Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 502 -Previous estimates

Li Xianfeng even had a slight appreciation for Tang Mushi, because in his era, warriors relied on their own martial arts to fight without mental assistance, relying purely on personal experience and skills.

It's dangerous, but it's a way to survive in the sea of ​​blood with real guns and knives.

He didn't expect that someone in Jingsu would fight in such a way, and he couldn't help but respect Tang Mushi more.

Although his method was intended to cannibalize, he still had such an attitude after all, so Li Xianfeng accompanied him in this attack.

The more Tang Mushi fought, the more surprised he became. This robot was obviously very good at thinking. This kind of thinking ability was not comparable to that of artificial intelligence.

Intelligence has an advantage in data calculation, but experience is very imaginary and difficult to calculate based on data.

He became more and more convinced of his suspicions.

Qin Hongjun will not easily let the consciousness he controls go out. Even if he goes out, he will make corresponding restrictions and it is impossible to change sides.

If he really met that person here today, he might have a chance to counter him.

Qin Hongjun once gave them a method of restriction, but he didn't know if this restriction rule would still be effective now that he could escape Qin Hongjun's control.

But give it a try.

Tang Yonghuang had been observing the battle between his father and Li Yongfeng, and he found that he didn't even know his father's true strength.

Over the years, he has been busy traveling around various galaxies. Tang Yonghuang thought that his father was at most a little stronger than himself.

But this is clearly a world of difference.

He paid attention to several movements. It was impossible for him to avoid them. He understood how insurmountable this gap was.

This is probably the result of Tang Mushi's pursuit of stronger power.

Does that mean that she and he can achieve the same level of achievement as their father in the future?

Tang Yonghuang's heart, which had lost confidence in improving his strength, instantly burst into flames like a relit wick.

The battle between Tang Mushi and Li Xianfeng seemed to be evenly matched at first, but after two hundred moves, Tang Mushi's moves became a bit messy and lacked stamina.

A smile suddenly appeared on the corners of Li Fengfeng's lips. Compared with his endurance and durability, the alliance had never been able to find anyone who could match him before.

Even now, there are only a handful of them.

Tang Mushi still underestimated him.

After fighting for nearly three hundred moves, Tang Mushi felt a huge drain on himself.

The opponent is a machine, and there will be no problems such as lack of physical strength.

He needs to replenish his strength to win this battle.

However, Wei Lanshan will be back soon, and he can't afford it.

After comprehensive consideration, Tang Mushi made a gesture to Tang Yonghuang, and Tang Yonghuang understood the meaning of the gesture.

He took off the three rings on his hands, as well as the watches on his wrists. He pressed the terminal's control system and these things turned into mini robots.

After receiving the order, these robots ran directly towards Li Xianfeng. Tang Yonghuang also followed. Li Xianfeng was surrounded by everyone.

There was no expression on his face, but after seeing Tang Yonghuang's robot, he used his mental power to form a barrier to protect the most important position.

These robots were made by Qin Hongjun.

Specifically designed to deal with disobedient consciousness.

They can enter the machine's body through the smallest cracks.

And the target of their attack is the container where consciousness is stored.

Fortunately, he gave Wu Jingyang some advice, so the storage location of his consciousness was changed.

These robots are not yet able to successfully find the location of his consciousness. Before that, he can just destroy these machines.

Li Xianfeng's aura changed instantly. With this ability to control the situation, Tang Mushi finally determined the identity of the robot.

Even if you want to retreat at this time, you can't.

The arrow has left the string.

Li Xianfeng took out his weapon.

His weapon is not a sword or his usual knife, but is made of special material and is specially used to deal with small destroying robots.

This weapon is attractive to the robot's body and can be attached to the target as long as it hits the target.

Neither Tang Yonghuang nor Tang Mushi expected that someone would be so familiar with Qin Hongjun's work.

Li Xianfeng had a sneer on his face.

During the years when he was imprisoned by Qin Hongjun, although he was not allowed to be free and tried to keep himself in a calm state, he sometimes still used his mental energy to observe.

He knew exactly what he was doing in private, not to mention that Qin Hongjun liked to show off in front of him.

Tang Yonghuang was a little anxious when he saw that the robot he had released was easily obtained by Li Xianfeng. He took out a handful from the space and threw them all at Li Xianfeng.

Tang Mushi didn't stop either. He and Tang Yonghuang held Li Yifeng back, hoping to buy time for the others.

The situation at Duan Shaoguang's place was not too dangerous. He sent a message to Wei Lanshan. He just had to hold on to the place before Wei Lanshan came back.

At this time, he missed Fu Chen very much.

Because that guy has good experimental skills and explosive combat power, his combat power is relatively weak.

Liu Yao looked at these people who had broken through the third barrier with cold eyes, feeling that none of their faces were friendly.

They are both human beings, but the difference between them and Xixiu is really huge.

Its mechanical finger bones made a crisp sound, "clucking".

Wei Lanshan did not give it instructions to kill, but today, it really wanted to violate its original intention of coming to this world.

It knows that its procedures are different from those of Wuyuan and Qimang. It has more prohibitions, including one that it is not allowed to kill humans at will, and it is not allowed to use its five largest weapons.

Wei Lanshan is a ruthless person, so none of her robots are good-natured. They don't take the initiative to cause trouble, but they are not afraid of it either.

But these people are getting closer.

Duan Shaoguang is not Fu Chen.

Once the enemy breaks through, it is very likely that this place cannot be defended if it does not start killing.

"Xiao Duan, you just have to hold the door later and leave the rest to me."

"Well, okay, don't worry, I won't hold you back." His martial arts skills are not particularly bad, and he can still put up a good fight.

But not as ruthless as Fu Chen.

But, what does Liu Yao mean?

After following Wei Lanshan, he had never seen Liu Yao like this.

After Liu Yao finished speaking, he went out.

It has no intention of sitting still.

The martial arts and mental strength levels of these people are no joke.

It must block these people in the fifth level of protection so that Wei Lanshan can rush back in time.

Liuyao changed its form. At this moment, it was in combat mode, a look that Duan Shaoguang had never seen before.

Although its arms are not as many as five yuan, there are still three pairs of them. Each one holds a different weapon. Without exception, they are all sharp blades that can cut through mechas.

The other party only realized after Liuyao cut off the arms of several people that the level of this robot exceeded their previous estimates.

Once again, the intelligence information was inaccurate.

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