and kind.

"Oh, this is an emotion that only humans have. We are machines."

"No, machines can also feel emotions. From a scientific and technological point of view, our program and the emotions released by humans can be shared, but you are unwilling to open that valve."

This time Wu Yuan couldn't refute it.

Qi Mang has always been a man who doesn't like to talk much, but he agrees with Si Xi's point of view.

The dozen dishes on the table were eaten cleanly by six people, and Duan Shaoguang almost didn't even let go of the ingredients.

"Feng Qiqi, can you tell me the names of these dishes again? I need to take notes."

"Oh, I'll send you a copy later."

Xi Xiu tried her hand at cooking tonight and made braised pork. She bought a kind of farmed animal produced by Blue Rain Star, and this kind of meat is also added to their nutritional supplements.

Other ingredients can be bought online with a little thought, but not everyone knows how to make them.

The table was left to the robot to clean up. Wei Lanshan set the instructions and left it alone. She went to the balcony with Xi Xiu.

It was late autumn in Gaia. There were not many buildings around the laboratory. The environment was very quiet. It was not far from the famous forest hotel.

"It's beautiful here." Xi Xiu took a sip of juice from time to time.

"Well, the reason why we chose this place to build a laboratory was because she liked this environment."

The person that Wei Lanshan and Xi Xiu rarely mentioned was Xi Xiu's biological mother.

When she left, Wei Lanshan took the genetic cells from her. At the beginning, Wei Lanshan made a decision to devote her life to studying this virus thoroughly and curing people infected by it.

Later, she used her genetic cells to cultivate 99, the adult Xixiu, when she was sure of it.

If it weren't for the injection of this powerful soul, the baby 99 would never have survived.

"Auntie Lan and her have a deep relationship, I envy her." They both lost their families, but in the years of growing up, they met sisters who could fill the gaps in their families.

How lucky.

"Xixiu also met very good sisters. No matter where you are, Auntie Lan will escort you."

Her mother can no longer protect her. She created Xixiu herself, who is her mother and will do everything for her that a mother in this world would do for her daughter.

"Thank you Auntie Lan. It is Xixiu's luck to meet you in this life."

She is a grateful person.

"The road ahead may be more difficult. Are you ready?"

"Don't worry, Auntie Lan. No matter what the road ahead is, I will keep moving forward."

Xi Xiu looked at Wei Lanshan, who was hesitant to speak. Wei Lanshan noticed her hesitation and laughed: "Ask if you have any questions. I guess you probably want to ask me about the marriage application form."

Xi Xiu blushed a little after her thoughts were seen through. She was too embarrassed to do this at her age. It seemed a bit hypocritical.

She said her thoughts openly: "I don't plan to get a partner. I want to live like Auntie Lan."

"Oh, why?"

"Without so many ties, I will be free."

"Well, that's just one aspect. On the other hand, have you ever thought that you will be much more lonely if you do this?"

"Didn't Auntie Lan come through this?" Xi Xiu was puzzled. Loneliness is a skill that everyone should learn from birth. She has long been accustomed to living alone.

"No, it's different. I feel lonely too. Sometimes I think that if I have a partner who shares the same interests and can support me, I will be happier."

She missed the opportunity to submit her application because of Xixiu's mother. After being forced to match, she went to the Central Intelligence Brain alone, and finally won.

Later, the matter came to an end, and she didn't want to apply again. She plunged into biomedicine and vowed to conquer the virus.

Wei Lanshan told Xixiu about this past that she had never told anyone else.

Her experience is not worth referring to.

On the contrary, there are many loving couples in the alliance who fight together, travel the starry sea together, and raise children together. Their experiences are actually more complete, relatively speaking.

Although her pursuits were different, she had once thought about trying that kind of life.

"What about Vivian?"

"Vivian had a partner, but it was a sad ending. Not long after they formed a partnership contract, the brave man died in front of Vivian in order to save Vivian. Later, Vivian never returned. Let anyone into her heart."

Rest in silence.

She thought that the cheerful and bright Vivian wanted to see through the world like Wei Lanshan, but she didn't expect that it would be such a regrettable result.

"Vivian, she looks fine now." Xixiu had never seen sadness in her eyes.

"Time is the most magical thing. It can make people hide the things they want to hide."

The reason why Vivian stayed in Ningkui Star was because it was the place where they fell in love, and she wanted to keep the memory of the two of them.

That person is gone, and what is left is that she lives for him, and she sees the world for him.

"So, what's the real reason why you don't want to get married?" Wei Lanshan said with a playful look on her face.

Xi Xiu's previous life was probably Qi Dafei's marriage, but it made Wei Lanshan laugh again and again: "Shouldn't we be more courageous with each setback? Why would we give up the beauty of this life for an unworthy person?" ?”

Xixiu was speechless by Wei Lanshan's words. In a way, she was indeed escaping, but she still wanted to try to go out on her own without any bonds.

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