Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 500 - Dealing with Xiao Wenjiu

These people were put together, and Xue Fanhui issued an alert of an attack. Alliance guards would arrive within five minutes, and it would be up to them to deal with it then.

Xue Fanhui walked not far from Xiao Wenjiu and looked at him condescendingly, "Over the years, you have secretly caused many obstacles for me, and I have endured them. I didn't expect that this time you would directly have murderous intentions."

"Anyone who blocks my way will be killed. This is my motto." Xiao Wenjiu grinned, and his face made people feel very uncomfortable.

Xue Fanhui was a little scared. She had an exchange plan in three days, and it was obvious that Xiao Wenjiu knew about it.

Her outing today was an impromptu decision yesterday, so Xiao Wenjiu did not carefully trace who she was going to see.

So she should be grateful for his carelessness and confidence, otherwise, she would definitely be dead by now and it would be too late to call for help.

"No one can block other people's way. My achievements are obtained through my own hard work and sweat. I, Xue Fanhui, have never gained anything for nothing."

I really don't understand why she was chased and bitten by a "mad dog" like this. Ever since she was accepted by Master Gu, she has become a thorn in Xiao Wenjiu's side. This can only mean that he is not mentally sound.

Xiao Wenjiu is not afraid of being handed over to the alliance guards. He has many ways to escape.

Xue Fanhui understood why the institute's new weapons had been frequently leaked in recent years, and it must be Xiao Wenjiu's "contribution".

Xixiu has been observing Xiao Wenjiu's expression. He is not nervous at all, and is even very relaxed and happy.

He is not afraid of being imprisoned by Alliance defenders.

In other words, he still has someone to rely on.

If he can escape in the territory of the Alliance Guards, he can indeed be considered a talent.

Xixiu typed a line on the terminal and asked the central intelligence brain to do something for her. After the central intelligence brain agreed, Xixiu cut off the contact.

"Feng Hui, there's no need to talk nonsense to him."

If she grabbed Xiao Wenjiu above the starry sky, she might just take off his protective clothing and throw him outside the starry sky, so that he could feel the terror of the starry sky.

But not on the ground.

Gaia has rules, not to mention there are several lines behind it. Xiao Wenjiu's background may provide some clues to the Elders Association.

Xixiu walked up to Xiao Wenjiu, asked Wumu to turn his wrist up, opened Xiao Wenjiu's terminal, and entered a series of codes.

After finishing, she restored the terminal to its original state. Xiao Wenjiu didn't understand her unnecessary action.


Isn't this redundant?

"It's more fun than that."

Qimang is a little funny, this human being is always unexpected.

Even if Xiao Wenjiu went to Qin Hongjun for the code produced by Central Intelligent Brain, it would be useless.

The alliance guards arrived quickly. Xixiu looked at the team leader's nameplate, but he didn't expect that it was their captain Fang Jinyu who came in person.

"Captain Fang, I am Hong Xixiu, a soldier stationed in Yuanri. This is my ID. Please verify it." Xixiu put his wrist on the machine brought by Fang Jinyu.

Xiao Wenjiu's origin was briefly explained. In order to kill Xue Fanhui, he used a destruction robot, and his hovercraft had weapons that were only used in interstellar wars.

Fang Jinyu followed the procedure and connected Xiao Wenjiu's terminal to the Alliance Guard system, and soon all of Xiao Wenjiu's data appeared on it.

Fang Jinyu raised his eyebrows. Why would this seemingly promising weapon master take such a risk to kill another weapon master who was more talented than him?

Is it just out of jealousy? Not necessarily.

"Okay, Captain Hong, thank you for your hard work. Let us handle the rest."

Fang Jinyu asked Xue Fanhui a few questions according to the procedure, and whether he would spend the holidays with Xiao Wenjiu.

"Also, Captain Fang, I couldn't call the Alliance Guard just now."

Xue Fanhui was afraid that Xixiu would not be able to catch up and there were too many people on the other side, so she wanted to ask the alliance guards for help, but her message fell into disarray and was not sent at all.

"Try again now." Fang Jinyu felt that the problem might be serious.

Xue Fanhui tried it according to the operation, and now she can be connected. However, it was clear that she could not send just now, and her sending record is still there...

"I'll use an instrument to copy the information you just gave me, intercept the environmental signals at the time, and take them back for analysis. I'll tell you the results right away."

"Okay, thank you Captain Fang."

Fang Jinyu took Xiao Wenjiu and more than 30 people and left in the Alliance Guard's detention vehicle, dragging Xiao Wenjiu's hovercraft behind.

Why Xue Fanhui's distress signal could not be sent? There seemed to be nothing special about the environment at that time. This problem could only be dealt with by the alliance guards.

Xixiu connected to the terminal and pulled out the central intelligence brain. "Didn't you say that the other party can no longer control you?" This problem is serious!

"It's true that he can't. This time he used a new blocking system, so the message couldn't be successfully delivered. I can't crack it yet."

"However, you could still locate Xue Fanhui's position at that time, which is very contradictory."

"It is indeed a contradiction, but even if he can be like this, I have no idea how to solve it."

"The problem lies with their equipment." Xue Fanhui thought about the cause and effect, and the abnormality that occurred at the moment she sent the distress signal.

The message she sent went around in a circle and then returned to the same place, so the message was sent out, but was pulled back again.

There is a new device on Xiao Wenjiu's floating boat. This idea was projected by a senior from the First Research Institute during a public communication not long ago.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Wenjiu remembered it, stole other people's ideas, and blatantly implemented them.

It's really disgusting.

He used to say that he stole other people's ideas, but in the end, he was the one who was immoral.

However, he still has some talent in practice. He completed this project in such a short time, and the effect is not bad.

If he uses his abilities in the right place and concentrates on research and development, he will definitely be able to achieve greater results, but the premise is that his heart must be kind.

Not taking the right path, all used in evil ways, may also be due to being "influenced" by others, and receiving this kind of education since childhood.

"Well, Fanhui, you should be happy that you have solved a hidden enemy."

Otherwise, if she is caught off guard in secret, Xue Fanhui may not be able to solve the crisis.

"Yes, I have tolerated him for a long time."

After arriving at the First Research Institute, Xiao Wenjiu would appear in front of her from time to time. The two departments had some business dealings, so it was unavoidable.

After she entered the institute, she had been following another disciple of Master Jian, so she had basically no time to go out.

In the First Institute, Xiao Wenjiu had no chance to take action, and Xue Fanhui's outing for communication was also an accident, and the other party specifically asked her to go.

It seems that she fell into someone else's trap, one thing after another.

As for why Xiao Wenjiu took action in advance, it might be because he thought that she was out this time to deal with an emergency, and she was even less prepared.

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