Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 506 - Never appeared again

However, this place is not easy to find.

"Senior, you plan to go alone?" Xixiu was worried.

"I won't go at the moment." He didn't know if Qin Hongjun had any other perverted programs. If he went, he might be falling into a trap.

Although he is not afraid of death now, if Qin Hongjun uses him to go against Jingsu's soldiers, this is not what he wants to see.

He was still frightened by the horror of having his consciousness controlled by others.

Before Wu Jingyang develops a protective device, it's better not to get close to Qin Hongjun.

"It's inappropriate to send anyone there." Everyone understood the meaning of Wei Lanshan's words.

If the people sent out are accidentally recruited, let’s not say whether the information they bring back is accurate or not. How can they be sure that they are still on our side?

"Now we can only wait for the war to break out, and then go to the star areas where the war has not broken out. Only those places may be his hideouts."

The places Xixiu and the others discovered before, including the place where Li Yifeng had been for hundreds of years, were not Qin Hongjun's real nest.

"I'll deal with the Tang family's matter first." Wei Lanshan forwarded the surveillance video to the Alliance Guards, the Elders Council, and each of the Qing family and the Chu family.

While they were waiting for someone to arrive, they analyzed the mentality of the Tang family and the recent direction of the alliance.

The safety levels of twenty galaxies have been raised, waiting for the storm to come.

Xixiu took the time to read Xue Fanhui's marriage application. She wrote it in great detail, even marking the color of the other person's eyes.

Wan Youlin listened on the sidelines, talked about his experience, and suggested that she change the conditions to something more practical.

Such as personality, combat skills, and the profession of your opponent.

Xue Fanhui didn't expect this, but it seemed that he had experience.

However, she did not change the color of her eyes, because she found that she really liked the deep black pupils, just like Xixiu's eyes, which had a gentleness that made people want to be intoxicated.

"As a profession, choose one that is similar to mine. That way we can have a common topic."

Instrument master versus master?

However, given Xue Fanhui's focused personality, the two of them may have to communicate through devices.

She is not someone who has something to say to everyone she meets.

Xixiu looked at it and found that she had thought very comprehensively. She no longer needed to give her any advice. She only mentioned the other party's place of work and the place of residence after retirement for Xue Fanhui to choose.

It will be their home in the future.

"Xixiu, where will you go after you retire?" Xue Fanhui wanted to get closer to Xixiu.

"I'll go to Anville." She has already designed the house, and she even got rid of Youlian and Charlotte to help her check it out.

It's right next to Axian's Silver Waterfall house, and the environment there couldn't be better.

"Then I will choose the galaxy closest to Anvil to settle down. Zhen is in Sulena, so it's not too far away." It was such a happy decision.


Xixiu and Xue Fanhui were talking happily when the alliance guards and people from the Qing family arrived. Fang Jinwen, Fang Jinyu's younger brother, and Qing Zhixun came.

"Dr. Wei, grandpa asked me to see if you still need help." Qing Zhixun looked very humble to Wei Lanshan.

"I'll leave these people of the Tang family to you. Find out whose thugs those guards are. I just want the results." Wei Lanshan doesn't care about the process. She knows very well what others want.

Once these experimental subjects survive the drug test, they will become the second Ye Zhenwei, and even go further than Ye Zhenwei.

His abilities are also superior to hers, and his body will not collapse.

As long as they train with peace of mind and are not impatient, they can always get unexpected results.

That's why the Tang family took the risk and wanted to gain greater recognition from Qin Hongjun. Or maybe they had selfish motives and cultivated these warriors to become their own strength.

Fang Jinwen took the people away, while Qing Zhixun stayed to deal with the scene. Here is the remaining data from their destruction of the laboratory's defense system.

If the opponent uses this method in future battles, they can at least be prepared in advance, and maybe they can develop a defense system to counter them.

Qing Zhixun took the time to glance at Xixiu and found that she had full hair and beard, and felt much more relaxed.

There will be danger wherever this guy goes, and he really can't worry about it for a moment.

It seems that I have to stay with her from now on and not go anywhere. I can't separate. Otherwise, I really don't know what danger she will encounter.

Although her abilities were more than enough to deal with these, he still couldn't help but worry.

Xue Fanhui and Xixiu were talking, and they were keenly aware of the gaze directed at Xixiu. When she looked up, she didn't find the owner of that gaze.

Strange, who is thinking about her cabbage again?

After handling the matters in the laboratory, Qing Zhixun said hello to the others before leaving. He specifically asked about Li Yifeng's battle against Tang Mushi, as well as some details of the other party's sudden attack.

"Senior, the other party suddenly attacked like this. Neither the Alliance Guards nor the Council of Elders were able to get the information immediately. It is logical that our intelligence system cannot keep up."

"Why don't the Tang Family Elders Association move?"

Qing Zhixun was somewhat aware of this reason. Because he had taken Ye Zhenwei into consideration before, he did not take action immediately.

"Ye Zhenwei's situation, I don't know what it was like before. Since Tang Mushi can back up his consciousness, will he let Ye Zhenwei do the same?"

"But there is a prerequisite for this. Ye Zhenwei will listen to Tang Mushi's words."

This is not a worry-free master. With Ye Zhenwei's character, it is impossible to be controlled by others.

"You have to think about it, if the other party gives her the data of her body, will she cooperate?"

With how much she cared about her life, there was no way she would let herself die like this.

Will not be reconciled.

"If it were me, I might hesitate." Qing Zhixun frowned and said, not everyone has the courage to face death.

Ye Zhenwei has been tortured by the virus for so many years. Her desire to survive is stronger than everyone else, and she is more eager to live than everyone else.

"Yes." Anyone can do it.

"I will start with her disappearance and focus on her situation while stationed in the Fringe."

It is a big leap for a person to suddenly change her gender and sacrifice herself for the alliance, based on her own selfishness.

"All the previous data showed normal, which is already abnormal. Ye Zhenwei didn't have any emotional fluctuations. Do you think it's possible? Also, the Yuanchu Hong you mentioned has never appeared again since he disappeared. ”

This talent is the key.

If you find this person, you will know what happened when Ye Zhenwei disappeared. Based on his years of experience analysis, Ye Zhenwei is likely to listen to Yuan Chuhong's words.

"Okay, that's what I planned, and I have been sending people to investigate this matter, but no useful information has been obtained yet."

Yuan Chuhong must have changed his appearance, and it will take time to find traces of him.

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